how do you handle breed discrimination?

    • Gold Top Dog

    how do you handle breed discrimination?

    This is something that has been bugging me lately. The amount of comments i get when i take my dogs out is absurd. I absolutely understand that not everyone likes german shepherds, or the other "bad breeds". I'm just sort of sick of all the rude comments. I used to try and take the time to educate the people, ya know, introduce to them to Kaiser and let them see for themselves. I think a few people will open their minds, but most seem to keep their opinions and refuse to budge. I've gotten to the point where when someone asks me if he will eat their face, i just want to say yes. I feel like i'm wasting my time. For example i was walking both dogs the other day...which when i walk them they are in a heel position with a traffic lead, so they literally have like 1 foot of free reign, but they know to walk in a heel and they don't pull. I do sometimes get compliments from passerbys on how well they are behaved. Anyway, when i was walking them i heard someone say, keep in mind these people are like 40 with no children around, say, "Don't go anywhere near that dog...looks vicious." i just kept walking and went inside.

    Sorry for the rant, i just want to know how everyone else handles this situation. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Just ignore it. You dont want people like that around your dogs anyways. Their probably the kind that get dogs that "look" vicious just to make them vicious.

    I am in love with Kaiser by the way. I love black german shepherds. I have had 2 bad experiences with german shepherds. My 2 friends that have shepherds want to EAT me. Im not kidding!! But I dont go around thinking all shepherds are mean and vicious.

    I've known mean pit bulls also. But I know that their not all that way. I had recently gone to the pet store and a couple where in there with their pit bull puppy. She was too cute. I asked if Samantha and I could pet her and they said yes. Then they asked if I knew what she was. I said pit bull. They were like you still want to pet/play with her? I was like I'd take her home with me!! They said that other people took their kids away once they told them her breed.

    Heck I take out Lillie and people are like "those arent very smart dogs are they. and their too hyper." I just shake my head and say like all the other breeds out there IS need a certain approach on training. And she is not hyper. She is a high energy dog!!

    People are clueless. Just ignore the clueless people Ridge. That's all I can say.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Believe it or not, I get that with my basenjis.  For me it depends on where it is coming from.  There are some coursing people who feel that way about basenjis.  I don't go to those trials, don't help out, don't enter, etc even though it is only a few miles from my house.  If it is people saying stuff about temperment issues, my reply depends.  There are some basenjis out there with nasty temperments, but my dogs are good.  For that sort of thing, sometimes I'll say that.  Sometimes I'll say "well, he has close to 100 hours in visiting nursing homes and the Alzheimer's facility, so I'm pretty sure he's a good dog."  And just smile, because usually their dog is no where near that.  I've had people tell me my basenjis were smaller or bigger than they should be.  "Well, he's finished his Ch, so really he's right where he should be."  And smile smuggly.  And for the person who told me they were sure pit bulls were used in the development of my breed "Nope, basenjis, as a breed, are 5000 years old, waaay older than pit bulls."

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm sorry you have had such negative experiences. I've never understood breed discrimination personally. It's like some people fail to realize a dog or any animal can be unique in personality and behavior. Thats like saying if I bit someone, then all woman bite. Doesn't make much sense does it lol. I almost wish people would think about stuff like that and realize how silly they sound. I don't see a problem in being cautious around a strange dog, but to judge them purely on looks is wrong. I have always just ignored people when they said bad things about my old Pomeranian or I let her prove to them she was better than that. There's not much else you can do.

    BTW your dog is gorgeous!  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well I often deal with the opposite situation.  When I'm out with Zoe, everyone wants to run up to and pet the adorable little hot dog.  What they don't know is that she can be a little stinker when she wants to be, and it's hard to keep people from manhandling her, only to realize she's not so cute when she feels threatened by overzealous strangers.  Not to mention there are many times when I just don't feel like dealing with people in general and want to be left alone.  Sometimes I wish people were scared and would stay away!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Honestly, I ignore it.  If people ask questions, I will give honest answers and do my best to educate them without patronizing, but some people don't really care to know the truth.  I just smirk and walk away, usually with Kenya in a formal heel, extra leash dragging on the ground.  If they are going to assume she's mean, at least they will see how well her obedience is coming along.

