Toy/Small Dogs [What's Your Opinion?]

    • Gold Top Dog

    Toy/Small Dogs [What's Your Opinion?]

    The follow thread is a forum suvery. Opinions are welcome but must be rational and within forum rules & reguations.

    Toy/Small Dogs:

    Love 'em / Hate 'em / Ignore 'em? There is a difference between: (a) never owning a toy/small dog due to your lifestyle (b) simply disliking all toy/small breeds.

    I'd like to see your reasoning for loving, never owning, or disliking the smaller breeds. Feel free to be specific on which small breed you are regarding to (i.e. Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Yorkies, Terriors, Poodles, etc).


    My Opinion:

    Growing up with a Shetland Sheepdog I never thought I'd own anything else! I loved the sheepdog breeds and felt they would always be my one and only option.

    My new adulthood lifestyle soon changed my mind. I missed having a dog in my life but could never give a Sheltie all it desires and needs right now.

    Always being attracted to Pomeranians as a kid (I used to call them baby Shelties) I decided to do some research. A Pomeranian makes a great apartment dog; they don't need a lot of space and exercise. It is also a dog that loves to be pampered like a child; not having children yet "Kayla" truly is great practice! I love how she can go litterally everywhere with me, and loves every moment of it! "Kayla" is my sidekick and forever companion. Makes me feel good to know she'll always be right there following me or in my lap!

    I'm not very attracted to any other toy/small dog. Long-Haired Chihuahua would be a second option if I could not have a Pom. As for Yorkies, Shih Tzus, Terriors, they are just not for me.

    I also extremely dislike the new Poodle-Mix craze. All though my neighbors have an Eski-Poo (American Eskimo Mini/Poodle), I still dislike them very very much. I find these dogs to be a little "off their rocker" if you know what I mean. Something just isn't right (oh idk maybe because they aren't supose to be breed together? haha) But personally I find them unattractive & morally wrong. My neighbors got one because they are allergic to dogs but wanted a white fluffy toy dog. Okay I understand this type of new breed now benefits these people but it's not worth it to me overall in the big picture. I wish we'd stop the Poodle-Mix craze!

    There is no doubt in my mind one day I will have a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) again; but I have fallen in love with the Pomeranian breed and always want them in my life!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have never owned one and likely never will. Small/toy dogs do not fit my lifestyle.

    That said, I have a bad opinion of most toy dogs simply due to many owners not training them. Untrained unsocialized toy dogs tend to be barky bitey annoying dogs. This is not true in every case, obviously and is my stereotype. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't fit my lifestyle.  You can't really do SchH with a toy dog beyond a BH.  I prefer dogs whose heads are at my hip level, a dog who really gives me a work out just bringing to a gait!  Also, a lot of little breeds are terriers and terriers in general are not the temperament I look for in a dog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would own select toy breeds, a Pomeranian or a Papillon, but I prefer herding breeds. I have no negative impression of toys though.

    • Puppy
    Toys are my kind fo dogs. I do enjoy some larger dogs IE standard poodles, Shelties, Aussies GSP, Saluki, Afghans...But I am currently owned by four paps and soon to be a fifth. The new little one will be a show pap and I am very excited! I have been tlaking with the breeder and will be meeting with her soon. I love the toy breeds. The only breed I can not stand is a Miniature Pinscher.  
    • Gold Top Dog


    That said, I have a bad opinion of most toy dogs simply due to many owners not training them. Untrained unsocialized toy dogs tend to be barky bitey annoying dogs. This is not true in every case, obviously and is my stereotype. 

    Unfortunately I see this a lot. People think because the dog is small it doesn't require training. Obviously, not everyone doesn't train their small dogs, but I see it a lot just on my day to day walks. Just the other day when I was walking my brother's dog a pug dragged his handler (who was a child) over while barking and growling and jumped on my brothers dog and bit him. My brother dog is very reactive and I have been working with him (this incident was a pretty major setback in my training). The pug didn't get hurt but there was a lot of noise and the owner of the pug gave me a nasty look like this incident was somehow my fault! We had been standing pretty far off the trail to let these folks pass and their dog was the one who bit, not mine.

