10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog
    Top Ten:
    Belgian Malinois (have one)
    and Tervs (had one)
    and Groens
    and Laeks(Oh God, do I want one!)
    Border Collie (Have one)
    Norwegian Lundehund (Or something like that...)
    Flat-Coat retrivers
    Any working or herding dog that is frown upon in the show ring, like BCs and Mals, since we want to preserve the way the work

    Lowest 10
    GSDs...HATE the back. I love the tiny, straight backed ones that we used to have until we decided that bigger is better and Americanized them[:'(][:'(][:'(][:@][:@][:@]
    Shih-Tzus.  Sorry, I only want one so I can play with their hair. Other than that...
    Bernese Mt dogs. Love their looks. To slow upstairs, IMO
    Cairn terriers. They look dirty.
    Show ring BCs. HATE HATE HATE. NO N O NO NO NO!!!!!
    Curly coated retrievers.

    • Bronze

    <<<   Broken Heart HOW COULD YOU DISLIKE THIS FACE???!!!???

    • Gold Top Dog

    I just went thru this thread and noticed only one person mentioned Dalmatian on the dislike list. Obviously you all know one of my dogs is a dal. I never would have gotten one had it not been for my daughter having one and I fell in love with the breed. My question is WHY DO THEY KEEP BREEDING THEM IF THEY AREN'T WELL LIKED?There are so many in rescues because of these movies and people don't think before they buy. It just gets me so angry that they keep breeding for money and so many of these poor dogs are put down. My heart just breaks for them. I take no offense in people not liking the breed,but if it is so disliked,don't keep breeding. Rescue the poor ones that are in cages and foster care.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top 10 Favorites:  (no real order)

    • Cardigan Welsh Corgi
    • Dalmatian
    • Weimaraner
    • Dogue de Bordoux
    • Alaskan Malamute & Siberian Husky
    • Miniature Schnauzer
    • Great Dane
    • Affenpinscher
    • Pekingese
    • Border Collie

    Top 10 Least likely to own:

    • Chihuahua
    • Bull terrier
    • Neapoliton Mastiff
    • Akita
    • English Bulldog
    • Blood hound
    • Basset hound
    • Pug
    • Shar pei
    • Boxer

    I don't hate any breeds, and can't see how people can! Most of the ones I won't own are because the breed is prone to obesity, often dog aggressive, just really unattractive, or the upkeep is too much. I LOVE Dalmatians, and there are tons in rescues- but many are poorly bred dogs with bad behavioral problems or defects and I can see why someone would go to a breeder if they can't handle that.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We got ours thru a rescue and you know what---They were from a breeder--who up and left them to fend for themselves in a barn.  Maybe they weren't Show Quality,I don't know. It took several baths to finally get off all the dirt and cow manure stuck on these poor pups.Yes,she has allergies, her sister doesn't(runt of the litter),but we deal with it. And for that matter,even if you get one from a good breeder,they can still have problems.I know this from talking to the head of a dog food distributer.Her best friend has a show dal and is in competitions and that dog has some auto-immune deficiency and requires shots. So I guess what I'm saying is, you still may not have problems just because you get it from a good breeder.  Our dal is the best dog we've ever had,in spite of her allergies.  To me. dogs are like people,you just don't get rid of them because there is a flaw or they aren't perfect--you deal with it and do the best you can.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I just went thru this thread and noticed only one person mentioned Dalmatian on the dislike list. Obviously you all know one of my dogs is a dal. I never would have gotten one had it not been for my daughter having one and I fell in love with the breed. My question is WHY DO THEY KEEP BREEDING THEM IF THEY AREN'T WELL LIKED?There are so many in rescues because of these movies and people don't think before they buy. It just gets me so angry that they keep breeding for money and so many of these poor dogs are put down. My heart just breaks for them. I take no offense in people not liking the breed,but if it is so disliked,don't keep breeding. Rescue the poor ones that are in cages and foster care.

