Talk me out of Dobes and GSDs :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh yeah, with GSDs hair sucks, with dobes posting ears sucks.


    But you can leave the ears natural.... No one in the UK alters Dobe's ears.  That said, I love the erect-ear look on dobes Smile

    • Gold Top Dog


    Oh yeah, with GSDs hair sucks, with dobes posting ears sucks.


    But you can leave the ears natural.... No one in the UK alters Dobe's ears.  That said, I love the erect-ear look on dobes Smile


    True, but it is so hard to find a reputable breeder in the US that doesn't have ears cropped prior to going home. A lot of working breeders will let you leave them natural though. I like both, natural and cropped. Can tails still be docked in the UK? I know some places can't but wasn't sure where.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Can tails still be docked in the UK? I know some places can't but wasn't sure where.

    I'm fairly certain that docking is banned in the UK.


    • Gold Top Dog

    GSDs can have trouble with ears standing as well.  Personally I think it's genetics and poor breeding when a breeder consistently has dogs with weak ears that need to be taped or glued.  Nikon's went up and down and out to the side but in time they stood on their own and are set fine.  But every once in a while you do get one that never stands.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to agree with this. But there are other factors to contend with on the ears. For example Kord has these big huge gigantic heavy honkin ears. They went up, and down and up and down and then up, but one stayed down, the vet said the weight and possibly hitting it made gave it a "kink" the ear could not recover from. So for the first time ever, I had to have a dogs ears taped. Incedently it was his tatoo'd ear that we had the problem with.

    WHY MOM....WHY? at 4 months.

    1 month later.......yeah!




    • Gold Top Dog

    I heard that the tat'd ear can be a problem, especially since I had Nikon's tat done at 12 weeks rather than 7 or 8.  I don't think his ears were up at 4 months either, but the breeder said she waits until 6 and only then is it rare that she still has to tape.  It also depends on where the ear is folding, if the base is up at all or if the ear is totally dropped like a lab.  A lot of people tape no matter what, or tape before that but often those ears would have stood on their own given time and a bit more chewing.  They go up and down during teething and Nikon was done teething 6-7 months.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Really, the only "talking out of" GSDs I could give you would to tell you that they're not at all healthy as a breed....not at all :(

    But they are wonderful companions and I don't see myself being without one 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hehe even though we're probably a year or two away from getting a dog, I already talked to the SO about Dobes and GSDs.  He's more keen on a GSD, for cold tolerance (he really wants a dog he can bring out for winter sports).

    What sort of health issues could I expect with a GSD (aside from hip dysplasia?)  When we got Ari, we got her knowing there's a fairly good chance of losing her at a young age to cancer.  It's a big risk in the breed, and it hits them young.  Other than that they are "typically" a healthy breed.  We deal with her touchy stomach, yeasty ears, but those aren't big deals for us.  I could, honestly, deal well with a dog that needed special consideration, but an active dog is a must around here Wink  

    I would still love a Dobe, but I'm not sure I can talk the SO into it Sad and he's already put a limit on me as to how many dogs are allowed in the house!  He only wants two.  Maaaybe when we add our second dog in a year or two, I can convince him that if you have two, what's a third Stick out tongue

    You guys are awesome, thanks for talking me out of this!  I'm very much talked into BOTH of these breeds (then again looking at the Dobes and GSDs on the boards, how can one resist?).  It'll ultimately come down to what the SO and I are both comfortable with and desire.  Now I'm just counting down the days till we can bring home a brother for Ari!  Financially we're not ready for dog 2, unfortunately. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Degenerative Myelopathy
    Elbow Dysplasia
    Toxic Gut
    vWD (yes, GSDs can have it)
    Cardio (not terribly common, but it's in the lines now)

    These are just SOME of them....the big ones

    • Gold Top Dog

     I don't know how common it is, but one of my friend's GSDs (along with Kaiser) has perianal fistulas and we only live about 10 miles apart...Her boy also has EPI :(

    • Gold Top Dog

    Skin allergies. Though that may be more demographic. When I moved south I brought my then 7 year old girl Babe and my 13 year old cat Mr. M'ow. We had no trouble that first year but by the time spring came around I had both with allergies. Never before had they had any kind of trouble, food or enviormental. Babe suffered more, but she was a plush coat.

    Kord has both, food and enviormental. And my 2 current cats have nothing. All 3 were born in this state, the cats in town (rescues), Kords breeder is more Megan's way. Your way more north so it may not be an issue for you.

    And oh my gosh, winter is their favorite time of year. I had to beg to get Babe in and I have to limit Kord as well, they would play in the snow for HOURS if I allowed it.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah I'd definitely also include allergies (severe), SIBO, fistulas, and mega-e as ones I hear of all the time.  Luckily neither of mine have anything (yet).
    • Gold Top Dog

    They may both LOOK like good guard dogs...


    ...but mine do not take their job very seriously...

    They spend too much time ganging up on the dog who actually IS a good guard dog!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Wow that is quite a list of health concerns to consider.  Allergies and skin issues are probably the least of my concerns, I'm more worried about more serious ailments (not that those aren't, but they are probably easier managed/treated than some others). 

    Megan, I'm glad guard dog duty isn't necessary for us - b/c frankly you have some seriously cute slackers there! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My GSD also had a spina bifida (mild on the 6-7th lumbar vertbrae) and an autoimmune disorder (lupus variation) that caused brittle toenails which would shed and expose the quick.  You need also be very careful of temperments.   You do realize that belgians do offer an alternative.  There are some health issues and well at temperments, but much of what you want can be found in four different wrappings in a belgian.