    A small dog doesn't really fit my lifestyle at all. I am very active and I just prefer medium sized dogs. If I did have a small dog it would probably be a papillon just because I really like them. Every one I have met has had a big dogs personality in a small dog package. Realistically I probably will stick to the herding breeds from now on though. Especially since we are now looking into buying a farm.

    • Silver

    Hi new here;

    I am not fond of yappy, ill mannered dogs of any size.  If the dog is of a small breed, I prefer working types.

    One thing I have always wondered at, we all see small yappy, ill mannered and untrained small dogs out in public.  Do you think its is because the smaller dogs are easier to control (pick them up or drag them) were as larger dogs that are the same, i.e not trained etc are often left at home and not seen as much?


    • Gold Top Dog

    One thing I have always wondered at, we all see small yappy, ill mannered and untrained small dogs out in public.  Do you think its is because the smaller dogs are easier to control (pick them up or drag them) were as larger dogs that are the same, i.e not trained etc are often left at home and not seen as much?

    I completely agree.  If a large dog were exhibiting that same behavior in public animal control would be called and the dog would be destroyed or declared dangerous. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    One thing I have always wondered at, we all see small yappy, ill mannered and untrained small dogs out in public.  Do you think its is because the smaller dogs are easier to control (pick them up or drag them) were as larger dogs that are the same, i.e not trained etc are often left at home and not seen as much?

    I completely agree.  If a large dog were exhibiting that same behavior in public animal control would be called and the dog would be destroyed or declared dangerous. 


    Absolutely!  It's so funny, because I was thinking just that, and then you both said it.  

    As for small dogs, I own an AKK who's only 12 inches tall, so I suppose you could call me a fan.  But the small dogs have to be that "big dog in a little dog body" personality.  For instance, Honor has no idea that she's only 8 pounds, and easily takes command of multi-dog situations.  Her drive and boldness are exciting, which makes her seem like a much bigger dog.  She's the first small dog I've ever owned (I've had mostly medium-large dogs up until her), but I would definitely have another AKK.  Other small dogs I could see myself having would be a Pom or a Papillon, but probably no others.  As it is, DH and I are in the midst of beginning the search for a second dog, and we're looking towards a more medium-sized dog. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    As for small dogs, I own an AKK who's only 12 inches tall, so I suppose you could call me a fan.  But the small dogs have to be that "big dog in a little dog body" personality.  For instance, Honor has no idea that she's only 8 pounds, and easily takes command of multi-dog situations.  Her drive and boldness are exciting, which makes her seem like a much bigger dog.  She's the first small dog I've ever owned (I've had mostly medium-large dogs up until her), but I would definitely have another AKK.  Other small dogs I could see myself having would be a Pom or a Papillon, but probably no others.

    Infiniti I think your dog is adorable! I have never heard of this breed until I met you. His pictures crack me up! Looks like he is a ball of fun! Do you have any links you can PM me about this breed? Yeah I agree with the "tough guy in a small package" thing [hense my love for Poms]. Kayla will sit there and wait for another dog to initiate play but if that dog is trying to dominate her you can see the switch and she's like "oh no you didn't, psh I can take you..." lol

