10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds

    • Gold Top Dog

    ORIGINAL: tzumommy

    ORIGINAL: skyehi
    WOW!  Kind of an eye-opening thread.   I feel like I should be hiding--everyone dislikes Pugs.  Good thing I mostly lurk!
    I'll just post my ten favorite, so as not to insult anyone.  Other than 1 and 2, no particular order.

    [:o]awwww.. don't feel that way!  I was shocked how many Shih Tzus were on the bottom list too![sm=cry.gif]

    Just remember, it's nothing personal about the breed - just preferences![;)]

    I was shocked also by how many people dislike Pugs! Based on the results I think they're the single most disliked breed here. I guess I don't really understand that. I was really surprised too about how many people dislike Shih Tzus. [:o]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm surprised at how many people dislike shibas, too.

    Actually, no. No I'm not.
    • Gold Top Dog
    3. Dachshund (Yes, I am aware that I have 2. I love mine but not the breed in general.)

    I wanted to put Dachshund on my bottom list, but couldn't do it, because I have one[;)] I didn't choose her, and wouldn't have another one, but I sure do love this one!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I was shocked also by how many people dislike Pugs!

    Pugs are a LOT of dog in that little body. They're high maintenance, and heavy shedders. They tend (in general, not speaking of well bred dogs, but dogs that we encounter, every day) to not be healthy, and be very pushy.

    They can be really fun, really cool dogs, but many of them are not. I can see why they're on least fav lists. I can see why JRT are, too, LOL.
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is a hard one because I love dogs.....period.  But I do have ones i want and ones I would not have.  Since we have always been hunters, and alwasy been lucky to have very smart, gentle family loving dogs my choices are mostly hunting dogs.
    Golden Retrievers( have 2 and one adopted mix. Can be used for hunting, Search
                                and Rescue, Therapy, Service, Guidedogs, etc.  Disadvantages
                                allergies, prone to cancer, shedding, thyroid
    Irish Setters--have owned 2,  loving, fun,the most elegant of all breeds IMO
    English Setters--owned several, loving family dogs
    Pointers--family has owned several also loving family dogs but can be hardheaded.
    Labs--never owned one, but know many and they are great dogs.
    Hounds--never owned one but have known redbone and blue tick hounds and I
                   really liked them.
    I can not say i do not like the following reeds--i think every breed has it's place and someone it is well suited to, but
    German Shephers--both my boys have been attacked by them
    Rotties--Neice had a marshmellow of a Rottie, but one that use to live near us tried
                  to get at my dogs every time i walked by.
    Pitties--DIL's sister had a sweetheart.  But one tried to attack my elderly dog not
                long ago, another pitt/ boxer mix attacked a neighbor child, lots of damage
                to face and arms.
    English Bull dogs--once had living next door, I loved that dog personally, but the
                                snorting and drooling was not my thing.
    Toy breeds--all I have ever spent time around seemed to be underfood all the
                         time and tho I hate hearing  big dogs bark, bark, bark, a yip yip yip
                          is even worse--4 chi's next door, fun to watch play, hard on the
                          ears.  BUT these toy breeds certainly have their place.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'll admit it - I hate pugs with a passion because I had a terrible roommate who would NEVER shut up about how much she loved pugs. So for me now, pug = obnoxious roommate. I'm sure they're lovely little dogs if given the chance!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Don't feel insulted.  Us toy owners need to band together.  Toys are always the most disliked on these threads.
    Go little dogs!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top ten in no particular order:

    1. American Pit Bull Terrier/American Staffordshire Terrier
    2. Rottweiler
    3. Boxer
    4. Shetland Sheepdog
    5. Border Collie
    6. Chow Chow
    7. Belgian <--- all three of them
    8. Greyhound
    9. Irish Setter
    10. Pointer

    Least favorites, great for other people, just not for me:

    1. Golden Retriever
    2. Schnauzer
    3. Poodle
    4. Chihuahua
    5. Lhasa Apso
    6. Yorkshire Terrier
    7. Pekingese
    8. Basset Hound
    9. Cocker Spaniel
    10. Anything wire-haired