    I think you just said it.  There are so many of them because of the movies that everyone wanted one.  Then they found that some are child friendly, or dog friendly.  We had an article here in our local paper, not long after the 101 Dalmations (w/ the real dogs) about the mad rush of families wanting them, and then hearing stories of them biting small children and other pets.  My sister had one and we LOVED her!  She was the best, well mannered, and smart dog!  R.I.P.  When we got Misty and were looking for a name, my youngest daughter liked Misty, and that was my sister's dalmation's name.  So, when we decided on the name, I made sure she didn't mind.  But she was honored!  So now everytime I call for Misty, I think of (Misty her dalmation, too).  Also, we used to laugh when she'd come into the room, her tail was like a whip.  She would knock everything off of the coffee table.  I was little, I thought it was hilarious!  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think I know of 10 breeds, but here's what I like and dislike:


    German Shepherds, Huskies, Collies (I loved Lassie as a kid, just loved her/him), Cairen Terriers (since we had one, and of course, from Peticoat Junction, Benji, and Wizard of Oz), Labs, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies (of course!), Dalmations, Great Dane (especially when they have odd markings), that's all I can think of.


    Any dog that's hairless, they just remind me of rats.  It's a dog, shouldn't it have hair?  No offense, to those who have them, just don't do anything for me.  Poodles (I think it's because of their hair, I like to pet my dogs), I guess that's it.  I like most breeds, just my preferences. Oh, I know, those real slobbery types where the drool hangs like 5" from their mouths.  That's just disgusting!  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oddly, I like and can dislike almost any breed, depending on my circumstances and choice of living arrangements.  For example, right now I live in a fairly hot suburb in California.  Not the best place for a Husky or similar type breed.  But if I lived in the snow - you bet I'd probably have one!

     I used to HATE Chihuahuas.  No interest in them whatsoever.  Then I fostered my two.  They were in a bad way and really needed immediate foster care.  One day and I was completely in LOVE.  I have never met more cuddly, loving, adorable dogs in my life!  Not everyone gets to see all their cuteness because they really save it for us at home (the wiggly body, ears back, big eyed, seal look).  When out they are a bit more reserved, but still lovable.  I am a total convert.  I used to think Chihuahua owners were weird - dressing up their dogs, making baby talk with them, etc.  Now I know the truth - they were normal...until they got the Chihuahua!

     Anyway, I think all dog breeds can be fantastic if the breed needs and traits are taken into consideration and matched to the life of the person.

    • Silver


    1. Bearded Collie
    2. Polish Lowland Sheepdog
    3. English Toy Spaniel
    4. Doberman Pinscher
    5. Portuguese Water Dog
    6. Chinese Cresteds
    7. Havanese
    8. Japanese Chin
    9. Poodles (Standards, mostly, Toy, then Minis)
    10. Tibetan Terriers

    1. Border Collie
    2. All 3 Belgians
    3. Boxers
    4. Min Pins
    5. Labrador Retrievers
    6. Golden Retrievers
    7. Boston Terriers
    8. French Bulldogs
    9. Bulldogs
    10. Siberian Huskies


    • Gold Top Dog

     My Favorites

    1. American Pit Bull Terrier
    2. Alaskan Malamute
    3. Akita
    4. Great Dane
    5. Chow
    6. Blood Hound
    7. Mastiffs (all)
    8. Australian Shepherd
    9. German Shepherd
    10. Bulldogs (all)

    My Least Favorites 

    1. Poodles
    2. Pugs
    3. Poms
    4. Dobies
    5. Spaniels
    6. Maltese
    7. Yorkie
    8. Jack Russel Terrier
    9. Schnauzers
    10. Chihuahuas
    • Gold Top Dog


