Breeds That Aren't For You

    • Gold Top Dog
    Low energy breeds are not for me. I like dogs that want to do something. Gets me off my lazy butt and gets me exercise! (Seriously having Summer i've lost a lot of weight keeping her satisfied). No excessive drooling breeds really. Very very few shorthaired breeds I'd want either. No giant breeds. No dog aggressive breeds- I always have a pack and I cannot deal with separating and such. No scent hounds and no terriers. No low to the ground breeds. And nothing that requires frequent professional grooming! That's about it. I am very picky, I know. Basically give me a herder or a papillon! lol
    • Gold Top Dog

    The only breed I would never ever own is a Pomeranian. They don't fit my lifestyle at all, I don't like the size or the fur, and I can't stand how people approach them with that squeeky baby voice. However, I've never seen a nasty Pom (most I've seen are happy-go-lucky little things), but I have seen more than my share of nasty Pom owners- usually people who think their dogs crap doesn't smell, lol. I probably will never own any toy sized breed, just not for me. I do love Pugs but realistically they don't fit.


    My lifestyle is defiantly perfect for a retriever, and that's probably all I'll ever own.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd have say any large, active, longish haired breed, ie setters, herding breeds, huskies etc...  Just wouldn't fit my lifestyle as a career professional living in a townhouse with no yard and limited time.

    I also would have to say pit bulls.  I really do love their personalities and their appearance, but there is just too much responsibilty that goes along with owning one. 

     I also don't think any breed with a flat face or tendency to drool would work for me.  I think the smaller hound and terrier types fit my lifestyle best.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Oh no dont take offense.....she'll meet one someday that will change her mind, LOL......they always do!

    If she met my Rory ( the little ham) she'd fall in love. LOL

    I sure hope nobody takes offense to my post.


    I already have. : ) A while ago I had a very negative view of pitties, but I met one, Rosa Bella, at the humane society and my mind was forever changed! What I meant by comment of being told to fear them is that my parents support the PB ban and I used to be scared of them because of what they, especially my mom, told me. Now, I know better but I still am a little apprehensive when meeting one because I feared them for such a long time. Does that make better sense lol?

     Now that that's said, back to's interesting I think!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Any breed with a smushed face. Lol. I love the Bulldog but I don't think I'll ever own one due to the breathing problems.

    Also any toy dog. I do want a Chi in the future but thinking realisticly it ain't gonna happen. Lol. Right now I'm working on building my pack with medium to large dogs so I'd be worried about a toy dog being stepped on. 

    I don't like drooling breeds either but DH does so we're at an impass onthat one. lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    For this thread I think it is just better to say what I would have live with which it is much more simplified.

    I would get a Lhasa or a Lhasa mix, A Yorkie, or a Bella - my dog (breed unknown)

    No other dogs interest me.

    I love all dogs everywhere but



    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm lazy when it comes to grooming, so long haired dogs are out.

    The doxies test my patience every day, so I doubt that I will ever have a hound or terrier again.  Although, I do plan on adopting a greyhound at some point in my life.

    I live an active life, so low energy dogs aren't really my style.


    At the end of the day, I want a breed that is high energy, & whip smart.  Sounds like a dobie to me!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh no dont take offense.....she'll meet one someday that will change her mind, LOL......they always do!

    It's so true...I never used to really like or dislike PBs until I met Bumpkin.  He was a stray found by the humane society, who's dogs were housed in the boarding facility that I worked at.  Bumpkin was so FABULOUS.  He had the most amazing temperament, a total lover to people, and he enjoyed playing with the other dogs.  I wanted to adopt him SO bad...but I was living at home at the time, so no luck.  I heard he went to an excellent home, though. Smile

    Anyways, to get back on topic, I would have to say that I will probably never have hounds or birding dogs (setter, spaniels, etc).  I just seem to prefer the trainability and specific drive of herding and working breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    not so much a breed thing with me as much as I can't see myself ever having a high energy type likely herding and sporting dogs are out unless I came across a really lazy one.