    As for the rest of you I totally agree too. It is wrong that, animal control for example, pin-points when a larger dog is not in the appropriate home but god for bid they realize all the tortured small dogs! My neighbors two Chihuahuas (one long-haired, one short haired) NEVER STOP BARKING... I'm not kidding... I would bet money they are barking right as I type. The just don't stop!!! WHERE THE HECK IS THE OWNER!!!! And they are MEAN!!! They ran all the way down the hallway to ATTACK Kayla!!!!!!! ATTACK HER! Thank god Kayla is a good dog. She pawed one in the face, that startled him, then she put her weight on him to keep him down just looking at him like "dude! chill out!" I don't want to prey into other people's business but I seriously want to call animal control.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My feelings on small dogs are the same as large dogs.  I love any well behaved friendly dog, and enjoy all the different breeds.  At the same time however, there are only a select few breeds that would be right for me and my lifestyle.  Currently, I have fallen in love with my first dog, a papillon.  I have always loved papillons and have yet to meet one I haven't liked.  They are just such goofy playful little dogs who have more than enough pep to make up for their lack of size.  I love how fluffy they are, yet their coats are wash and wear when it comes to grooming.  Although Kirby is only 9 pounds, I've never felt he is a small dog when it comes to doing things.  He loves to go with me every where whether it be just for a ride in the car or a walk in the woods.  I've never felt as if I have to carry him around or treat him different than a larger dog.  Most importantly I was looking for a companion animal when getting a dog, and that is exactly what he was bred to do.

    Although I also love big dogs, there are a lot of little perks that come with our smaller canines.  Their small discrete size makes them easier to take places/travel with, you can fly in cabin with them on a plane, tons of cute accessories/clothes if you like to doll up your pooch, they cost less to feed, they can get a good workout playing fetch in the house on rainy days, and they don't crush you when they plop down on your lap.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Krissim Klaw
    My feelings on small dogs are the same as large dogs.


    I own a small dog, 16lbs. He is a corgi/terrier mix. I never, ever invisioned myself owning a small dog, until Casey presented himself in my life. He is treated,  and expected, to act like any other dog. He is not allowed to be nippy, or barky. I treat him just I would treat him if I owned a large dog. He eats his food out of a bowl, on the floor. He obeys his commands, and potties outside. I don't carry him around, he walks on a leash. He sits when he is told, and walks nicely on a leash (ok, a harness... but we are working on it!) I wouldn't mind owning another small dog, but it would have to be the right one. I prefer large dogs, and will one day have a bigger one. People always tell me Casey has the attitude of a big dog, in a little dog body. And that's what I love!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Don't fit my lifestyle.  You can't really do SchH with a toy dog beyond a BH.  I prefer dogs whose heads are at my hip level, a dog who really gives me a work out just bringing to a gait!  Also, a lot of little breeds are terriers and terriers in general are not the temperament I look for in a dog. 


     Actually, there are 3-4 corgis with SchH titles beyond a BH (may be more by now!) and I think there's a Welsh Terrier as well. :P While they're not toys, the size isn't necessarily the barrier you'd think it is.

    • Gold Top Dog

    There are a lot of large dog breeds that I admire but I'm not sure I would own one.  I think it has more to do with cleanliness than anything else.   With a large dog there just is more smell, shed hair, drool, larger housebreaking mishaps etc..  I'm not saying at all that those who have large dogs have dirty homes by any means, just like not all small dogs are not yappy ankle biters ;), but having a large dog involves a definite dog "presence" in your home, so it takes a lot more work to keep the house clean and fresh.  And I don't like to spend any more time cleaning than I have to!  So...that is why I prefer a small dog. 

    Many small breeds are very suitable for an active lifestyle as well.  Mine is 8 lbs and extremely active, I can hardly keep up with her.  She really needs about 45 minutes of walking every day, and in reality she doesn't even like walking, she wants to RUN.  We go on long hikes in the woods and she is always up for more.  We also do agility.  She may be a small dog but she is a hunting breed and therefore bred for activity.  There a tons of small breeds that are suitable for an active lifestyle if that is what you want.

    • Gold Top Dog


    but having a large dog involves a definite dog "presence" in your home, so it takes a lot more work to keep the house clean and fresh.  And I don't like to spend any more time cleaning than I have to!  So...that is why I prefer a small dog. 

    Actually.... my small dog sheds a TON! Along with my cats... we do a lot of cleaning over here! I think there are plenty of very clean, larger dogs. Like greyhounds (a breed I REALLY want... but will never be able do own as long as I have cats).

    I swear my small dog makes more of a mess, playing in the mud and dirt, than any of my large fosters!

    But... another plus to a smaller breed - they don't take up as much room in your bed!