Pomeranian V.S. German Spitz

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pomeranian <3
    Kayla has a 10 GENERATION PEDIGREE saying she is pure bred. Registered with APRI which is by far the worst of them all.

    Now I am confused.  Do you believe her pedigree, or not?  If not, and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, some registries are known for lying on the papers, why does it matter how many generations it is? 


    I believe due to the lack of laws and rules for breeding it is very very possible Kayla came from an extremely long line of poorly bred Poms.

    10 generation "matters" because that just shows how LONG people have been able to breed incorrectly. It makes me sick
    • Gold Top Dog

    Pomeranian <3
    We are all on the same page if it is agreed that POORLY BRED POMERANIANS produce beyond the standards. It was my understanding that you all felt a long line of Ch. Sired Poms could produce such a thing? I say No. The only way you will get a "throwback" is through bad breeding

     I give up.

    Okay so we are not in agreement. That means that you feel lets take my good contact/friend Sunny & Celeste for example... breeds Ch. Sired Pomeranians. You think it is possible for one of their litters to have a dog like Kayla? I'm sorry but there is NO WAY... Dogs that look like Kayla or have many faults come from horrible breeding lines (as says the very quote in the book).

    throwback = back to traditional German Spitz qualities (i.e. size, shape, features... etc)
    • Gold Top Dog

    Pomeranian <3

    Pomeranian <3
    We are all on the same page if it is agreed that POORLY BRED POMERANIANS produce beyond the standards. It was my understanding that you all felt a long line of Ch. Sired Poms could produce such a thing? I say No. The only way you will get a "throwback" is through bad breeding

     I give up.

    throwback = back to traditional German Spitz qualities (i.e. size, shape, features... etc)
    Okay so we are not in agreement. That means that you feel lets take my good contact/friend Sunny & Celeste for example... breeds Ch. Sired Pomeranians. You think it is possible for one of their litters to have a dog like Kayla? I'm sorry but there is NO WAY... Dogs that look like Kayla or have many faults come from horrible breeding lines (as says the very quote in the book). 


    Yes.  Maybe not as poorly bred as Kayla, but if you'll refer back to pages 2 and 3 you'll see both Kate and Kelly bring up two dogs that are reputably bred that are far from standard.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Throwbacks are possible no matter what the quality of breeding.  So are dogs that look "different" than the breed standard.  Did you read my earlier post about my own dog?  

    I am sorry, but you are wrong in your assumption that strange sizes occur only as a result of bad breeding. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes.  Maybe not as poorly bred as Kayla, but if you'll refer back to pages 2 and 3 you'll see both Kate and Kelly bring up two dogs that are reputably bred that are far from standard.

    This in case I really question whether or not Kate & Kelly got their dogs from reputable breeders? ALSO... keep in mind you can't really compare two different breeds. How a Pom breeds is totally different than how a... GSD breeds, ya know? Different history, different requirements, etc etc...

    If the dog is "far from standard" do you honestly feel the dog was "reputably" bred? Yes I totally agree about "pet quality" with a few minor details wrong as Pwca stated. But "far from" eehhh... they probably weren't as well bred as you THINK, ya know?
    • Gold Top Dog
    **repeat on accident due to internet error**
    • Gold Top Dog

    Throwbacks are possible no matter what the quality of breeding.  So are dogs that look "different" than the breed standard.  Did you read my earlier post about my own dog?  

    I am sorry, but you are wrong in your assumption that strange sizes occur only as a result of bad breeding. 

    Yes in this case I understand. Runts, birth defeats, YES that can happen... but that is VERY VERY VERY rare. We are not talking about "rare" qualities. We are talking about thousands and thousands of Poms looking like Kayla for example. Those aren't just accidents... those are long lines of bad breeding. Am I making sense?
    • Gold Top Dog

    Pomeranian <3
    This in case I really question whether or not Kate & Kelly got their dogs from reputable breeders? ALSO... keep in mind you can't really compare two different breeds. How a Pom breeds is totally different than how a... GSD breeds, ya know? Different history, different requirements, etc etc...

    If the dog is "far from standard" do you honestly feel the dog was "reputably" bred? Yes I totally agree about "pet quality" with a few minor details wrong as Pwca stated. But "far from" eehhh... they probably weren't as well bred as you THINK, ya know?


    That is incredibly offensive and if you'd said that to someone else on this board you'd likely find yourself being edited and warned by me.  

    Dogs like mine are INTENTIONALLY bred to do the work that show-bred labs are physically unable to do.   I would suggest that you educate yourself before debating. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pomeranian <3
    You think it is possible for one of their litters to have a dog like Kayla? I'm sorry but there is NO WAY... Dogs that look like Kayla or have many faults come from horrible breeding lines (as says the very quote in the book).