    I wouldn't have a Bulldog simply because all I see are the health problems at work. Skin and breathing problems, etc.

    • Silver

    Well, super micro size dogs are out for me.. so that rules out Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Shih Tzu's, Lhasa Apso's, Poms, Toy Poodles and Italian Greyhounds.

    I'm not one either for many hound breeds like Afghans, Ridgebacks, Salukis, Pharoah Hounds, however I do like Deerhounds and Wolfhounds as well as Greyhounds, and I love Bloodhounds.

    Bulldogs are a major no..I understand that all breeds have some inherent genetic health issues, but with Bulldogs it's like playing Russian Roulette, testing to the 9's and still one has to hope for a litter that doesn't have every known health defect under the sun.  Even with all of the testing that some breeders put into them, their temperament is so stubborn, I don't see how they've made the AKC's Top 10???Hmm

    Portuguese Water Dogs I find annoying along with Min Pins, Schipperkes, Australian Shepherds, Irish Water Spaniels and Bedlington Terriers.. They'll never be one in my household.. No offense to anyone, just these breeds don't mesh well with me.

    Give me either a Rottie or a molossian who drools, has short hair and weighs over 120 lbs.. To me that's a dog and I love 'em big.Yes

    Creative topic, it's really weird how one breed is just perfect for some, while the very next member could feel the total opposite.  Shows how varied tastes and opinions are.



    • Gold Top Dog

    English bulldogs. Can't see the point - obnoxious, unable to do much, and full of health problems. Why do people buy these things? To be fair, my neighbors have three and I like them very much as individuals, but I cannot grasp the reason to breed a dog with so little going for it.

    Wet draggy beards ... ugh.

    Any dog too small and delicate to feel comfortable around. We're a high energy, fast moving house and I don't want to worry about squishing something.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    BannedBreed Lover

    Bulldogs are a major no..I understand that all breeds have some inherent genetic health issues, but with Bulldogs it's like playing Russian Roulette, testing to the 9's and still one has to hope for a litter that doesn't have every known health defect under the sun.  Even with all of the testing that some breeders put into them, their temperament is so stubborn, I don't see how they've made the AKC's Top 10???Hmm

    I've been wondering the same thing.  There is a problem when a breed has difficulty with breathing, chewing, swimming, jumping, running, walking long distances and giving birth, and has skin issues, flatulence problems and cannot be outside in hot weather.  Add to that the stubborness and I just don't see the appeal.  I actually feel sorry for them.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Most hounds - I'm sorry, it's the bark, lol. But I think a lot of the hound breeds are very pretty!


    I have to agree on this one. That is the only thing that would keep me from owning any hound breed. And boy am I in love with tricolored beagles.


    German Shepard- I love the solid blacks and the silver/black ones. But for some odd reason every GSD I have met tries to eat me. I am not kidding. My friend had one and it didnt matter how many times I have been over there Nikki just decided I would make a better toy than friend. Then there was a lady I used to babysit for that had one that wouldnt let me out of the car period. So as much as I love the looks of a GSD I will have to pass on actually getting one.

    Most little dogs- I just like big dogs. Yes I have a chihuahua but she's JJ's type of dog. Now there a a few little dogs I do like.

    Border Collie- They need a job and I just couldnt give them what they needed.

    Boxer- I just wouldnt ever own one. I have nothing against them they just dont appeal to me.

    Chow- Same reason as the boxer.

    I think that is about it.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     I won't name specific breeds just say I like big athletic short-haired dogs

    I would never have a small dog or a dog that had grooming needs - just too lazy

    and I need a dog that has lots of energy and is athletic.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I can't think of a specific breed I'd *never* have, but am reminded of that quote about growing up meaning you realise you won't have time to own all the dogs you want.  So it is a matter of priorities and there are some breeds I'd rather own than others.

    I'd never own any dog, at any given point, that I didn't think I could provide a good life for.