10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Silver
    Excellent post, Laurelin, thank you!   I enjoyed reading your "Born Again Toy Lover" story!

    ORIGINAL: Luvntzus

    ORIGINAL: jennie_c_d
    Pugs are a LOT of dog in that little body. They're high maintenance, and heavy shedders. They tend (in general, not speaking of well bred dogs, but dogs that we encounter, every day) to not be healthy, and be very pushy. They can be really fun, really cool dogs, but many of them are not.

    That makes sense. The only Pug that I've ever spent any time around was at one of the grooming shops where I worked. Her name was Daisy and she was obnoxious... she was pushy and her coat shed in bucket loads. Of course, that ALSO describes 90% of the Goldens and Labs that we saw. lol

    Actually, on second thought, I wish more people would have this opinion on my breed, because then the rescue numbers might decline.  In the rescue I volunteer for, the majority of Pugs are from the Lancaster PA puppy mills, but we also get a fair amount of surrenders--too hyper, too much shedding, hard to potty train, can't keep up with the maintenance (emotional or phsyical).  Despite all the negatives mentioned above, after 17 years in the breed, I see them as bright, inquisitive, intuitive, extremely affectionate, energetic, and outgoing.  I've been *blessed* to have healthy Pugs--I'm strict about keeping mine fairly lean.  I lost my old man in January, he was 16.  Another trait that amazes me is their adaptability.  My current foster has been here week, a six year old nearly-blind female from a puppy mill.  Already, she is learning the routine, giving kisses, and just enjoying life at last.  Pugs have a "carpe diem" attitude that I've always admired.  Not trying to change minds, you understand, I just felt the urge to say something.    Fortunately, with all of our different prefences and lifestyles, we have many, many breeds to chose from.  :)
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: mudpuppy

    my requirements are more "general" than breed-specific. I don't like long hair. I don't like yappy dogs. ...Other than that, all dogs are great.

    i think this pretty well describes me too. i dont want a dog with excessive grooming needs. i dont like yapping.

    size isnt really a deciding factor for me on whether i like a dog or not. i think in the situation we are in now though a small dog might not stand a chance with our 82 lb puppy! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog

    ORIGINAL: Laurelin_429

    Toys are addictive if you give them a chance. I was a professed toy dog hater until I was forced to live with a papillon and well... things change. I know so many show people who have big dogs then get involved handling toys or being around them and then they fall in love.

    Oh and it is SO nice to just be able to scoop up a dog with one hand when you need to. When our german shepherd didn't want to do something, it was so much harder to move him!

    I feel the same way! When I was younger I loved big dogs and the bigger the better. Our family had a Golden Retriever and when I was first out on my own I got a Shar Pei. I never even looked twice at the little guys and never would have considered them. It was after working at animal shelters and grooming for awhile that I realized just how much easier the little guys are! They're about 1/5 of the big guys to wash and dry, a lot less dog pulling on the leash, etc. I love that I can just pick Gingerbread up and take him almost anywhere. And then of course he eats very little, his toys are small, everything basically costs less. Plus I've found that Shih Tzus have a "big dog" personality in a small body. [:)]

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: skyehi

    Excellent post, Laurelin, thank you!   I enjoyed reading your "Born Again Toy Lover" story!

    Hehe,that made me laugh.  What can I say, the little guys have stolen my heart. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    My top 10 (as you can see I love big dogs, wished I lived in a house to have one)
    1. Golden Retriever
    2. Labrador
    3. Bullmastiff
    4. Giant Schnauzer
    5. Otter hound *always admire them during the West Minster show
    6. Bouvier des Flandres *saw an adorable one on the dog whisperer show
    7. Old English Sheepdog *used to love these as a kid, but as an adult realized how hard they are to groom
    8. Great Dane * love their size & mild mannered temperment
    9. West Highland terrier
    10. New foundland

    10 breeds I don't see myself owning
    1. Komondor
    2. Boxer
    3. Bull dog
    4. pit bull
    5. chihuaha *each one I came across was very yappy, snappy & downright mean
    6. Greyhound *too skinny
    7. Boston Terrier
    8. Bloodhound *bark/howl too much
    9. Whippet
    10. Jack Russell *too much energy
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmmm...this list is breeds I like...