    I feel like we're constantly circling back and forth on this.  Yes, dogs from BYB produce dogs that look like Kayla, definitely.  And will the offspring of two excellent parents produce a Kayla look-alike?  Probably not.  But is it at least in the realm of possibility?  Yes.  No, you will probably not get a dog with all of Kayla's faults from two champion parents, but it is not impossible.   Many breeders have stories about how pups had unexpected traits and characteristics.

    I don't think any of us here are saying that you can fully expect a Kayla from a carefully planned breeding.  But since genetics has proven that strange faults can happen, I don't think any of us discount it either. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    It's not meant to be offensive hun! I really feel you are all getting confused a bit...

    Look... Lets take the people I got Kayla from. They claim to be awesome, they've got a nice flashy website, they think they are "bettering the breed" LOOK at my dog... It would be wrong for me to say she came from a reputable breeder...

    If I THOUGHT Kayla came from good breeders wouldn't you all QUESTION that??? I hope you would! And I wouldn't take it an an insult I would be like WOW thank you for pointing that out next time I get a dog I'll try to notice these signs.... ya know????

    What makes a good breeder like I said varies from breed to breed and I don't know their own history... but I'm not talking about Chihauhuas and etc... I'm talking about thousands and thousands of dogs with variances in the Pomeranian breed
    • Gold Top Dog

    And I keep getting confused as to why we're debating the topic of the results of bad breeding.  Yes, there are a lot of Poms who look like Kayla because there are so many BYB.  The general populace does not want to wait for a carefully planned pet-quality pup from a reputable breeder.  So they shop BYB or pet store.  The growing deviation from the breed standard in your average family Pom is NOT perpetuated by genuine reputable breeders.  It is from the law of supply and demand, through the facilitation of BYB. 

    The best breeders in the world.  That's what genetics is.  That's why the study of it never ceases, as it is a delicate system process that produces outcomes that scientists didn't predict, much less breeders. 

    I feel like you keep touching on the idea that reputable breeders are helping to produce deviated Poms.  And I find that idea quite distasteful.  I'm hoping that's not what you meant, but please be careful, as that is what it sounds like sometimes. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Every breed ~ except *maybe* for some of the most rare, and probably they too ~ has non-reputable breeders breeding them. Every well-bred litter also can produce faults, they also can produce throw-backs. Throw backs really aren't the same thing as faults. Having throw-backs or faults, in and of itself, doesn't determine the quality of the breeding. Funny thing about genetics ~ it can be unpredictable, despite our best efforts. I commend you on your desire to educate people about poor breeding practices. I do suggest some further research on how to clearly define poor breeding practices, because basing it *solely* on the physical appearance of a puppy doesn't qualify.
    • Gold Top Dog

    And I keep getting confused as to why we're debating the topic of the results of bad breeding.  Yes, there are a lot of Poms who look like Kayla because there are so many BYB.  The general populace does not want to wait for a carefully planned pet-quality pup from a reputable breeder.  So they shop BYB or pet store.  The growing deviation from the breed standard in your average family Pom is NOT perpetuated by genuine reputable breeders.  It is from the law of supply and demand, through the facilitation of BYB. 

    The best breeders in the world.  That's what genetics is.  That's why the study of it never ceases, as it is a delicate system process that produces outcomes that scientists didn't predict, much less breeders. 

    I feel like you keep touching on the idea that reputable breeders are helping to produce deviated Poms.  And I find that idea quite distasteful.  I'm hoping that's not what you meant, but please be careful, as that is what it sounds like sometimes. 

    Ok hold up... everything you JUST SAID... I agree with... I am totally lost on why this is confusing and being misunderstood...

    Puppy Mills, BYB, and Pet Stores have dogs like KAYLA! Dogs with THIS much variance comes from BAD BREEDING. WHAT is so confusing about that? I feel like all of you are arguing with me that dogs like Kayla can come from long lines of Champion breeding. THAT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE... yes there can be SOME pet quality variance but not THIS MUCH variance...

    That being said since there are THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dog likes Kayla that means there are THOUSANDS of horrible breeders here in the US... so therefore there IS a huge breeding problem with this breed...
    • Gold Top Dog

    Pom, you posted after I started typing.  I'm glad you're not discrediting reputable breeders.  And as stupid as it may sound, what is our debate now?  It keeps revolving, and now I'm not sure what we're arguing. Stick out tongue 

    • Gold Top Dog
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