10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't dislike pugs.  There are three that I sit for.  It's funny all three have very different personalities.  They are a lot of fun.  I like to lay on the floor while they sniff me, snort, snort, snort.  It's cute. 

    And, my best friend had one who constantly zoomed around the house, his name was Quick. 

    And, someone on this forum as a gorgeous one, but I forget her name.

    My issue with some breeds is very general.  It's mainly that I don't prefer very doggie type dogs.  Dogs that eat poo, lick each other, destroy objects, eat anything from anywhere, bark just to hear themselves.  That sort of stuff.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh, wow... Cockers are in a total black list. That's my wee man who is snoring at my feet...

    Ok, I'll just tell you my faves of the moment:

    #1 of all breeds... Field English Cocker
    Field English Springer
    German Shepherd
    Shiba Inu
    • Gold Top Dog
    I like Cockers and really it's more likely that I'll own a Cocker or Cocker mix than many of the breeds on my top 10. Saw a really charming Cocker/Springer Spaniel mix last week that would be a dog I'd happily choose.
    • Gold Top Dog
    my list included (in favs) an Irish Wolfhound - I have never had any interaction with this breed - only seen from afar - I feel "drawn" to this breed, but unless I move where I can have larger yard and taller fence that is not likely to happen
    I do not dislike any animal, even had a friend that had a pet skunk once, cousins always had something "odd" for pets (snakes, raccoons, owls, etc.)  I just prefer not to have certain breeds I think - will probably change my mind if I ever took one in (prefer rescues or rehomes)
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: rolenta
    I'm surprised at how many people dislike shibas, too.
    Actually, no. No I'm not.

    Oh I struggled making my list; the Shiba was one I wanted to add to the top 10, but I already had 11![&:] 
    The Shiba was the featured dog in my DOG WORLD subscription a couple of months ago, so although I've never known one, I liked everything I read about them and they sound like a tough guy in a compact frame!  Might be a good next agility dog for me some day[8|]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I didn't let Misty read the list, I was afraid her feelings would be hurt.  :)  I can understand why so many people dislike toy-sized dogs, as many owners of these dogs forget that they are dogs and they just end up being little brats that tinkle where ever they darn well please.  Misty apologizes for those owner's ignorant behavior and wants all to know it is possible for a toy sized poodle to be a real dog, given the chance.  She can roll in the muck and play with the big boys just as good as any other dog, and she's absolutely, positively, house trained. 

    Anyway, I love all breeds of dogs and all mutts, as long as they are trained well.  Any dog that is lucky enough to have landed with an owner who socializes it well, lets it be a dog and teaches it who is the boss, well, that's a good dog to me, regardless of the breed. 

    I generally love any size poodle, I find them challenging and entertaining and funny.  There isn't a list of dogs I dislike, although my brother owns a Welsh Spaniel who is a really well trained and wonderful dog, but has an odor that no matter what they do for her. Odorous dogs aren't my thing. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Even though there were some small dogs on my list, I don't dislike all of them (just wanted Misty to know that [:D]).  In fact, I have a Yorkie and love her to bits - she isn't very typical of the breed, though.  Maybe because she grew up with a German Shepherd and plays with an Aussie.  She thinks she's part of the herding group (what the heck would Yorkies herd?).  Anyway, I just go by how many dogs I've seen of a given breed (and that's lotsa dogs) that I think has displayed behavior I'm not normally fond of.  Most of my decisions rest on trainability and brains.  I really love a smart dog.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    my requirements are more "general" than breed-specific. I don't like long hair. I don't like yappy dogs. I don't like flattened muzzles. I don't like dogs that I have to bend over to pet. I don't like overly friendly dogs that fling themselves in joy on everyone they meet. Other than that, all dogs are great.
    • Gold Top Dog
    (what the heck would Yorkies herd?).

    • Gold Top Dog
    One of my Tzus herds the cats - and the cats are bigger than my Tzus - (Big Cats - 17 and 18 lb.)![8D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: tzumommy

    One of my Tzus herds the cats - and the cats are bigger than my Tzus - (Big Cats - 17 and 18 lb.)![8D]

    my tzu attacks the local cats (if he can catch them) from the feral cat colony some of the neighbors encourage
    • Gold Top Dog
    my requirements are more "general" than breed-specific. I don't like long hair. I don't like yappy dogs. I don't like flattened muzzles. I don't like dogs that I have to bend over to pet. I don't like overly friendly dogs that fling themselves in joy on everyone they meet. Other than that, all dogs are great.

    That's pretty much how I feel.  I have what I don't want and what I do want and my top 10 dogs are basically what is left.

    I love that toys and smaller terriers exist for people that are into those dogs.  They are not for me, but it would be pretty bad of those fanciers only had large working/herding dogs as their choices.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Liesje
    I love that toys and smaller terriers exist for people that are into those dogs.  They are not for me, but it would be pretty bad of those fanciers only had large working/herding dogs as their choices.

