Your Favorite Breed...

    • Gold Top Dog

     Chinese Cresteds. I've loved the breed since forever, and living with one is better than I could have imagined.


    Other breeds I love and would have: PRT (of course, Emma is my best girl!), Dobes, Poms, Shelties, Brussels Griffons, and probably a good few more.


    Breeds I love but couldn't live with: Akitas, Boxers, GSDs, Chis, Shar Pei, Pugs (OMG PUG!), and Schnauzers.

    • Gold Top Dog

    oh i forgot my new favorite breed! The PBGV! I love love love them

    • Gold Top Dog

    My favorite breed are Rottweilers ( want a German or schutzhund), Shailer is half Rottie Smile, I will hopefully get one if I move to Mexico next year that way Shailer will have somebody to play with.

    I like all other breeds that I will probably own/could own/or wouldn't own Big Smile!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Irish Setters. Cant live without one in my life.

    I would love to own all 4 setters breeds eventually. I just love the look of the Setters.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Favorite - Weimaraner, Vizsla and Saluki...

    I also love flat coated retrievers, maremmas, border collies, gordon setters, rhodesian ridgebacks and so on and on. Oh yes, and I just love beagles...

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     Bugsy dogs LOL

    OK I do love mutts though as for breeds in no particular order:

    Weimaraner, German shorthair pointer, Ridgeback, Dane, Boxer, Doberman, Vizsla and Pointer

    I met some wirehaired pointing griffons that were AWESOME!

    I also like Swissies and Neo mastiff (thanks to Thor and River)


    • Gold Top Dog

    I could never go without being with one: Beagles, Cockers, Chis, Labs, Mutts, and Schnauzers.

    Want to own: Welsh Springer Spaniel, Australian Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Field Spaniel, Norwich Terrier, Portuguese Water Dog, Sussex Spaniel, Golden Retriver, Australian Terrier, Min Pin, Brussels Griffon, Affy, Norfolk Terrier, Japanese Chin, Toy Fox Terrier, Flat-coated Retriver (after seeing Ari), Basset, Italian Greyhound, Pug, Visla (after Rooooopert), Havanese, American Water Spaniel, Pom (after Benny), Papillon, Dachsund (after Shooter and Schatzi), Border Terrier, Chesepeake, Toy Poodle, Maltese, Curly Coated Retriever, and Spinone Italiano.

    Like but Couldn't Have: Wiemy, Ridgeback, Dane, Boxer, Dobe, Swissie, and any type of Mastiff.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ohhh, I adore Salukis and Afghans! They're soooo beautiful and elegant. It's highly unlikely that I'll ever have one, because I have small dogs that run fast, but maybe, one day...  I could have an Afghan JUST to brush it's coat. Brushing them is soooo soothing.

    • Gold Top Dog


      I could have an Afghan JUST to brush it's coat. Brushing them is soooo soothing.


    That's why I want one!! I would be in heaven brushing the coat of an Afghan.

    • Gold Top Dog

     It's BLISS! It always takes me loooots of time to groom an Afghan, because I just. Love. To. Brush. Them.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love my chow chow's.  And, maybe someday I would like to look into an English Setter.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I will always own a corgi. Dobes, had two as a kid and they were the best. A black pug. I will never own any type of terrier, to active for me. Maybe a GSP.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm gonna have to say that I forgot a few of my favorite!

    Hounds! I love the taller hound breeds(Walkers, Blueticks, Bloodhounds, and Redbones). Plus, hounds have the CUTEST puppies!!!

    Setters, they are stunning dogs. So beautiful.


    Papillon - I would never own one, they're to small for me, but I love them! They are beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My favourite is the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, by far. I won't ever be without one.


    Aside from them, I love:

    Belgian Shepherds (Groenendael especially), Leonberger, Doberman, Dalmatian, Mudi, Kooikerhondje, Border Collie, Vizsla.


    There are a few more as well, but the ones above are the only ones I can see myself actually having.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aussies and pittes are two that I get so excited to see wherever I go. Doesn't matter how many I have seen (or have at home! LOL) I always want to say hello to them.

    I also love Bouviers, but DH doesn't like the dirty beards. :(