what is your favorite breed(s)- BY LOOKS ONLY! (jm)

    • Gold Top Dog


    Haha! Well I dunno, you'd have to be psychic! It's not like I've put a bunch of pictures of my favorite breeds in my signature..


     Oh no of course you didn't do anything like that. I must have ESP...lol

    All beautiful pics btw, love em.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You must. ;)

    And thank you, it took alot of time looking through google to find those and I'm still not entirely happy with the finnish lapphund pic, Tibetan Mastiff pic and the CO pic. I need to go search through molosserdogs.com.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That Lapphund is so cute and bright though, I like it.

    I might should ad my CO to my signature. I've been thinking of doing a different format. This was just a quick one.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not a lot of rhyme or reason to my picks:

    Saluki - Not sure why I fancy these but I do.  Wouldn't have one though - too much coat upkeep!  (P.S. Where did Saluki Debbie go?)

    Borzoi - Ever since I saw Out of Africa (and Karen's pup hardly ever showed up), I always thought they were regal looking.  I understand their very aloof dogs though and I like cuddlers so a Borzoi probably isn't in my future.

    Irish Setter - Such soulful eyes and GORGEOUS coats.

    Beagle - Love all that 'roundness' and I don't mean fat.  Look at their paws and you'll know what I mean.

    Weimeriner (yikes I don't think I spelled that right) - Such beautiful little atheletes.

    Australian Shepard - Their markings are so beautiful but oi! the energy.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Beagles(ovbiosuly)-- Sleek coat, feet are round, such a soft hound dog look, and the way the beautiful tail is carried.

    Cocker Spaniels-- Long ears, and the coat comes in so many diff. colors

    Chihuahuas-- So tiny, eyes look intelligent.

    Cairn Terriers-- Fox like expression, look shaggy and well cared for at the same time, and the way the tail is carried.

    Danish Broholmer-- A Mastiff type, thick undercoat, yellow with black mask, white on chest.

    German Pinchser-- also called Standard Pinscher, smooth coat, the beatiful red fawn coats, ears uncropped.

    Jack-Rat Terrier-- Mix between the Rat Terrier and the Jack Russel

    Miniature Schnauzzie-- Mix between the Miniature Schnauzer and the Miniature Aussie

    Peke-a-chon-- Mix between Bichon and Peke

    Toy Poodle-- Eyes are alert, no poodle clip, elegant body.

    Yoranian-- Mix between Pom and Yorkie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really really love mutts. I might only ever own mutts. I love how unique they are, and I'm sorry but some mutts are cuter than ANY purebred.

    But I do have favorite purebreeds. I'm trying to do looks alone..but it's hard..especially since the breeds themselves can vary so much. For example, one Sibe can make my jaw literally drop, and another might not even catch my attention... only the first two are in any kind of order, the rest are just as I thought of them.

    Golden retrievers - I really don't think there's a prettier purebred than a well-bred Golden.

    Australian Cattle Dog - I really love their stocky kind of wild dog look.. I dunno... I just love them.




    Saint Bernard

    Siberian Husky (some)

    Australian Shepherd (some)

    German Shepherd (some)

    • Gold Top Dog


    That Lapphund is so cute and bright though, I like it.

    I might should ad my CO to my signature. I've been thinking of doing a different format. This was just a quick one.  


    i don't mean to hijack this thread but.. you have a CO? You must post pictures!

    • Silver

    With so many beautiful breeds out there, I was bound to forget a couple:

    11. South African Boerboel

    12. Saint Bernard

    13. Irish Wolfhound (Wheaten)

    14. Airedale Terrier

    15. Fila Brasilerio

    There are some lovely shelter specials out there, that simply put.. are just too adorable for words!  With all of this talk about those who like certain attributes of some breeds, and others who prefer no breeds at all, this is the biggest reason of why I love dogs.  You can't find any other species of animal, which is so individual and unique.  We can all love whatever we like, all while loving the same animal.Smile

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Irish Setters - obviously, I consider this breed the most attractive of all. I love their eyes, that soulful, wise, and friendly look in them. Of course the coat, their trademark physical trait. IMO there's nothing prettier than a well kept Irish's coat glistening in the sun. I love their head structure, deep chests, powerful hind legs. Lol, there's too much to mention. But nothing captures my heart like these dogs.
    • Doberman Pinschers - love the noble, lean look....so gorgeous....
    • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
    • Gordon Setters
    • Border Collies
    • Certain Aussies
    • Most Golden Retrievers
    • Caucasian Ovcharkas
    • Brittanys
    • + many more I just don't have time to list 'em all!
    • Gold Top Dog





    -Dogue De Bordaux


    -Miniature Schanuazer

    -French Bulldog

    -Great Dane- especially in B&W with cropped ears!


    • Gold Top Dog



    That Lapphund is so cute and bright though, I like it.

    I might should ad my CO to my signature. I've been thinking of doing a different format. This was just a quick one.  


    i don't mean to hijack this thread but.. you have a CO? You must post pictures!

     Ok I guess I haven't posted any pics here...lol Ok I will post some. There is a pic of her daughter in the outside vs working dog thread. When I get time I'll post pics later.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not Picking on Aurora Love  BUT  geeez tooo many slobbery , or coated dogs...... No way in my house !!  I raised 5 daughters and now 3 grand daughters   You think an Irish wolf hound has hair  pullleeeeeeeeeeeeese   .....  No more pony tails and grooming for me!!

    give me a clean sleek coated breed thet will not choke my vaccuum to death or make my fingers bleed from pulling coat.  I fail to see how shaving a northern breed down because you live in a more tropical area is any better than cropping ears or docking tails  ( except for the poodle I am against this... sorry the poodle has a really goofy a** looking whip of a tail when un docked,)

    Sorry IF I want to deal with hair I can close my eyes and relive the almost 14 years we had Frisco the Lab... crud I was still sweeping up black hair 6 months after she passed away !!

    Give me a Washcloth breed Not a High maintenanece breed!! And for Dog's sake   No sloober rags  sheesh that's beyond gross with one dog can you  9 in my home flinging drool when they shake their heads ..... yeeeeeeuuuck !

    Bonita of Bwana Lucky enough to have a very feline breed !!


    • Gold Top Dog

    1. Bernese Mountain Dog

    2. Great Pyrenees

    3. Siberian Husky

    4. St Bernard

    5. Labs

    6. Newfies

    So I like slobber!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Ibizan hounds, hands down.  Smooth or wire they're stunning animals.  

    I also love Collies and shelties (shelties are my second favorites look wise- it's the expression).  Belgian Tervurens also.  Many of the other sight hounds are close favorites.

     Basically long graceful dogs preferably with a nice coat (but beezers are the exception)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lhasa Apso





    Silky Terrier

    Tibetan Terrier

    Yorkshire Terrier

    Afghan Hound

    Cocker Spaniel

    Chacy Ranior

    Chinese Crested


    Irish Setter

    Gordon setter