Posted : 6/6/2014 12:06:03 PM
Julie, you can see more details of Ruby's Not-So-Excellent Fish Oil Adventure in yesterday's thread.
She seems fine. She threw up 4 times yesterday, but no problems after eating dinner or breakfast this AM. Interestingly, she has NOT had diarrhea, which we fully expected. Everything looks normal. The carpet is another story. You can't see a stain, but the odor lingers. I'll call the carpet cleaning guys again today and see what they suggest. Maybe brushing baking soda into the area?
Are there walk-in clinics near you, Julie? We have these great places called Zoom Care that are open 7 days a week, so it's perfect for what you're dealing with. Hope you feel better soon!
Karen, that's too bad your work contract just got changed. But at least you'll have some more time in your schedule for a bit, right? I'll go check out your thread about Bugsy's lump -- that doesn't sound good.
I don't have any living relatives with experiences connected to D-Day, but it's very moving to see the coverage on TV, such as interviews with some of the soldiers who WERE there, talking about their memories of it. Like Tom Brokaw calls them, they really were the greatest generation.