    1. American Pit Bull Terrier

    2. All bulldogs EXCEPT English bulldogs, because of their health problems. I like OEB's and OVB's especially.

    3. All Mastiffs

    4. Great Pyrenees. I wasn't a fan until I owned one, now I think they're lovely.

    5. St. Bernard.

    6. Basset Hound

    7. Rottie

    8. Great Dane

    9. Rough Collie

    10. Bloodhound


    Least Favorite:

    1. Most toy breeds, except Pugs. I like Pugs.

    2. Poodles, although standards are okay.

    3. Labs

    4. Goldens

    5. Spitz

    6. Spaniels, although I do like Clumbers.

    7. Dalmations

    8. Border Collies

    9. Weimeraners

    10. Greyhounds

    • Gold Top Dog

     My Favorites

    1. Australian Cattle Dog
    2. German Shepherd
    3. Pomeranian
    4. Alaskan Malamute
    5. Basset Hound
    6. Beagle
    7. Doberman
    8. Rottweiler (sp?)
    9. Husky
    10. Bulldogs

    My Least Favorites 

    1. Poodles
    2. Shih tzu
    3. Chihuahuas
    4. Spaniels
    5. Maltese
    6. Golden Retriever
    7. Greyhounds
    8. Jack Russel Terrier
    9. Schnauzers
    10. St. Bernard


    • Gold Top Dog

    This was actually tougher than I thought,  I can't say I hate any breed... and I would repeat the breeds I have owned or been owned by, before ...

    Hopefully this will post as two columns, if not I tried to put a small note to id them ...Geeked I know what a geek!


    I love ...                                                                                  Not terribly fond of...

    Rhodesians    I ' m owned by 8.                                                                       beagles...they never slow down

    labs    have had several                                                                                   terriers...too agressive, to yappy

    poodles, mostly tiny toys had a wonderful one when I was a clown                     pekes...can't define the dog for the coat

    pharohs    seem eternal                                                                                  giant breeds... they just don't live long enough 

    ibizans, wire haired   clownlike                                                                        prys...that double dew claw thing freaks me out

    papillions    had a beauty when I was a kid                                                        afghans... I raised 5 daughters too much hair!  

    clumbers     they seem to have a secret joy                                                      basenjis...too independent, a real pack dog

    poms    always smiling!                                                                                   pitbulls.... too many stupid owners.

    dachshunds  the wire seem like little generals                                                   *** zus  sp?...never met a sweet one.

    maltese   just seem like they were made by gund                                               fat bull dogs... They make me want to weep.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Top 12 favorite breeds:

    Boxer, Black & Tan Coonhound, Doberman, English Bulldog, Field Spaniel, German Shepherd (european), Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Greyhound, Mastiff/Bullmastiff, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Samoyed.

    Why?  Mostly due to a combintaion of tempermant and appearance.

    • Puppy

    When I first saw a Pug I thought they were so ugly, but now I'm in love with the breed.  I guess I could say my top 10 Favorite breeds are the short nose, curly tail breeds that snore alot. And the Pug is my number one on my list. You can't help but to love one, or two or three. I've never had any health problems with any of mine. They are all sweet and lovable. I never had any trouble with house breaking my Pugs except for one that I got from a kennel or puppy mill as an adult. She gives me problems in my house. You are right about Pugs shedding hair, that is the one thing I dislike about them, but I can put up with it. But being a dog groomer, I actually cut mine down real short with a number 7 blade. Pugs are lots of fun and when you have more than one, they will make you laugh.  I've had several given to me, because people didn't want them anymore and I bought 3 or them from breeders. But as far as their health, all are happy and healthy. Mine get lots of time to run in our yard and play. I keep them nice and trim. I love all of my dogs. I don't have a list of any dogs I dislike. I've had bad experiences with dogs but that doesn't make me dislike the breed. You just learn to accept them. I beleive it is all the way a dog is bred and raised. There are lots of good dogs out there, but they have bad owners that just give up on them. I'm not one of them. I'm there to help the unwanted.