Your Favorite Breed...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Shih Tzu! I absolutely love their Ewok faces, personalities, beautiful coats, size, non-shedding... I could go on. ;)

    I also really like Shar Pei. Love those hippo snouts, tiny ears, wrinkles, curly tails, loyalty, etc. I'd definitely like to have one again someday, but the time isn't right now.

    I'm beginning to really like Chihuahuas and I NEVER thought I would say that. I love how they want to be on your lap, like to be carried around, can go a lot of places, those radar dish ears, cute little apple heads and easy care coats.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It would take me a lifetime of keeping dogs to choose a favorite breed -- how could I possibly make any valuable comparisons without having owned at least one of each breed first?  Wink  I can say that there are numerous breeds that I *looove* and drool over, a few that I am just neutral towards, and absolutely none that I would turn away (based on breed) if fate for whatever reason placed them in my lap.


    (Chihuahuas are pretty darn high on my list, though). ;)

    • Gold Top Dog

     I wanted to add that if I ever have a little little dog, when I am an old lady, chances are good it would be a Coton de Tulear. 

    • Silver

    I am attracted to many of the herding and working breeds.


    My favorite by far is the Australian Cattle Dog. I cannot see myselt without one.

     This is Merlin. My second.... Bandit (RIP) was my first.



    • Bronze

    My favorite is the Yorkie all the way! I like all breeds tho and would like to have a big dog one day, just don't know which

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love ALL dogs, I really do.  Mutts are super-dogs.  My heart dog, Nikki is a little mutterson and I could just eat her, I love her so much.

    But for breeds I will own it's weims, they are my kind of dog, as crazy as they are :)  I also love PRT/JRT's... i could see myself with another little guy for Nikki :)   (It would seem I'm not alone in my love of the weims and JRT's, which I love to see! :o)

    Other breeds I love (and have considered):

    Dobermans, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Malinois, Belgian Tervuren, Dalmation, Smooth Coated Collie, Smooth Fox Terrier. I'm sure I forgot a few, but that's it .... for now! lol

    • Gold Top Dog
    My favorite breed of all time is the Italian Cane Corso. ♥ I plan on owning at least 2 of them within the next 4+ years. The are, hands down, the best dog out there. They are the only true coursing mastiff around and are just plain sexah. Although the American ones aren't, those gross me out. Those aren't even Cane Corsos as far as I'm concered.

    The runner ups are:
    Ibizan Hounds- The elegance and personality sold me.
    Tosa Inus- Their history and strength is what got to me.
    Korean Dosa- They are just plain gorgeous.
    Neo Mastiff- They are the closest cousin to the Cane Corso, and they look handsome and regal.
    Poodles- I love styling their hair, and they are just goofballs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Irish Setters are my heart breed.....and how could they not be? I've grown up with them, and the first dog I adopted is my almost 2 year old Irish.

    They are affectionate, people-oriented, beautiful runners, the list goes on and on...

    If you want a dog that always want to be with you, an IS may be for you.

    i.e. I took this pic just a few minutes ago, of Riley himself in his fulltime spot when I'm on the computer. lol : )

    • Gold Top Dog


    They are affectionate, people-oriented, beautiful runners, the list goes on and on...

    If you want a dog that always want to be with you, an IS may be for you.

    I think an IS may be in my future. Everyone's IS's on here have truely captured me. They are beautiful dogs. I love they're looks, and size. They're personalities are amazing too.

    I think if I can't find an IS to rescue in 4+ years - I'll have to cave in and buy one.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My favorite small dogs are papillons, but my favorite large dogs are Anatolion Sheperds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nobody said Westie, so I will. 

    Max is such a little clown, always fun-loving with a sense of humor. He's the smartest dog I've ever had.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My favorite (big surprise!) - Standard Poodles! I love their loving, loyal, sweet, fun personalities and the way they do absolutely everything with pizzazz.  I also love that they don't shed. 

    Other favorites that I would love to one day own:  Great Dane, Briard, Gordon Setter, Weimaraner, Irish Wolfhound.

    Favorites that I will probably never own: Old English Sheepdog, Mastiff, Boxer

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like my big dogs so I have to go with..


    -Dogo Argentino – Dogo Guatemalteco - Perro de Presa Canario - Tosa Inu - Akita Inu - Fila Brasileiro - Alano Español - Cane Corso - Tibetan Mastiff - Caucasian Ovtcharka - Bandogge

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like a lot of breeds but I am crazy for the Siberian Husky. Stunning beauty. Hearty strong and fast dogs that are clowns at heart.

    When I was kid, I liked German Shepherds. One of my first experiences was a good one. I was about 4, maybe 5 years old, walking with my Grandma in Simi Valley, CA. A man was in his front yard with his GSD. She came up near me and I was scared. And he commanded her and I was able to get over my fear.

    Later, I liked the Siberian for looks. A friend had a purebred named Toshiba, back in the early 80's. Having my dog caused me to really look into the breed. Now, I like them for more than just looks.

    BIL has a Blue Merle Aussie that taught me to appreciate the breed. She is such a natural.

    Dyan's life with Great Danes makes me see them as big love-bugs. I still like GSDs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think all dogs are attractive in a way. I do love my Neapolitan Mastiff and I think I would get another one some day, a sister for Thor is in our list, but not for the next 3 years (I think).

    If I get another breed it will be a Bernese or a Swiss Mountain, a Great Dane or a Bugsy (if I can find one).