    1.Border Collie
    10.Alaskan Husky

    Least? I don't see dogs I don't like temperament wise, but I would never own a pug or a bulldog (I really don't like the look of a smashed in face and can't live with a dog who can't keep up with me.)
    • Gold Top Dog
    top 10:
    2.Min Pins (soo cute)
    7.Jack Russells
    I dont know of any dog breeds that i have anything against, just some that have bad tempers
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well might as well add my 2cents .   Faves: ** Standard Poodles **     Long haired Daschund     German Shepard      Huskies    Chihuahuas (long haired)    Rhodesian Ridgeback    Belgian Malinois   Cocker Spaniels   Mutts                                        Least fave:    Pugs       Basset Hounds       Chinese Crested (hairless)    Boxers      Pit Bulls   Toy Poodles      Doberman Pinscher     Great Danes    Bulldogs
    • Bronze
    Border Collie
    Labrador Retriever
    Great Dane
    Redbone Coonhound
    Australian Shepherd
    Golden Retriever
    Siberian Husky
    I also love Chihuahuas but they don't fit with me as well as other breeds, that mostly at least medium sized and fit me better temperament wise.
    And. . .I really also like:
    Portugese Hound
    Ibizan Hound
    Belgian Malinois
    Belgian Tervuren
    Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
    Bernese Mountain Dog
    Great Pyrenees

    I don't really dislike any dog breeds but I can't easily picture myself with wirecoated terriers like the Cesky Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Westie, Skye Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, and others in that group. Although I tihnk Bichons are very nice dogs, my granparents have two who are lovely dogs, but I can't see myself searching for one.

     I really genuinely love all dogs. These are just some breeds I wouldn't consciously seek out at this point.
    • Gold Top Dog
    You forgot the Laekenois[;)]
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: mrv

    You forgot the Laekenois[;)]

    Who, me? If you were talking to me, I prefer the Mal and Terv. [;)] [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    10 favorites--no particular order...
    APBT/Amstaff/Staffordshire bull terrier--there's just something about bullies that I am attracted to...
    Labrador Retrievers--the well bred ones are just fantastic dogs and their joy is contagious
    Rhodesian Ridgeback--there is really nothing that I dislike about this breed, just all around awesome dogs
    Flat Coated Retrievers
    Golden Retrievers
    Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreiver

    10 least likely to own....
    German Shepard Dog
    any Poodle
    Chow Chow
    Border Collie--I firmly believe that Border Collies should only be owned by people smarter than them[:D]
    • Puppy
    I like dogs that weigh less than about 40lbs.
    Wouldn't want a dog that was stronger than me.
    I prefer no grooming and only dogs that do not have body odor and I like dogs that want to be under the covers with me.
    I like dogs to be really high energy.
    I like proportional body and leg length and muzzle length.
    min pins
    rat terrier
    fox terrier
    patterdale terrier
    bull terrier? the delicate looking ones only.
    manchester terrier
    german pinscher
    • Gold Top Dog
    my 10 faves are;
    vizsla - own one
    staffie -i've owned 2
    bassett hound- i'd like to own one
    bernese mountain dog
    great dane
    german shorthaired pointer
    chinese crested -they're tough, outgoing little dogs!
    my 10 least faves are;
    chow chow
    old english sheepdog
    golden retiever
    • Gold Top Dog
    faves, not in any order:
    Border collie
    Australian shepherd
    Golden retriever
    Great Pyrenees
    Greater swiss mountain dog
    Bernese Mountain Dog
    German shepherd
    English springer spaniel
    Novia scotia duck tolling retriever
    Portuguese water dog
    * any mutt thereof
    Least faves....I don't hate any dog...love 'em all, these are just not ones I'd prefer to have
    rottweilers (had a bad experience with one once)
    dobies  (find them intimidating)
    min-pins  (nervous and yappy)
    chihuahua  see above
    pomeranians  see above