Posted : 7/29/2013 3:57:15 PM
Good thoughts for Abby. I hope it's nothing serious.
Tracy - I'm glad you're having fun and DH is taking care of things at home. My DH is pretty good with the laundry and does it often. I do set aside anything I wanted washed but not dried but otherwise, my stuff is pretty easy.
DH was trying to set something up with our server last night and we ended up losing all internet service. Not a super big deal since I can get my emails via my smartphone but still annoying. He had to go get a new router and things are restored.
I went grocery shopping and came home and washed my very dirty car. Then I did some more weeding and clean-up until my back was screaming "no more!!" I've really used and abused my back and knees this weekend and they haven't appreciated it.
Shane has been getting more and more bold about wandering off to explore when we're out front. He'd been really good about coming when called but the other day, he completely blew me off. I knew it was time to start working on "come" again, so I'd been carrying treats with me at all times and things had improved. Well, this morning I went into the garage to grab something and when I walked back out seconds later, I couldn't see Shane anywhere. I called for him but he didn't come running. At the same time, I see my neighbor wheeling his trashcan down to the curb but there's a row of bushes, so I can't see anything but his head. I just knew Shane was with him. Sure enough, I call "Shane - come" louder and he comes bounding through the bushes looking as happy as can be. I praised him for coming but put him on a tie out for the remainder of the time I was out there. The neighbor came over a few min's later to introduce himself, so I guess Shane didn't scare him too badly ;)