Guess Bugsy's breeds

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess Bugsy's breeds

    Ok dog breed experts let me hear your best guesses - we don't' and will never know exactly

    He is just shy of 29” at the withers and is slightly taller than long (28”).  He has a long thin tail that is UP or out most of the time. It is rarely down.  His current weight is 106.8lbs and I think it is a great weight for him.  His chest measures 41”.  His hind quarters are ripped.

    His coat is very, very short and is a very dark black/brown brindle, the hair down his spine and tail is slightly longer. The white on his chest is two different types – the lower part is very sparse and white hair, his neck is much fuller hair with some ticking.  The skin under all of it is pink with black spots. His feet are spotted and have white on them.  Some nails are black, some clear.

    He is a very slight underbite.  He does have a ‘soft’ mouth.  His jaws are super powerful. His eyes are amber/yellow.  His ears are very thin, thinner than a lab. His legs are thinner than a labs too.

    He rarely barks, howls if you do (or if you play trumpet), and makes a bizarre noise when he trees a cat.

    He has hare type feet with the middle two toes longer than the others and what I would term partially webbed feet – I am not an expert on this terminology so I hope this info is correct.

    He is very driven – be it prey, play, work, whatever he is intense and focused.  He is hunting/sniffing/searching all the time.  He does not relax outside EVER, he works. Favorite prey are waterfowl, deer, moles and cats although anything that moves is game.  He often carries (and chews) sticks on his walks.

    He is not food motivated – this is a dog that just yesterday on our walk was sniffing the ground and went right over the remains of a chocolate bar as if it weren’t there, something else was his interest.  This is normal.  Spill food all over the kitchen and he won’t even try to eat it.  Give him something new and he will carefully inspect it, nibble at it and decide whether he will eat it.

    He is not biddable, is independent, confident, high energy, not concerned with pleasing you, very bright, and has a great nose. He points since a pup.  His is very agile for a dog his size and is super aware of the what ground he is on.  He loves to leap.

    He loves Frisbee, running with the bike or trotting along on a run/walk, favorite game is ‘find it’, and loves to swim if there are waterfowl to chase.  Fetch is not something he will play for more than 2-3 throws. He loves to be on the move, when we first got him he was about 12-14 weeks old and we would walk him 2 miles at a time 2 times a day and he would look at you like is that all?

    He loves people and loves dogs.

    Not sure what else I can say about it that would help.  I do not know his mix and as he has grown it has become more of an conundrum thus this post.  These pictures in the link below I was amazed at the shoulder area which has developed in the last year or so.

    Body pictures here

    chest shot
    pardon the drool
    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

     I was going to say maybe dane (or heck, even a lab since they seem to be getting so huge these days), some kind of pointer breed, and boxer.  His face (looking right at you) just says boxer to me for some reason.



    • Gold Top Dog

    Boxer for his chest configuration, Dane for his size and GSP for everything great about him (oops, couldn't keep the bias out).  No really, GSP for his tail, ear shape and set, short dense coat and his tracking/pointing drive.

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    • Gold Top Dog

     FWIW my guess is dane/boxer and gsp.  We have seen some pictures of GSP's that he has strong facial resemblance with, then add in the drive, the 'for his size' lighter bone structure, & ticking under the neck makes it a strong guess.

    Interestingly our vet on the last visit wondered if he was weimaraner/boxer because he sees many tall weims these days. LOL then he said he thought he was a tough one to call.

    Another dog that I see from time to time that he resembles is a plott hound and that might account for the very dark brindle

    It is the shoulders and chest that throw me these days, most of the time now I say bird dog and mastiff type breed with perhaps a touch of hound.  There is definitely bird dog/gun dog and mastiff (boxer, dane) in there

    Lots of people instantly say lab (usually because they think he is black or brown) but I seriously doubt it.  People that know him and know retreivers say no way, which I find interesting.

    thanks for the guesses folks!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm going to go with the vet on this one and say I see weim - I've seen pictures of countless weims over the past 18 months and I see weim in Bugsy's head, plus the lighter bone in his legs.  My guess is that one of Bugsy's parents was a weim/gsp mix and the other was a dane. 

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    • Gold Top Dog

     OK let's get Lani in on this LOL

    I need to find out what breeds come in very dark brindle...................

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've always thought Bugsy was Dane/Lab. 


     OK let's get Lani in on this LOL

    I need to find out what breeds come in very dark brindle...................

    Well, of the breeds mentioned already- Boxer.  Danes come in brindle, too, but I haven't see a dark one.   A "brindle breed" that hasn't been mentioned is Bullmastiff.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My guess is ...... Plot or Coon hound a few generations back along with some GSP, mixed with Great Dane, Lab, Boxer, and maybe some Mastif of some sort? Bull Mastff would be a good guess IMO - I've seen quite a few without a ton of wrinkles.....

    But, I would call him an All American Bugsy Dawg! And, if ever you decide to breed this rare breed - I wasnt to be #1 on the puppy waiting list!!! Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Plott hound is a very interesting idea.  I've always agreed with your guess of GSP and Dane.  That would about cover it.  I wouldn't throw in many more breeds, because the first thing to go in a multi-level cross is size.  Even if you cross two "giants" together you start getting smaller dogs. 

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    • Gold Top Dog

    I wouldn't throw in many more breeds, because the first thing to go in a multi-level cross is size.  Even if you cross two "giants" together you start getting smaller dogs.

    Thanks Becca that is the sort of technical info I was hoping you would have Big Smile


    • Gold Top Dog

    Karen, I have no guesses, but will say that he is tall, dark, & handsome (with great muscles) - everything I've always wanted in a man.  Too bad he's a dog...Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    Goodness he's handsome!!!  Sorry - I didn't see the thread earlier (man, sometimes STUFF takes over... all sorts of stuff, and nothing in particular!)

    I think he's a great weight, FWIW.  He loooks well muscled and just in gorgeous condition!

    I don't know that I see weim, but weimies come in any number of head types.. so it's absolutely possible.  My guess would be similar to those already mentioned... except I see English pointer in that tail carriage, long whippy and carried in that manner, it just looks SO English Pointer to me.

    So, I'd say Great Dane, GSP/EP and Boxer.  :o)

    Have you thought about doing that DNA test???


    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmm Do you think he might be purebred Dane?

    Total guesses here but Great Dane/Labrador Retreiver

    Or perhaps Mastiff/Greyhound/Boxer lol

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    • Gold Top Dog

     thanks for the input - Lani from what I have heard the DNA test isn't worth the $$, many people have gotten absurd results - also although I would enjoy knowing his 'breeds' it really has no bearing.  I have at times thought maybe English pointer, he definitely is wired to point and Diane303 (something like that, has a rescue EP) and I have waterfowl war stories that are very similar.  Truthfully though I am not great with breed specifics.  Show me a purebred dog and I'll know what it is but ask me defining features, not so much.

    Lani thank you also for the feedback on his weight - I obsess about it at times.  He is sooooo active and so big I want him to be able to be active for a long time.

    I think the black/dark brown brindle may be the key but I have never seen another dog so darkly brindled.

    Interestingly we went out to a shopping area this afternoon and an outdoor shop allows dogs in.  So we were doing some training in there and the owner said he had a lab/boxer mix and said wow your dog is just a beast, we chatted about the differences between B and his dog and this man was like there is definitely something huge in your guy LOL

    Once again thank you all for joining in the fun. 

    Tina Bugsy asked me to tell you he is the strong silent type with a gentle side Wilted Flower