Posted : 8/16/2013 6:20:24 PM
Dino is a no-go with my dog. He's actually aggressive IMO. I was impressed with Ari - she quickly picked up he wasn't interested, walked away from him and ignored him. He was a lunging, snarling shark. Oh well. I told my mom she'd benefit from taking him to a behaviorist to work on that, desensitize him to large dogs enough that he doesn't turn into foaming at the mouth creature.
We tried walking him around Ari, who was laying down, relaxed, not even caring about his presence - but at one point my mom lost the leash enough that he lunged and nearly bit Ari in the face - who at that point wasn't even looking at him. Ugh. Ari took it in stride, air snapped at him then went back to trying to mooch belly rubs from me and sneaking attack kisses, while my mom grabbed the leash back and removed Dino from the area. He doesn't do this with small dogs. With dogs his own size, he calmly greets, butt sniffs and either play bows or just ignores them after the sniffing ceremony.
Learned more about Dino's behavior and about Ari. I was impressed with Ari and I don't think I give her enough credit now that she's older. She remained nonplussed about the whole ordeal. Neither dog is worse for the wear and I'm going to see about a behaviorist for Dino. Wish my mom were up in NH to see the trainer we went to. Maybe he knows folks in Mass - worth an ask at least!