    I like both [:)] - I personally like a "dog with substance" - a dog I can play frisbee with, a dog I can treat and pet without throwing out my knees and back, and in some sick way I also prefer a dog that challenges me and "thinks for himself".  This is the exact description that my DH does not like - if you add shedding and drool to the mix [;)].
    So, he chose the Tzus when we moved into to our current home.  He had time off of work, and swore he would "train them" [sm=rotfl.gif]- that did not happen - thus I enter the picture with my new found Clicker knowledge and found out just how cool these little dudes are![:)]

    Neither of us were ever "small dog people" - something happened to his dog preference when he turned 50[8|] 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Liesje

    my requirements are more "general" than breed-specific. I don't like long hair. I don't like yappy dogs. I don't like flattened muzzles. I don't like dogs that I have to bend over to pet. I don't like overly friendly dogs that fling themselves in joy on everyone they meet. Other than that, all dogs are great.

    That's pretty much how I feel.  I have what I don't want and what I do want and my top 10 dogs are basically what is left.

    I love that toys and smaller terriers exist for people that are into those dogs.  They are not for me, but it would be pretty bad of those fanciers only had large working/herding dogs as their choices.

    Actually, you'd be surprised at how many people involved with papillons started out with herding/working dogs dogs.  Take us for example...
    We started out with 'bird dogs'.  We had a field bred lab, my father had pointers and retrievers, then we had our GSDx.  My uncle raised rotties (I was around them a lot).  Since then we've had shelties (getting smaller now)...  Now we have papillons.  And the papillons are way way way more intense dogs than any of the other dogs we've had.  lol  Talk about high energy, drivey little guys... 
    I did NOT like toy dogs when I was younger.  I did NOT want papillons when we got our first one.  But well... if you open up to new ideas things change and sometimes you find you like them better that way. 
    While I adored my big dogs, I was never as close to them as I am with my little dogs. They were MUCH more mellow- even our lab. I know my papillons would drive a lot of people insane with their energy and intelligence but I like the fact they are non-stop happy happy happy little guys. Also zero aggression in them. The toys seem to have such dynamic personalities to me. Any well bred, well socialized toy dog, I like. They are usually just goofs who want nothing more than to be with you.

    Toys are addictive if you give them a chance. I was a professed toy dog hater until I was forced to live with a papillon and well... things change. I know so many show people who have big dogs then get involved handling toys or being around them and then they fall in love. Our breeder, for example, used to breed GSDs and now they breed papillons. They're captivating. Beau has caused many a friend looking for a pet dog to look into papillons instead of the golden they were looking at.

    I think this is why:

    You have to smile at that- or at least I do.

    Oh and it is SO nice to just be able to scoop up a dog with one hand when you need to. When our german shepherd didn't want to do something, it was so much harder to move him!

    A well bred, well trained, well socialized toy dog is a dog bred for companionship with a stable, fun loving personality. A good papillon will NEVER bite as that's totally against the desired personality of the breed.

    If you want proof of versatility- all our dogs' breeders' dogs are therapy dog certified, they do rally and agility and they have their CGCs. Toys can also excel in tracking, flyball, you name it.

    MACH14 Pinpaps Jonquil of Skipnlena NF- [linkhttp://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h126/Gloriedogz/Now/tigger.jpg]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h1...Now/tigger.jpg[/link]

    Papillons in obedience- [linkhttp://www.papillonclub.org/Obedience/index.htm]http://www.papillonclub.org/Obedience/index.htm[/link]
    Papillons in agility- [linkhttp://www.papillonclub.org/Agility/index.htm]http://www.papillonclub.org/Agility/index.htm[/link] (paps aren't called the border collies of the herding group for nothing)
    Papillons as service dogs- [linkhttp://www.papillonclub.org/papservicedog.html]http://www.papillonclub.org/papservicedog.html[/link]
    tracking titles- [linkhttp://www.papillonclub.org/pcatracking.html]http://www.papillonclub.org/pcatracking.html[/link]
    Papillon MACH titles- [linkhttp://www.papillonclub.org/Agility/index.htm]http://www.papillonclub.org/Agility/index.htm[/link]

    There was a papillon on the 2005 world agility team.
    Poor toys always have such an undeserving bad reputation.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10:
    Greyhounds (I can't wait to have my own purebred grey)
    Whippets (so beautiful)
    Amer. pit bull terriers/staffordshire terriers
    American bulldogs
    Pomeranians (I'll be getting one soon)
    Catahoula Leopard Dogs
    Pharoah Hounds
    Ten Least favorite (probably will never own)  Some of these I think are absolutely beautiful, I just don't like certain aspects of them and just couldn't see myself owning
    Pug (sorry...so cute, but just not for me)
    Basset Hound
    Chinese Crested
    Wheaton Terrier
    Min pins
    Old English Sheepdog
    Afghan Hounds
    Bull terrier
    Ok, this was hard.  I really do like most breeds, but some I just can't see wanting one myself.