    Oh, and I LOVE pugs, they'd probably be #11 on the favs [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    It's lame of me, but I actually felt mildly hurt on Chase's behalf every time I saw chessie on that bottom list!  [sm=lol.gif]
    My favourites (in no order)
    Chesapeake Bay Retriever
    Irish Setter
    Miniature Schnauzer
    Great Dane
    Rhodesian Ridgeback
    Jack Russell Terrier
    My least favourite breeds (in no order, with many apologies to any owners...I know it's no fun to see one of yours on this list![;)])
    Chihuahua (poor little chis...they're on almost everyone's list)
    Boston Terrier
    Shar Pei
    Min Pin
    Saint Bernard
    • Gold Top Dog
    Belgian <--- all three of them

    There's actually 4 varieties. 
    It's not that I dislike pugs.  I think they are very cute.  I adore my friends little pug.  But I just wouldn't own one.  I think some people don't like the sniffling, the snorting (with the little shower you get) or the snoring. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Don't feel bad guys, I encounter people on a daily basis who don't like APBTs!
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Harleygirl

    Belgian <--- all three of them

    There's actually 4 varieties. 

    Oops [sm=blush.gif] I forgot the Laekenois. But the other 3 are my favs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is a really cool topic, I would love to know more of the "why's" as to why you'd rather own your 10 faves as opposed to your least 10 faves.

    As for me, my top ten, in honestly no particular order...

    German Shepard - always loved them for they're intelligence and athleticism, had a lot of good GSD experiences too!
    Viszla - I've never fallen in love with a breed so fast, as a kid I used to take those "what dog is right for you" and I always got Viszla :)
    Rhodesian Ridgeback - I love this breed for their size, temperament and looks. One of the best dogs I've ever known was an RR
    Great Dane - owned two growing up. LOVE these dogs. sweet, sweet dogs. You can't replace a great dane [:(]
    Golden Retriever - always liked the goldens, I just can't resist that beautiful fur and face  :)
    Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever - I've only known one of these, but their intelligence and independence was so attractive to me
    Border Collie - agility + border collie = <3
    Husky - these dogs fascinate me, though I don't know if I could ever own one!
    Rottweilers - so misunderstood, gentle giants :)
    Briard - these dogs are just so cool

    Always been a big dog person, though I happen to love all dogs, just wouldn't own a small dog! So small dogs take up the entirety of my "least fave" list. that, and labs. Not a huge fan of labs in general
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Top 10 faves/would love to own/admire from afar (in no particular order, other than the first [;)])
    1 - Doberman
    2 - Boston Terrier (looks, but pref less bulgy eyes)
    3 - French Bulldog (despite the spitty sniffs and the snoring, again, less bulgy eyes)
    4 - Boxer
    5 - Bull Terrier (but that could easily be on my "wouldn't own" list - I'm not sure I could be vigilant enough to deal with just how TERRIER and strong these guys are!)
    6 - Coonhounds (Redbone or Bluetick or Black and Tan)
    7 -  Irish Setter (for looks, despite health issue)
    8 -  Great Pyrenese
    9 - Gordon Setter (also for looks) 
    10-  Rhodesian Ridgeback
    I don't see myself ever owning
    1 - Shih Tzu
    2 - Lhasa Apso
    3 - Rottweiler
    4 - Toy Fox Terrier (bad exp w/one - the little $*@#)
    5 - Komondor (grooming!)
    6 - Shar Pei
    7 - Weimaraner
    8 -  Dandie Dinmont Terrier (a hairy white dachshund w/an afro and a Bichon's face???)
    9 - Neopolitan Mastiff and most Mastiffs, actually
    10 - Golden Retriever - (I have enough hair in my apartment from the two downstairs to make my own Golden...)
    • Gold Top Dog

    ORIGINAL: jennie_c_d

    Pugs are a LOT of dog in that little body. They're high maintenance, and heavy shedders. They tend (in general, not speaking of well bred dogs, but dogs that we encounter, every day) to not be healthy, and be very pushy.

    They can be really fun, really cool dogs, but many of them are not. I can see why they're on least fav lists. I can see why JRT are, too, LOL.

    That makes sense. The only Pug that I've ever spent any time around was at one of the grooming shops where I worked. Her name was Daisy and she was obnoxious... she was pushy and her coat shed in bucket loads. Of course, that ALSO describes 90% of the Goldens and Labs that we saw. lol