Your Dream Breed

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

    Realistically, we should be getting a great pyrenees in the near future. I love german shepherds, but my parents would have a fit. ("They eat babies!!! We saw a news article 20 yrs ago so it must be true for all of them!";) My dream dog--as in, probably would never happen in real life--is a newfoundland. They are extremely rare down here.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I would like one of these please!!!



    • Gold Top Dog

    I just want Franklin's Thunder ...sniff....

    Or one of his pups, BK's Driftwood Junior:


    Or Bk's Cypress Belle

    Thunder Sport's King Bud is a nice lookin dog too....I'm just going to end up with a pack of Mountain Curs eventually.

     Its funny. I joke about Franklin's Thunder...Ginny is his illegitimate runaway puppy. Bwahaha! She looks exactly like was found in W.VA where those kennels are at....hmmmmm, maybe she jumped the fence and has a champion daddy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to say that I've got my dream too in my shepherds, as I did in the cockers.

    I will say though that hanging around petsmart with the rescue I'm helping out, I'm meeting a lot of those brutal, killer pibbles and spending a heck of a lot of time with them in my lap giving me kisses, so am rapidly falling in love with them.

    Please note that "brutal, killer pibbles" is said tongue in check.  Big Smile 


    • Gold Top Dog

    Border collie.  Red merle if possible or red and white.  Rough too.

    I'd say pibble but they just don't have enough fur for me.  Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think I would like a german sheperd, or a bull mastiff, they are sooo huge!

    My dream dog though, since I was little was a great dane :D

    • Gold Top Dog

     I also already have my dream breed (Irish Setter) but there are a few dogs out there I want. Hmm now to pick just one.

    It would have to be a Pharaoh Hound or an Ibizan Hound. Sorry I couldnt pick between the 2!! I really want both!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My deam dog WAS a Pomeranian... but now that I own one I'm going to say Rough Collie

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hands down it's the Otter Hound

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmmm, one I haven't owned before.  Well, I honestly can't top the the Australian Shepherd, but if I had to choose, I suppose I could own one of these:

    Border Collie, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Field Spaniel, Leonberger, or Shetland Sheepdog.

    • Gold Top Dog



    if i had the money i would go to the UK and select one.. as it is if i am determined enough i will end up going to someone in the midwest...

    i doubt i could ever give up my bulldogs, so it may never happen lol 

    • Gold Top Dog

    WOW I'm surprised by everyone's answers! Most picked dogs very far from their current breed, thats awesome! Ok I'm runner up's are.....

    Vizsla, Basset Hound, Whippet, French Bulldog, and a Weim!

    ok ok and a Aussie, Catahoula, Bluetick Houdn....ok ok I'm done



    old english bulldog, lol


    • Gold Top Dog

    A Maremma sheepdog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The silver dog with blue eyes - Weimaraner... I'm completely in love with them....