    Like Jenns is saying, there are a few times I can use this to my advantage.  Some people are not put off by Kenya at all and are way too pushy with her, grabbing her face and trying to kiss her and such.  If I have to tell them more than twice that they can't be manhandling my dog if they don't play by my rules, then I will just say "she will bite" even though she has NEVER bit, barked at, lunged at, or even growled at a person. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Heck I take out Lillie and people are like "those arent very smart dogs are they. and their too hyper." I just shake my head and say like all the other breeds out there IS need a certain approach on training. And she is not hyper. She is a high energy dog!!

         That's basically the general public's take on Beagles Super Angry Dumb, smelly, untrainable, hyper. I just roll my eyes, but truth is, it really does get under my skin! Especially when it's coming from other Beagle owners who are dragging their hounds around on a choker - then telling me the breed is stupid & untrainable!!! STOOPID!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't feel bad it even happens to me.  Yep thats right the little "Lassie dogs". We even had a person afraid to get out of their car because they were walking by. Hear it every once and a while from parents with children.  They will say "stay away, remember what I told you all dogs bite".  Now it isn't a bad thing to have parents teach children that dogs deserve respect but...  Usually I tell them don't worry they are friendly and if the kid wants to meet the dog all they have to do is ask nicely.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't get those kind of comments, maybe the longcoats make them look less intimidating? But if I did, I'd be inclined to say something like "the dogs are fine, but watch out for the owner - SHE'S vicious!"

    • Puppy

    Hi.  I've been breeding, training, showing, loving and working with German Shepherds for 32 years.  Don't apologize at all for the rant.  Years ago I would freak out on people if they insulted this beautiful breed or I'd go through my list of things that make GSDs outstanding dogs,  but you know, it does absolutely no good.  It is indeed very hurtful when you know that your dog is a sweetheart and because he/she is a breed that certain people believe to be nasty or stupid or whatever, these uninformed idiots feel they can shoot their face off.

    Years ago an obedience instructor and obedience judge I knew said to always consider the source.  If it is a person who says "are these dogs vicious? (in a nice tone) because they truly want to know something about the breed, then you can calmly explain the pros of your breed.  If it is the type of person like you mention above, you are wasting your time. 

    Now on a personal note, if I was having a bad day and not watching my own behaviour I would have likely said the only thing vicious on this street is you. haha  But I really try not to open my big mouth.

    Sorry any of us have to hear the things we do from time to time.  Hopefully those people don't own a dog.



    • Gold Top Dog

    ah breed discrimination..what fun..NOT..Well with Diesel, I'd say the majority of people that see him have no idea what he is..  The ones that do give him great respect (which you should with any dog, especialy an akita) and often stand a few feet away and ask if he is ok to pet..I of course say yes, and they generally go on to say how theyve had a bad experiene with the breed, or that every one theyve met is aggresive.  I hate to say it, but I appreciate the people that fear him more than the idiots that have no respect and just reach out to pet him, even though they dont know him.  Akitas can do alot of damage...and its just plain inconsiderate to pet someones dog without asking.  But only once or twice have i got someone that has said "oh no its an akita..thats an awful dog"  Most people see him interactng with others (usually my co-workers, which are very fond of him) and come up to ask if they can greet him.

