The "doodle" craze

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ginger's former owner listed her as a PooChi. I've no idea if she was intentionally bred or not, I adopted her when she was 10.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that my dog is adorableWink, but I don't think intentional mixes are necessary. Shelters are full of homeless, cute small dogs. 

    ETA that you'll never hear me call my dog a Poo anythingStick out tongue  She's a poodle/chihuahua mix and that's that
    • Gold Top Dog

    wolf doodles?!?! Oh my....

    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG I did a search on a saint benard X doddle:  What a shame they did this.

    and the Benese doddle.

    This one is really sad look at his legs.  A bassetoddle.

    The American Hybrid club (never heard of them) posted this link.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh geez, don't even get me started.  As an owner of 4 poodles, I can only cringe when I hear about all these 'designer breeds'.  If they want the wonderful qualities of the poodle, JUST GET A POODLE!  What better way to get those qualities?  Why settle for half a good thing when you can have it all??!!   They come in 3 sizes and multiple colors.  You can even get on the 'Parti' train and get multiple colors!! 

     I've shared in other posts how when I go out with my male people stop me all the time and tell me they want to breed their dog to him.  Why?  Lots of wonderful reasons: he's so cute, I love his hair, I love his color, he's so cool, my puppies won't shed...  Shall I go on?  These aren't kids, these are adults. Do they care about what his personality is like, if he's genetically sound, if he's registered, if he's been shown??? 

    But hey, I did hear of some Dobiedoodles were going for $1800.00!!!!  Hmmm.....  And Boxerdoodles really bring in the bucks too.  And did you know that Weimeroodles are really, really cute and people pay big bucks for them too?   'Cuz they don't shed, you know.  What am I thinking???  I could get rich because I have a really cute, really nice boy poodle!  Am I nuts???  I gotta get on that money train!!! 

    UGHH.  I'll tell you one thing, Rex will never be used to breed mutt puppies.  Not that there's anything wrong with mutts - they make the best pets in the world, and I've dearly loved the mutts we've adopted into our home over the years.  But there are way too many unwanted designer mutts in the pounds.  None of Rex's genes will be used to create more. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't you guys remember my "Pork Noodle" thread from a few months back? This was a REAL ad in our local paper.  A friend called--it was a Yorkie/Poodle mix.The "breeder" (I use the term loosely) wanted a catchy name for them.  It worked. Barf-o-rama.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have an irishdoodle at our dog park that was adopted.  I can see why because his is a handful and huge!  Way way more difficult than my setter. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Oh geez, don't even get me started.  As an owner of 4 poodles, I can only cringe when I hear about all these 'designer breeds'.  If they want the wonderful qualities of the poodle, JUST GET A POODLE!  What better way to get those qualities?  Why settle for half a good thing when you can have it all??!!  



    I don't get it either. When I hear people say they want a mini-labra/golden/whatever doodle, I always say why not go with a full poodle?  They are such amazing dogs, my grandmother used to have two mini poodles and they were SOOO smart and just great dogs.  I guess that's not "trendy" enough for most people though.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Most of the people I've met that were sold on the "doodle" thing honestly believed that you can get a shed-free, hypoallergenic dog from crossing a poodle and a lab.  They didn't seem to realize that the same qualities they are looking for are found in a straight up poodle, nor that NO dog is truly shed-free and hypoallergenic.

    I do the web site for our training club so I update all the class graduations and brags.  There was this dog that passed the CGC and when I got the list her breed said "Daisy Dog".  I thought maybe her name is Daisy and that's a cute name for a shelter mix.  No, apparently the Daisy Dog is some designer mix (I can't even remember or keep track anymore) and the owner planned to breed her!  I was so tempted to list her as a "mix" or "All American" (how I list rescue/shelter/stray mixes) but I didn't want to get into it.

    Luckily, the majority of the time people intentionally mix breed GSDs (with Malinois) is for good reason (police or PPD dogs).

    • Gold Top Dog

     Now, it isn't enough for the idiots to breed a two breed mix - now they have to put three in the mix...apparently, a daisy dog is a bichon, poodle, shih tzu hybrid.  Oye.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Daisy Dog?  All I can think of is Daisy Duke in cut offs! ROFLLLL

    • Gold Top Dog

     Honestly - I think the "oh the pups will be hypoallergenic" is just an EXCUSE.  "Poodle" is, unfortunately, a great word to add to OTHER breed labels to make a cutesy "new" breed name.  Because it's got "poo" in it.  Sorry but THATs the long and short of it and it makes me want toIck! aswell

    • Gold Top Dog

    My daughter friends bought a golden/doddle not only did they pay a lot of money for him they shipped him from some breeder out west..  I was like...  what?????Angry


    • Gold Top Dog

    My daughter friends bought a golden/doddle not only did they pay a lot of money for him they shipped him from some breeder out west..  I was like...  what?????Angry


    Sometimes I really miss that head-banging-on-wall icon we used to have.

    Oh and by the way I am loving reading your posts even more than usual right now because your sig piccy keeps making me giggle.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh and by the way I am loving reading your posts even more than usual right now because your sig piccy keeps making me giggle.  

    Me too....I think my trainer would have a few issues with River! ROTFLMBO!

    Chuffy - I personally would never buy a dog called a Poo-huahua or a just makes me think that all there gonna do is go #2 on the carpet! LOL! I keep seeing these 2y/o Poo-whatever's on CL that arent house trained!! I'm like, 7months, TOPS to house train a dog.

    • Gold Top Dog


    My daughter friends bought a golden/doddle not only did they pay a lot of money for him they shipped him from some breeder out west..  I was like...  what?????Angry


    Sometimes I really miss that head-banging-on-wall icon we used to have.

    Oh and by the way I am loving reading your posts even more than usual right now because your sig piccy keeps making me giggle.  

    Thanks guys, you can only imagion my reaction when I walked into the room and found him sleeping on the treadmill!  Perfect photo op so I ran like heck to find the camera before he moved!!!  I think, he thinks, he is holding it still and preventing it from moving.Wink