Breeds That Aren't For You

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breeds That Aren't For You

    so I'm curious to see, which breeds just don't click with you? Whether it be because of temperament, appearance, specific needs, etc.

    For me, there are many breeds I just wouldn't consider because they don't match my preferences. I just thought it'd be interesting to learn why certain breeds don't mesh well with certain people...what others opinions are on different breeds. So here's my list. : ) Oh, and please no one take offense, they are just my personal reasons...I was just looking through an AKC book and thought it was interesting to hear what my mom thought of each breed vs. me. So I brought the topic here.

    Pharaoh Hound - I don't care for the looks, and they are too independent from what I've heard

    Shih Tzu, Papillon, Chihuahua - not a fan of very small dogs or ones that are often dressed up in little outfits, but I was also only raised with large dogs, so I am undoubtedly biased. Also, a "yappy" bark quite literally bothers my ears, I don't mean to sound offensive, it's just what it does to me.

    Pitties - I don't want to deal with the potential dog-dog aggression, and even though my opinion on this breed has changed SO much for the better, I still don't feel 100% at ease with them as I do other breeds. It's because I've been told to fear them all my life, lol. \

    Most hounds - I'm sorry, it's the bark, lol. But I think a lot of the hound breeds are very pretty!

    So please do share! Everyone here has their favorite breeds, and therefore there have gotta be some that don't make the top of the list. : P


    • Gold Top Dog

    Border Collie- too energetic and always need a job

    Cavalier- too cuddly and needy

    Wheaten terrier- too unruly

    Weimaraner- too big and loud

    Lab- too much energy

    Springer- too mean (no offense anyone)


    "yappy" bark
    Edited in by Possum-- yappy!!!! how mean of you!!! (just kidding)


    I'm sorry, it's the bark
    Edited in by Brownie-- so what? we bark a lot. wait!! is that a wabbit???? !!!!!!!!ruff ruff rufff!!!!!!!!! (you have a point on that one irishsettergrl)

    • Gold Top Dog


    Pitties - ... It's because I've been told to fear them all my life, lol.


     That's sad.


    There is definitely not one specific breed I don't like.  It has to do with characteristics, not breed.

    I would say my "least" liked breeds are those w/ flat faces because the snorting kinda annoys me.  I actually think their faces look cute, I just don't like the snorting.  Aside from that I'm not a fan of "drooly" breeds like bloodhounds/mastiffs/st. bernards/basset hounds. 

    **Edited to remove my own hipocrisy (don't ask, lol)


    And in Wolfie's defense as a Papillon, he never barks or "yaps" even when he should.  He's actually freakishly quite for a toy dog. lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    By looks I'll never own-  a poodle, shitzu, pug.....basically any small dog that could be considered a dog for grandma, LOL. I think the only little dog I'd own would be a Boston, Westie or Frenchie. Its not the size that bothers me its how they inspire people to coddle them and talk in mickey mouse voices. I imagine myself waking up one day wearing all pink, calling my dog itty bitty sweetie peetie and talkin like miss piggy......oh you can bet I would too!

    By Temperment I'll never own- a Dalmation, I've always had bad experiences with them.

    Other then that I dislike Kerry Blue Terriers

    Afghan hounds give me the creepies, LOL

    I HAVE To one day own- a whippet, a hound and a Blue Heeler!


    • Gold Top Dog



    Pitties - ... It's because I've been told to fear them all my life, lol.


     That's sad

    Oh no dont take offense.....she'll meet one someday that will change her mind, LOL......they always do!

    If she met my Rory ( the little ham) she'd fall in love. LOL

    I sure hope nobody takes offense to my post.

    • Gold Top Dog

    other than that I guess the only "specific" breed I could say is a Cocker Spaniel.


    In defense for Cuddles she is a great puppy!!!! She has never had problems with any person ever!!!!!!! I'm not offended though don't worry.

    Brownie has something to say---- Yay AL you wanna hound!!!!! Hounds are good puppies!!!! Get a Beagle!!!! Puh-wease!!!!!!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Chihuahuas and Min Pins - because good things don't always come in small packages.

    Anything with a wet beard, or anything hairless isn't likely to be given house room here

    Wheatens - you groom the darn things

    Bichons - see Wheatons. 

    I don't care for terriers all that much, although I really like Pitties - still don't think I'd own one because of the unpredictable nature with other dogs.  If I had an only dog household, I wouldn't mind.