     As for Tessa..this is where i get upset.  Not only do people want to discriminate..they want to because they DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT BREED SHE IS!!  "Look at that doberman!  Those are mean dogs!"..errm...ive met very very few dobies that i was leary around, and shes not even a dobie!  I had to really bite my toungue last weekend..  We dont have a dog park around here (which i probably wouldnt bring my dogs to anyways)..but long story short we have a group of people (around 130 total) that have a meetup. com group and we meetup one a month at differnet parks and let the dogs socialize on leash..the whole group was based on trying to convince the city to get a dog park.  ANYWAYS, most of the group knows tessa.  Ive ben in the group sence last year, when it first started, and everyone was aware when i got her.  Well, at this last meetup, a new couple came..with two rather nervous intact male chow mixes..  Im talking to some other people while Tessa and their pugs check each other out..and overhear someone yell at me from a few feet away.  Its another fellow long time member..who ask "Victoria- what breed is Tessa again?"  I respond and tell him beauceron..and the new lady with her chow mix responds "Oh ok, i was worried to bring my dog around her because i thought she was a doberman and was afraid of her disposition!"  UMM OK!!  And now that she WASNT a was all ok..i was really peeved to say the least.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, when I'm out with my boxer, I get all the time comments like that's a dangerous dog, they are big and hard to control, they love to fight with other dogs (because they are made for that??!!)...

    One that schocked me the most was "You know, you must never let that dog taste a drop of blood, he will be so agrressive that you'll have to put him to death." Wink Honestly, where do people get that?!

    And as for my beagle, it's a bit different. People come tu us all the time because they find him adorable and they want to touch him or play with him. But there were some comments like "They are stupid", "This is not a breed you can have as a house dog", "They don't listen and can't be left alone in the house, they make a lot of mess"...

    And also the funny ones... He has very interesting coat, so sometimes people ask if that is a dalmatian pup! And there was this one guy that tried to convince me that the breeder cheated on me and sold me a basset! He was so convinced in what he was saying that I didn't have the heart to explaine him he was wrong... Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     Boxers are vicious?! Thanks for letting me know that.

    My friend has a boxer that might lick you to death. One day I was over there and I heard Samantha saying "quit.go away.stop." I looked to see what she was talking about and there was Samantha against the wall while Athena went to town licking her to death. Samantha was just the right height for Athena to clean her face!! 

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    well despite not being a breed we get some real hassles and it does upset me.  Just for clarity no I am not in a corner crying I'm p*ssed.  We have people that think he's a tall lean lab and they think he's adorable Confused

    Then we have the small dog owners that behave as though he is going to eat their dog - not sure what breed they THINK he is but the fear is really incredulous.  I've mentioned this before in threads and honestly have no desire or intention to get into it again.  Its true its stupid and insulting.  My in control walking - usually prancing - dog is a threat?  In what way?  He's big so what.  Do you run and hide from all people over a certain height or weight as they walk down the street doing their own thing?  Stupid!

    I guess that's the way I handle it I honestly think that people like that are stupid.  They are no doubt the same people that fear people different than them and don't have much capacity to think and/or approach life as it happens.  They clearly lump everything and everyone into a category based on hearsay or individual experiences.

    Still PO's me but their loss.  What a way to go through life, imagine all they are missing.

    I think my anger is due to the effect I believe it is having on my dog. Bugsy is so alert and aware he is able to see and feel that these people fear him and I can watch him get anxious about it.  His behavior when our neighbor's 5 small out of control dogs attack him is very different than it was, no he isn't going to harm them, be he is wary and agitated.  She's moving soon and I can't wait.

    Sorry for MY rant as I really do hate this.  And I don't hate much.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sometimes things can also work to your advantage.  Take the other night.  Just about to walk the dogs when my GF called to let me know that there was someone (a HS student from Ohio selling here in Tampa so they could go to U of Miami  ?????)  walking around the neighborhood (9:30 at night) trying to sell magazines and gave her the spiel as she was trying to unload groceries from her car.  The person wouldn't take no for an answer from my GF and kept bugging her until she quickly got into the house. 

    Well as we were out walking this person approached me.  She first asked if my dogs would bite.  I told her that "only if I told them to"  well she took a two steps back and started into her spiel.  I wasn't interested and told her that but then she kept going on and on.  Well I quickly interrupted her that the dogs were getting annoyed and I better move on.  Boy that person beat a hasty retreat.