The "doodle" craze

    • Gold Top Dog

    The "doodle" craze

    Seriously. I'm on and under the 'hybrid' section(looking for a rescue for my Gram.) They have,

    Bassetoodle(basset hound X poodle)
    Bernedoodle(bernese mt. dog X poodle)
    Bossi-Poo(boston terrier X poodle)
    Boxerdoodle(boxer X poodle)
    Codoodle(collie X poodle)
    Doodlemen Pinscher(doberman pinscher X poodle)
    Irish Doodle(irish setter X poodle)
    Rottle(rottweiler X poodle)
    Saint Berdoodle(saint bernard X poodle)
    Sheepadoodle(old english sheepdog X poodle)
    Weimardoodle(weimararner X poodle)

    Seriously, go to the site(because I suck with links LOL) and look at some of these dogs. Honestly, the Weimardoodle looks really cool, he's chocoalate with green eyes, really pretty. But, other then that - I am sick of's worse then the pit bull crazy.

    Feel free to add a "doodle" or "poo" or "oodle" to the list.....if someone has these "breeds", I'm sorry, I'm just REALLY sick of it. And some of these crosses are getting out of hand.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Here ya go! You asked for it.. Lol

    The Pony Doodle

    • Gold Top Dog

    oranges - that is to funny!! I think thats what this will end up being....Huh?

    • Gold Top Dog

     If someone figures out how to a cross speices hybrid then they are in the wrong profession and I've been right this entire time.. People have WAY to much free time on their hands.

    Oh! And it's Kitty Smile  Oranges is a nickname I got in Highschool.. Kitty is a nickname Alex gave me. Lol. I used to wear cat ears until SOMEONE *glares at Maze* ate them..

    • Bronze

    I met a "Springerpoo" a few months ago.  English Springer Spaniel/poodle mix.  I didn't ask if he was purpose bred or not (although I assume it was on purpose).  He was very cute, and the owner swore he didn't shed.

    • Gold Top Dog


     Here ya go! You asked for it.. Lol

    The Pony Doodle


    You should have posted a warning on this one LOL - my horse just ran screaming from the barn!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you think you are sick of the doodle, poo, chon, ese, etc. craze, try being a trainer and have to deal with these peeps who buy them when they can't house train the four month old pet store puppy mill byb designer mutt, or when they are telling you, with a straight face, how much "care" the breeder puts into her crosses.  I actually lost one client, who got miffed when I asked her if the Bernese x Poodle she had was an intentional breeding (answer - yes), and where she got him (answer - shipped in from outside the country).  Jeez.  Now, you can't even ask where a dog came from!!!  These people don't have a clue that the reason we ask is so that we know how to deal with the fallout when the dog gets sick, has training difficulty, needs to be rehomed, etc.   Every trainer I know who is worth their salt wants to know where a dog came from, and who referred the client to them.  One, so they can make training recommendations, or to recommend to others that they not get a dog from a particular source.  And, so that they can thank the people who make referrals.  I refer quite a few people to a particular rescue group around here because I have seen so many good dogs from them come through my classes.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anne, I know that has to bite....part of the reason I couldn't be a trainer - to many conflicting personalities, especially over dog "breeds".....that and I am a horrible trainer, but I do my best!

    Kitty - LOL, Ok....I miss my cat ears too - someone 'borrowed' them. Indifferent

    • Gold Top Dog

    We live in the age of the lawsuit and the guarantee.  People don't want to use common sense -- they want a GUARANTEE that a dog "won't cause allergies".  They think a poodle cross will give it to them.

     It won't but frankly people today have just gotten so they believe anything that's "advertised" -- common sense doesn't enter into it at all.

    In reality let's just take two breeds with lots of breed-related health problems and cross them so hopefully the arithmetic of genetics might not work so badly against it. 


    • Gold Top Dog

     Cockerpoo, Yorkie-poo, Goldendoodle, Labradoodle...

    Shippoo (Shih Tzu x Poodle)

    Lhasa Poo (Lhasa Apso x Poodle)

    Chalky Poo (Chihuahua x Yorkie x mini poodle)

    I'm sick of it too Sad

    • Gold Top Dog


    Chalky Poo (Chihuahua x Yorkie x mini poodle)

    I saw a similar cross adrevtized as "Poohuahua" a poodle X chihuahua......Huh?

    • Gold Top Dog


    Chalky Poo (Chihuahua x Yorkie x mini poodle)

    I saw a similar cross adrevtized as "Poohuahua" a poodle X chihuahua......Huh?

    • Gold Top Dog


     Here ya go! You asked for it.. Lol

    The Pony Doodle

    That got an LOL from me.  Sarcasm at it's best.

    • Gold Top Dog



    Chalky Poo (Chihuahua x Yorkie x mini poodle)

    I saw a similar cross adrevtized as "Poohuahua" a poodle X chihuahua......Huh?


     I swear those dogs were crossed PURELY to create the name CHALKY POO.  Oh yeah, hil-ARious!

    • Gold Top Dog


    In reality let's just take two breeds with lots of breed-related health problems and cross them so hopefully the arithmetic of genetics might not work so badly against it.

    I just want to scream when I hear that rationalization.  People look at mutts and think they are healthy because they are cross bred.  In fact, they are healthy because in the world of random bred dogs, it's survival of the fittest.  That's the reason truly random bred mutts tend to be sounder both physically and tempermentally. 

    We have shelter workers and the Real World in general, viciously culling the "pool" of the All American dog.  When your average chow/shepherd/husky mix takes a snap at someone, or comes down with epilepsy, no one says, "Gosh, that's really bad but Ch. OTCh Windjammer's Dancing in the Rain MAD HD is THE LAST OF HIS LINE."  Ol' Spot just gets the needle, and the world goes on somehow.

    When two lines of unhealthy breeds are put together, the results are completely unpredictable.  Lines of dogs are developed so tracking things like genetic flaws, is possible.  Bringing in a whole new gene pool means starting from scratch with an unstable genetic pool, not somehow "purifying" the waters.  It's not like pouring fresh water into mucky water - it's like pouring mucky water from a different source - there's no difference in water quality.

    • Gold Top Dog
    What happened to the good old days when a Mutt was just called a Mutt?

    Siberian Doodles(Siberian Husky X Poodle)

    I you think THATS odd.... Wolf Doodles (Wolf x Poodle) Ick.