Guess What Breed (dumdog)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess What Breed (dumdog)

    Can you guess? when i first saw her i scratched my head and had to think for a second..... was this some breed i'd never heard of or... just a usual breed but in a different colour that i'm not used to seeing? .....never HAVE seen i should say.....



    • Gold Top Dog

    GSP?  head looks a little snipey & long muzzle for a GSP, female?

    • Gold Top Dog

    My first thought was blue tick hound. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was thinking some kind of pointer. And I just have to say I think she's absolutely gorgeous. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought GSP when I saw the pic but that long nose is different. A field bred GSP?
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmm. I vaugely remember a dog that looked like this. I can't remember the exact name, but it starts with an M. Munsleander or something of the sort??  

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hmm. I vaugely remember a dog that looked like this. I can't remember the exact name, but it starts with an M. Munsleander or something of the sort??  

    Nope, it's not a Munstelander, they have a coat similar to an English Setter.  This one looks like a GSP to me.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hmm. I vaugely remember a dog that looked like this. I can't remember the exact name, but it starts with an M. Munsleander or something of the sort??  

    Nope, it's not a Munsterlander, they have a coat similar to an English Setter.  This one looks like a GSP to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She's a German Bred GSP lol not just field bred but straight from the source. her son was bred in the states. looks just like her too lol only... puppy-ish.

    i'm not a social butterfly except for when it comes to dogs. when i saw these two at the agility section of the dog show i had to ask the man holding their leashes what they were. I didnt know they had BLACK GSPs!!

    but then i've never read the breed standard either lol but all i see are the liver coloured dogs. And i wonder why that is...... ??

    and i can understand how some might first think Munsterlander the colours are the same - they also come in liver - but the hair is a give away.

    hey.... isnt there a soft coated GSP too? seems like i saw one in a dog book.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ETA indeed there is a long haired variety of German Pointers lol  i'm not sure if i like that  or not....... the ears seem more like a spaniels...  

    • Gold Top Dog
    Ohh neat, I didnt know they came in black!
    • Gold Top Dog


    GSP?  head looks a little snipey & long muzzle for a GSP, female?



    forgot to say, the muzzle looks snipey because the photo proportions are off. when i first loaded it it was squashed pretty badly... like... 400 x173 so i had to change 173 to 900.... but the photo is much larger than that. but i didnt think it would be THAT bad lol


    • Gold Top Dog

    A GSP.

    • Gold Top Dog


     I didnt know they had BLACK GSPs!!...

    Sure is!  I used to see one at obedience matches about 10+ years ago.  I think the woman has two now.  If I remember correctly, they can be shown in the breed ring in UKC.  I know they can't be in the AKC, tho. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    but why not??

    i hate the colour coordination crap.. its a working dog!