Toy/Small Dogs [What's Your Opinion?]

    • Gold Top Dog

    There are big dogs that have bad reputations in the public, and are not even allowed in certain places.  Well, it is not fair to judge all of these breeds in this way, because we all know that most don't fall into that category.  In the same way, all small dogs don't fall into the same category of small, yappy, biting terrors.  There are many great small dogs out there.

    • Gold Top Dog



    I have never owned one and likely never will. Small/toy dogs do not fit my lifestyle.

    That said, I have a bad opinion of most toy dogs simply due to many owners not training them. Untrained unsocialized toy dogs tend to be barky bitey annoying dogs. This is not true in every case, obviously and is my stereotype. 

    Same here. But here is my true life example:

    The couple who live next door let their Maltese charge every dog it encounters....barking, lunging, growling, showing teeth, and if the other dog comes too close; nipping/biting, all while on a flexi leash....they think it's cute and they always say something like, "she's just showing how tough she is!" or "she just doesn't want to be bossed around for being little!" Usually they pick her up if she won't stop barking.

    Jewlieee, untrained, unsocialized dogs of any size can be barkey, bitey, annoying dogs.  And untrained, unsocialized big dogs bring along their own set of concerns.

     BlackLabbie, maybe you could kindly tell them that their dog is actually suffering from anxiety and distress when she acts that way and that it isn't good for her health or mental well-being.  Maybe offer a book suggestion or leave one on their doorstep.  That's what I would do.

    You know there are all these posts about "breedism", etc. out there and everyone gets all up in arms about pit bulls and the like being maligned, but if I posted this exact post and replaced Toy Breed with Pit Bull or GSD or some other breed people always feel is the victim of breedism and everyone on here was telling their personal horror stories about pit bulls or GSDs or ..... you can bet the flames would be flying. 

    I was just recently told on another post there isn't breedism against toy breeds.  Really?

    • Gold Top Dog

    untrained, unsocialized dogs of any size can be barkey, bitey, annoying dogs.  And untrained, unsocialized big dogs bring along their own set of concerns.

    You can walk down my street for examples of this.

    • Gold Top Dog

    On one hand I'd like to argue that breedism is not the same as disliking a small or big dog because dogs arnt ripped out of homes because someone else dosnt like your dog.

    On the other hand both are based on unfounded and ridiculous opinions of another dog. Its a toughie but small/big dog disdain is a opinion and nothing more.

    BUT again.....on the other hand it all lies in the owners hand and how the dog is trained. Most dislike small breeds becuase of their lack of training........ugh just like breedism. WOW this topic could go in circles, lol!

    This topic has me arguing with myself
    • Gold Top Dog

    I like all dogs, unless there is an individual dog that acts like it is going to eat me or one of my dogs.  I agree with you AuroraLove that the behavior of small dogs AND big dogs has alot to do with the training by the owner.  I have seen as many unruly big dogs as small dogs.  There are some terrible big dogs that live on my street.  I go out of my way just not to walk in front of one house, because there is a large dog that acts like it will eat us.  It always comes out barking and growling and one time it came sneaking up behind me and acted like it was going to attack.  I always make sure I carry my cell phone when I am walking because of that dog.  I don't dislike all big dogs just because of that one dog that apparently is not properly cared for by it's owner.  I actually feel bad for dogs that are not properly cared for or trained.  

    If we are truly dog lovers, then we should like all dogs.  This does not mean that you will own a small dog (or a big dog), but that you don't dislike a dog simply because of its size.  We should look at the best in the dogs just as we should look at the best in each other.

     Also, thanks for what you said about the Westie you met.  They really are spunky dogs that can go with the best of them. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to use alternate routes in my neighborhood as well. There is the most gorgeous Ridgeback who is extremely territorial even if we are across the street, lol. Its fine if its just Rory and I becuase she is a girl but if I have Primo then its very tense so I dont go that way.

    The other way (DONT LAUGH) is because of a toy poodle who actually attacked Rory. You'll find this funny......we were walking one day and here comes a crazy poodle flying out of his yard, launches itself on Rory's back and bit down. She had to get stitches but the funny part is that I got so scared I flung him off and picked up my 60lbs dog and ran down the street. The neighbor looked at me like I was crazy! Thankfully Rory was too shocked to respond BUT if she had I can guarantee she woulda been blamed. The old lady paid for the stitches though and thougth it was very funny what her dog did considering mine was a pittie. Rory has actually been bit 3x! Once was the poodle, one was a Golden Retriever and the other was another pit bull. Out of the three the poodle did the worst damage

    • Gold Top Dog

    Watching you carrying him does make me want to laugh.  It is funny now, but I know you didn't think it was funny then.  I am glad that Rory did ok and also that the lady paid for the stitches.  It is a shame that, yes, Rory probably would have been blamed if she reacted--it is not fair.  I was actually bit by a small dog once, also.  I agree many small dog's owners don't spend the time or put in the effort to train them to be sociable dogs.  This is sad.  But there are many big dog owners that also don't spend the time or put in the effort to train their dogs.  In both situations it is sad for the dogs.  These dogs would live a much better life if they were trained and cared for properly.  Many of these dogs probably also end up in shelters because the owners themselves grow weary of their dog's behavior.  The dog then has to pay the price. 

