Guess What Breed (dumdog)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm seeing more and more black GSPs, especially on a GSP forum I participate and lurk on.  The most common in this area are German Shorthaired Pointers but there are also German Wirehaired Pointers and German Longhaired Pointers although the latter are found mostly in Europe.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We think Lexi is a black GSP or GSP mix (sorry these photos stink!):


    • Gold Top Dog


    ...The most common in this area are German Shorthaired Pointers but there are also German Wirehaired Pointers and German Longhaired Pointers although the latter are found mostly in Europe.

    My vet has two GWPs.  Great dogs!

    I thought I posted this reply last night to why black & white GSPs can't be shown in the breed ring, but I can't find it.  Anyway, I think this link explains it best. The part pertaining to the standard here is about half way down the page.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I knew it was a GSP the second I laid eyes on her/him.... Can't mistake that beauty!!

    if you can't tell - i love the GSP breed!