Your Favorite Breed...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Your Favorite Breed...

    Seeing as we have a 'Breeds That Arent For You' thred going - let's see what breeds that you find yourselve smitten with.....

    For me -

    Mutts! My cereal box dogs! You never know what your gonna get!

    Akita's, Rotties, Dane's, Bernese Mt. Dog's, Irish Wolfhound's - I looooooooooove big dogs! Weather they're fluffy or not - big dog's rule.

    Weimaraner's - they're just beautiful, and they have lovely personalities

    Husky's(all of them) - I love the look of a husky-type dog, and they're vocals are cool.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Favorite: German Shepherd (German or working lines)

    Other favorites I'd own: Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Berger Picard, Schipperke

    Other favorites I probably won't ever own:  Akita, Saarloos Wolfhond, Australian Kelpie, Coonhound

    • Gold Top Dog

    Favorite are Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs I have wanted one for many years before I was lucky enough to get River. St. Benards are next on my list.

    I have owned and loved a Gordon Setter, he was a wonderful dog and my heart dog.

    Also owned and love and loved: Pug, Catahoula, Beagles and many mixed breeds.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I second the muttlies!  (I have two at the moment, so I better like them, right?)

    Breeds I'll possibly own in the future - Doberman pinscher(already had one and loved him dearly), Beauceron, German shepherd (pure working lines, probably czech), Dutch shepherd, Belgian Laekenois, Catahoula leopard dog, Bull terrier, more muttlies

     Breeds I really like, but most likely will never own for various reasons - Kerry Blue Terrier, German shorthair pointer, Gordon Setter, Papillon, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Shar-pei, all the various mastiff types, and I'm sure there are several more...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breeds I Can't Imagine Life Without: Alaskan Klee Kai, Shetland Sheepdog, Collie, Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute

    Breeds I Hope To Have Someday: Bernese Mountain Dog, Finnish Lapphund, Samoyed, Keeshond, Border Collie, Norbottenspets

    Breeds I Enjoy: Weimaraner, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Pomeranian, Papillon, Shiba Inu, Clumber Spaniel, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Australian Shepherd

    • Gold Top Dog
    I like all of em. :P
    • Gold Top Dog

     Mine's not a secret LOL.  Maremma sheepdogs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    We'll always have a Lab (or mix) and possibly another Siberian (or mix).  I'd love to have another Norwegian Elkhound again, too.  Breeds I love but will probably never own- Chinese Crested, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Doberman, Newfoundland, Bernese Mtn Dog.  Can't forget Beagles!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I just flat love dogs. As far as what I want to own, well bred cockers, shepherds and mutts. The itty bitty dogs just flat make me too nervous, regardless of the cuteness factor. I'd be afraid I'd break them the first thing.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Oooh i like a lot of breeds. Top 3: German shepherd, doberman, rhodesian ridgeback.

    I also like rotties, danes, pharaoh hounds, bernese mountain dogs, american bulldogs, frenchies, belgian malinois, beaucerons, am staffs...

    i also really like the look of south african boerbels...i've never met one in real life, but would love to do so!!

    I've only met a neo mastiff puppy, but after getting to know Thor on here, i really really want to  meet a grown one, i'm in love!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Favorite- hands down it's the papillon. There is just no other breed like these little clowns. Other favorites that I have owned/or WILL own- border collies, shelties, and german shepherds. Others that I wouldn't be opposed to owning (lol!) - Aussies, Pyrenean Shepherds, Kooikerhondje, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, mudi, English Shepherd, Belgian Tervuren, and Lizzie has gotten me interested in the German Spitz if I'm ever looking for a non papillon small dog!
    • Gold Top Dog

    It's no secret that I love the Dobes.  I can't imagine ever being without one for any extended period of time.

    I also love Presa Canarios, Fila Brasileiro, & Cane Corsos. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aussies, of course!

    Besides that: Newfie's and BMD

    • Gold Top Dog

    #1 and always, the Labrador. I will always have a black Lab in my life.

    • Bronze

     Well, love the mixed breeds (fewer health problems in my experience anyway)

     Love boxers (wondeful with children, goofy personality,  loving, want lots of attention) but health issues :(

     Labs and Goldens

     GSD , a more loyal dog you will never find (but prefer to be with one chosen family member)  Very intelligent too.