    Shar Pei - it's not a dog, it's a chubby baby with sandpaper skin - eeewwwww 

    Anything that wears pink and rides in a purse.   (I reserve the right to squeal at my Aussie, though - it makes her wiggle)




    • Gold Top Dog

    Mechanical Angel

    In defense for Cuddles she is a great puppy!!!! She has never had problems with any person ever!!!!!!! I'm not offended though don't worry.



     Trust me, I definitely understand that not every dog of a certain breed is the same Big Smile  I wanna take it back now, because I can't judge all cocker spaniels just because my parent's dog is a doofus! lol  (I'm gonna edit it) 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't care for terriers all that much, although I really like Pitties - still don't think I'd own one because of the unpredictable nature with other dogs.  If I had an only dog household, I wouldn't mind.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think a better word instead of "unpredictable" is "likely to be aggressive."  They are known to be dog aggressive, that's a fact (they have a very high prey drive too).  However, their actions aren't unpredictable.  The reason people call them unpredictable is because the people who own them fail to realize that they ARE likely to be dog aggressive, so they don't realize you have to go the extra mile to make sure competitive situations don't arise.   Big Smile

    I totally agree with your opinion and say that for most people owning a APBT is not a good idea if they have other dogs and they don't want to deal with having to control every situation.  I mean, it is tedious and more work, so I 100% respect where you are coming from.  I just wanted to clarify that they are very predictable; you just have to realize that dog aggression runs in the genes (NOT to be confused with human aggression) lol 

    Hope that didn't come across the wrong way! Cool 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know you didn't mean to come across as mean. Well, actually you didn't to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    pit bulls. i have never actually met one. i LOVE their looks and i think i would love their personality. but i just couldnt deal with the people and their ideas about pit bulls. i dont deal with that sorta thing...

    flat snouts, because of the snorting, as well...

    and all extremely high energy, high drive dogs. i'm a pretty lazy person, and even though i will do a lot for my dogs, i dont think i could provide well for their energy needs....

    • Gold Top Dog

    For me - any dog that requires 20 years of professional grooming expierence just to keep the critter looking shaved and ugly, I like grooming but I'll never have a dog that has fur that just keeps growing and growing and I also don't like excessively long ears as in a cocker or bloodhound because I know from past expierence what a pain ear infections are to treat(and have). Long dangly tender bits seem like a bad idea on a dog, maybe that's just me tho.

    As far as temperment goes, I'm open to a lot of things but I don't like skittish super fearful over the top dogs. I like Zen dogs, so I would never willingly and knowingly choose a skittish dog for myself.

    My parents have Min Pins and I love the little guys, they're fantastic but I certainly feel a lot of limitation with small dogs. My preferance is for medium breeds around 50-75lbs, huge breeds like Irish Wolf Hounds don't have the longevity I want in a companion otherwise I would consider it. I like the husky and strangely enough - the sighthounds, other breeds seem wierd to me in various ways. I don't think I'll ever have a pit tho I've met several really super fantastic ones just because there are breeds I want more - like a Dobe or a Mal that appeal to my sensibilities more than the features of a pit bull.

    I'm sure they're fantasic dogs but I can't see myself ever having a smush faced dog... I have this perception of disfigurement that implies unhealth and the only English Bulldog I've ever met was insane and those wide crazy jaws and teeth continue to haunt me in my dreams.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I also don't like excessively long ears as in a cocker or bloodhound because I know from past expierence what a pain ear infections are to treat

    That's a very good point. Cuddles has had 6 so far!!!!

    • Silver

    There are a lot of breeds that aren't for me, but almost all of them I can understand that they work for other people.

    However, there is one breed that I can't understand why anybody would want one, except for serious tracking work.

    Bloodhounds. They have no interest in pleasing their owners. They seem to exist entirely in their own world of scent, and that is not a world that we can share. So why would anybody that is not into serious tracking work want to own one?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Its not really a breed with me but more a type of personality. Based on physical looks tho....

    Pugs and English Bulldogs to much snorting and wheezing for me.

    Border Collie I know some people love them but they are just not for me. Had some bad experiences.

    Smooth coated Dauchund I have only met two that were not snappy, yappy little dogs. Long and wire haired, however, I dont mind.

    Great Pyr. All that fur!! If I ever get a LGD for my goats it will be a shorter coated breed. lol

    Afgan Hound, all that fur is the only reason.

    Pointers and setters, beautiful athletic dogs but their personality isnt for me.

    Thats about it for now.