Toy/Small Dogs [What's Your Opinion?]

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've always owned big dogs(Dobermans, German Shepherd Dogs, Boxer, Rottweiler) and I decided to get a small dog due to maternal urges(in lieu of a baby as you don't have to put a dog through college Wink) so I got a Boston Terrier. Then I got another Boston Terrier. I love my Rottweiler but it is much easier to take care of smaller dogs. The thing is, I don't consider myself a "big dog person" or a "small dog person". I just consider myself a "dog person".

    • Gold Top Dog

    The thing is, I don't consider myself a "big dog person" or a "small dog person". I just consider myself a "dog person".


    I love it!  And very true, you've absolutely summed up my feelings on the topic. Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog


    'm not saying at all that those who have large dogs have dirty homes by any means,

    LOL Well, I'm here to say that I have medium sized dogs in my house and you can definitely tell. More hair, more dirt, more presence than a little dog all the way lol.


    I have to admit though that i do like small dogs in big body types - working small dogs, more specifically. Like Corgis. If I were to ever own a small dog it'd be a corgi. But I probably never will unless something happens and I end up with my brothers dog (or my sisters) 

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     toy/small dogs aren't really my thing - its just what I'm used to and I do think that so many toy dogs are not treated like dogs and not trained properly that I have been completely put off.  And they aren't for my lifestyle and their temperament isn't for me and yes that is across breeds.

    There are a lot of large dog breeds that I admire but I'm not sure I would own one.  I think it has more to do with cleanliness than anything else.   With a large dog there just is more smell, shed hair, drool, larger housebreaking mishaps etc..  I'm not saying at all that those who have large dogs have dirty homes by any means, just like not all small dogs are not yappy ankle biters ;), but having a large dog involves a definite dog "presence" in your home, so it takes a lot more work to keep the house clean and fresh.  And I don't like to spend any more time cleaning than I have to!

    No doubt large dogs can slobber more but my very short haired dog doesn't smell ( that's usually a sign of poor diet not size), doesn't shed much at all.  As for housebreaking issues he has never had them from day 1 where as I know sooo many small dogs that never seem to 'get it'.  My XL dog isn't on furniture so no hair there or on beds, doesn't climb on people, etc. Which most small dogs are all over.  I could make a strong case that my XL is less 'dirty' and leaves less of a trail than the average small/toy dog.

    As for a presence well yea his bowls are bigger and his bed his bigger and he's big no doubt about it.  But I don't really think that its fair to say that a house with a large dog in it is smelly and dirty. Especially considering the amount of small dog owners that complain about pee/poop accidents with adult dogs.  To each is own.  I'll clean up slobber as necessary and small dog owners can clean up pee and poop and hair off all the furniture and bed linens.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not a toy dog person either, though we had (Mom still has) a toy poodle when I was in high school. I like small well behaved dogs that belong to others just fine, but they just don't fit my idea of a dog. My dog is a member of my family, almost like a child. I'm just as likely to adopt a toy child as I would be a toy dog. I like rough and tumble play & would feel like I had to be extra careful with a little dog. And while small breeds can be good watch dogs, I like a bigger dog that could offer a little more action with their bark if need be.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not a small dog person. There are a few breeds I feel fondly towards, but for me a dog needs to have substance. I just can't take seriously a dog I might accidentally squash. Pure bias, I know. I know small dogs can have big personalities. But but but ... I don't want a dog that a coyote would snatch up for a snack. I want that dog presence. I consider Sasha "smallish" and she's 60 lbs. She's as small a dog as I'd want. Last but not least, I want a dog who isn't aggressive but who looks big enough to make a sketchy person think twice.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    As for housebreaking issues he has never had them from day 1 where as I know sooo many small dogs that never seem to 'get it'. 


    As for a presence well yea his bowls are bigger and his bed his bigger and he's big no doubt about it.  But I don't really think that its fair to say that a house with a large dog in it is smelly and dirty. Especially considering the amount of small dog owners that complain about pee/poop accidents with adult dogs.  To each is own.  I'll clean up slobber as necessary and small dog owners can clean up pee and poop and hair off all the furniture and bed linens.

    I feel I have to jump in and defend small dogs here.  ; )  It really has nothing to do with size, but rather the OWNERS and lack of training.  Small dogs are smart, too.  They can be trained just like any other dog.  The problem, IMO, lies solely with the owners.  Smaller dogs make smaller accidents, which means their accidents are easier to miss if the owner is not watching their pup closely enough, AND it is just simply easier to ignore or blow off the tiny accidents a small dog has vs. those coming from a dog of Bugsy's size, for example.  Unfortunately, I see small dog owners too often making the mistake of giving their puppy too much freedom, too soon, and then wondering WHY the pup continues to have accidents in the house.  But the fact is, it is just not quite as big of a deal if a small dog is not 100% housetrained.  And perhaps that is why so many small dogs are not, because their owners just do not care enough to make a bigger effort.