    Rory is a pretty dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    On one hand I'd like to argue that breedism is not the same as disliking a small or big dog because dogs arnt ripped out of homes because someone else dosnt like your dog.

    I think this is the problem. People who own pits, rotts, GSDs etc are at risk of getting their dogs taken away, due to BSL. On the top 10 least favorite breeds thread, i see how many have GSD in their bottom 10. I don't really care if people don't like them, they're missing out in my opinion. BUT, i'd rather everyone in the world hate GSDs than to risk mine being taken away.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have not read through this thread, so forgive me if this has already been said or touched upon. I do not believe people who have never owned a small breed dog can really say if they dislike the little dog personalities. I used to be from the crowd of "I only like big dogs, little dogs are yappy, annoying, untrainable, nippy, etc." Then I got a little dog and I suddenly saw how much rumor was behind that. They are very trainable, very outgoing, just like a big dog in a small dog body. The one I owned rarely barked, was as much a dog as my big dogs. I can honestly say that I like bigger dogs given the choice now, but I have owned both, so until you have owned both a small breed dog and a large breed dog, I don't believe you really can say what you like. Big dog owners who have never owned a small breed dog have no idea what they are missing. Having owned both, I prefer larger only because I do a lot of hiking/running and I like the appearance of a larger dog when I'm out alone, but small breed dogs are just as much a dog as bigger ones. So I guess my point is, nothing irks me more than a "big dog fan" bashing little dogs when they have never owned a small breed in their lives, because they have no idea what they are bashing. I love both, would have both if I could, but right now my DH is making certain I know this is a one dog family, so my choice is a larger breed! Like I said, I apologize if this has already been said, or is so far off topic, but I just saw this thread and thought I would post my thoughts! Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Your reply is right on target.  My ex would only allow me to have big dogs.  I hate to say, but I also fell in the the little yappy lap dog thing.  I now have three Westies.  I still love big dogs, and, yes, appearance wise-- protection is probably increased if you have a big dog.  But, I love my Westies and they are every bit as much a dog as my big dogs were.  I also have a Golden, so I am fortunate to have both and love all of my dogs as each offer so much in their own right.  

    • Bronze

    Like a lot of people I grew up with prejudices against small dogs.  But I live in an apartment so when I decided to get a dog I looked at small breeds.  Not surprisingly I met a lot of nice dogs.  Friends of mine have a chi who is the sweetest dog ever. (They were lucky though, she came from a breeder who was retiring and she was a champion).  My mom and dad have a pug and you just can't not like him.  He converted their next-door neighbors who were previously very anti-dog. One thing I've learned being around small dogs is that there's a big advantage to having a dog you can easily pick up. But I don't think the size of the dog matter so much as how well it suits your environment.





    • Gold Top Dog

    But I don't think the size of the dog matter so much as how well it suits your environment.

    So very true.  If only more people thought about this.  I would only add lifestyle.  Environment and lifestyle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really love many small breeds. I owned a Papillion and Toy Poodle as a teen.  I would not have one again as my current pack consist of a large breed of hounds. I could not give a toy breed the attention it would need without slighting one of my big kids.

    I have thought about getting a small dog in the past but changed my mind...I can dress up the big kids just as easily !! See my profile for snaps of poor Kota as a Pirate, redneck, cowboy, laser tag fighter and Dolly Parton,   Now I am trying to figure out how to make him an Old Southern theme costume... we have an RV rally coming up.

    Bonita of Bwana


    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't say I like all small breed dogs, for various reasons. They are all unique in looks/ personality, and some just aren't for me (I apologize, but I will never understand Toy Poodles). I have to say I have never judged a breed on just one persons dog. I know all dogs are capable of great things if you take the time to teach them. I have had the privilege of owning large and small breed dogs. Growing up we only had large breed dogs, mainly GSD's, malamutes, Akita, husky's- they were all great dogs. The only reason I like small breed dogs better than large breed dogs has nothing to do with there personality or anything. I know both large and small can be high maintenance, but in different way (exercise, grooming etc). For my life style and my family's life style a small breed works best for us.

    Out of all the small breed dogs in the world I love Pomeranian's the best. I love their quirky personalities, their intelligence and their fox like appearance. They are also one of the most hated small breed dogs in my area. Lots of people make comments on how yappy they are or how mean they get. Missi was an angel (she barked, but not super excessively, and it was my fault for not socializing her well enough) and loved everyone. Aisha is sweet and playful too. It is hard sometimes not to get caught up in the whole stereotypes of a specific breed, but I think all dogs of all sizes deserve a chance.

    • Silver

    There is one thing that in my opinion doesn't help the cause of the small/toy dog and that is the high number of people who dress them up.  And treat them like babies or dolls.  I don't think I have ever seen a GSD or a Rottie wearing some cutsey little outfit.

    One of my puppy owners dresses up her dog, he is a dog that was bred to be a working terrier and/or a performance dog.  He is a very Titled Performance dog in flyball and agility.

    Yet she puts these clothes on him, but I have to give her credit she doesn't when I am training them or when I am at a trial with them, because she knows it makes me cringe.

    Well folks can start flaming me now, but I wont change those opinions, it sure is hard to take a dog seriously when it is dressed up like a doll.  And it sure doesn't help the small dog imagine.