Posted : 8/9/2014 10:49:59 PM
Fantastic photos, Doug! What an amazing sight that must have been!
Jackie, I hope you got your eggs at the market.
Julie, I hope the water training went well.
Kate, if your weeds are anything like mine, just when you think you've cleared an area of all weeds, you turn to do another section, and when you look back at that first patch, you find weeds have appeared again! ![Tongue Tied](/emoticons/emotion-7.gif)
Mellow day today. Started with a long walk with Ruby and my friend (we saw a deer in someone's yard - no fawns with it. Ruby spotted it, but it ducked into the woods before we got closer). Did some laundry and ironing, ran some errands, made a few phone calls, balanced the checkbook. Pretty exciting stuff.
Tonight the first episode of the new TV series, "Outlander," is on. I read the first book years ago, but never read the sequels. I remember feeling conflicted about the book: not being able to put it down, but being a little annoyed by some aspects of it feeling too "Harlequin Romance -like." But, both DH and I love anything about Scotland, and that's where it's set, so we'll record the episode and see what it's like.