what is your favorite breed(s)- BY LOOKS ONLY! (jm)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh, also I love the look of papillons (obviously). Long, silky coats (which look like a lot of grooming but aren't). They're proportioned well especially for a small breed. They also look dainty yet athletic. I love their head pieces- just gorgeous. And of course those big fluffy ears!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I like the way all dogs look really, my mom jokes that I will love the ugliest dog in the world if I had a chance. Hehe

    However I am particular to the lean look of sighthounds; sleek pointed muzzle, nice tuck to the tummy, those keen eyes. Beautiful. My fav color of dog, tho is Blue MErle with copper points. Someday Im going to own a merle mutt. *sigh* Someday.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bonita of Bwana

    Not Picking on Aurora Love  BUT  geeez tooo many slobbery , or coated dogs...... No way in my house !!  I raised 5 daughters and now 3 grand daughters  

    LOL.....I have a thing for dogs that "are so ugly they are cute", LOL

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Irish Wolfhounds
    • Scottish Deerhounds
    • Papillons
    • Pomeranians
    • Australian Sheperds
    • Huskys
    • Golden Retrievers
    • Bichon Frises

    I really love how Irish Wolfhounds and Scottish Deerhounds look. I'm not sure why, but I just do. I also love Papillons with their big ears and long coats.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Komondor and Puli, then I could throw out my dustmop!


    • Gold Top Dog

    1. Chizillas-I love the "your not the boss of me look"

    2. Dalmations I like lots of others too, but look wise I love the above, especially black and white ones. I just love the look of a clean black and white dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh I also love the look of Podengos too.  

    • Gold Top Dog
    This dog in particular: Big ears, amber eyes, good coat. It's love.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I like the way all dogs look really, my mom jokes that I will love the ugliest dog in the world if I had a chance. Hehe

    That was a Favorite Qoute around our home for years... while the last two girls were little Both MILs lived with us, the Hubs  mom was a teeny tiny anorectic power monger , my mom was a pushy and fun irish woman in the last years with full dementia ( Atlzhiemers) hey it was what it was.... any whooooo my mom and Bob's would sit in their wheelchairs ringside.  Bob's mom Lily would pat everything on the head and croon "pretty dog"  she did not really like dogs but felt it was required at a dog show.... My Mom would look at some one and say in a sweet voice

    "You have the Ugliest dog I have ever seen !! " if skinney  " don't cha ever FEED that dog ??" if heavy like a giant breed " Guess they would not let you have horses as a kid HUh?""

    We used to show with Irish wolfhound  Breeders and Mastiff breeders.... Between the slobber and the hair No Thank you mam....

    Both eneded up being some of the biggest sissies we ever met .... I am talkling ranking dogs, noble by profile and suckers for teddy bears and soft places....  Let a gun go off or a weirdo come into campsite they all retreated to the RVs ...the RRs left to warn and chase off the "Bad Guys"

    Half the size and easy going give me My Hounds !!

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    This dog in particular:  Big ears, amber eyes, good coat. It's love.



    • Gold Top Dog

    Will always have a Great Dane and will also get for the first time a Collie.  Almost picked one up two weekends ago.  Resistence is futile.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Based on looks only....

    King Charles Cavalier Spaniels..cute cute cute

    Border Collies.....gorgeous eyes and coats

    Corgis...adorable faces

    American Eskimo..so fluffy and pretty

    Aussies...the markings are amazing

    Bull Terrier...how can you not grin when you see one???

    Chow Chow....like big fluffy bears.

    Maltese....more fluffy cuteness


    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG I forgot Border Collies. I love them too!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bichon Frise (got 2 of 'em)

    Bernese Mountain Dog  (it's in the works!)

    Poodle, all sizes

    Fuzzy (medium length) mutts with drop ears

    • Gold Top Dog

     hmm, i'm sure i have a lot!



    GSDs (particularly solid black, dark sable, or deep red and black)


    black and white mantle great dane

    gordon setter

    dogo argentino

    american bulldog- the kind like dumdog's...not the the shorter fatter ones that look like english bulldogs.