    My little dog has been fully housetrained since he was 3.5 months old.  He was a breeze to train.  :-)


    The thing is, I don't consider myself a "big dog person" or a "small dog person". I just consider myself a "dog person".

    Same here.  Wink

    Edited for typos.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree that I'm "just" a dog person.  However, on a personal level, little dogs make me nervous.  I'm a klutz and I'd always be afraid I'd break a little dog.  Cockers were small enough!

    I do see a lot of little dogs that just flat have no manners and I find that extremely annoying...the little yappy ankle biter kind of dog that feels the need to nip at my feet or ankles.  But, I also see larger dogs that haven't been properly trained.  And that's all it is.....lack of training, and perhaps its more prevalent in the smaller breeds because folks don't treat them like dogs, or figure that little dogs don't NEED to be trained.  I don't blame the dog or the breed, I blame the owner.  And maybe the reason so many little dogs seem so hyper is that their owners carry them too much and don't give them the exercise that they need.  That's an "in general" statement.  The little ones also seem more nervous to me.  But, I might MAKE them nervous since they make me nervous.

    People walking into my house do NOT smell my dogs.  My dogs don't smell.  And I do agree that diet is a huge part of that.  They don't get bathed but a couple times a need for it.  Everyone gets a good brushing a couple times a week, so aside from blowing season, they don't shed much either.  Now if I don't vacume for a week or so, well, yeah, there will be some fur on the floor.  My cockers were MUCH higher maintainance than my SIX shepherds are.

    I personally do prefer the larger breeds, and a lot of that has to do with my lifestyle and the fact that having BIG DRIVEY dogs gets me up and out of the house and moving.  When I'm working full time, I tend to be tired when I come home, but being tired doesn't excuse me from exercising my dogs, and that exercise gives ME a second wind too.  But, when it's time to come in the house, they all know to leave their rowdy outdoor behavior OUTDOORS.

    The little ones are adorable....just too little for me!  Again, I'd be in constant fear of breaking them!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree that it is the fault of the trainer/owner of any size dog when dogs just can't be fully housetrained (barring medical complications).  My experience has been that *many* owners of small dogs do not train them like they are a dog - which no matter what size they are, they are a dog.  Behaviors that are unacceptable in a bigger dog are apparently deemed fine in a dog under 20lbs.  I personally don't think its fine.

    I know there are people that own really well trained small/toy dogs but I personally don't know any.  I am definitely more turned off by small dogs because of what the owners allow than because of the dog them self. 

    I didn't really like the statement that large dogs are so smelly they stink up an entire house and increase a person's cleaning need exponentially.  Just not true.

    Different size dogs, different breeds or mixed breeds all have people that want them and are happy with the good and bad that come with them. And will manage and maintain the way that they want.

    I am personally biased to large well trained dogs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    i agree with you karen on the large=stinky thing. I have gotten a lot of compliments on how clean my home is...people say that if they didn't know any better they wouldn't think i had dogs. However, my bed has a lot of Wyatt hairs on it and you can see Kaiser hairs collecting on my stairs if i don't vacuum twice a week. But my mom has no dog over 25 lbs and she has to vacuum everyday. I also think little dogs tend to have more accidents because of their small bladders.

    on little dogs...sure, i like them. Especially papillons, westies, and JRTs. I just prefer a dog that i can go on a run with, wrestle around with, and a dog that would possibly offer up some protection or at least scare someone away. Would i ever get a little dog? sure...not from a breeder but i would adopt one. Personally, i prefer working type seems to me that they have an innate drive to please and to do what is asked. I know some brilliant small dogs but they would rather outsmart you than please you.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I agree that it is the fault of the trainer/owner of any size dog when dogs just can't be fully housetrained (barring medical complications).  My experience has been that *many* owners of small dogs do not train them like they are a dog - which no matter what size they are, they are a dog.  Behaviors that are unacceptable in a bigger dog are apparently deemed fine in a dog under 20lbs.  I personally don't think its fine.

    I know there are people that own really well trained small/toy dogs but I personally don't know any.  I am definitely more turned off by small dogs because of what the owners allow than because of the dog them self. 

    I didn't really like the statement that large dogs are so smelly they stink up an entire house and increase a person's cleaning need exponentially.  Just not true.


    Oh I definitely agree with you, size does not excuse a lack of manners or training.  I just wanted to offer my own opinion in response to the generalization that small dogs are harder to housetrain.  I don't believe that to be true at all.  I think they are simply a product of their owners, just like any other dog.

    And I agree that large dogs do not necessarily = a smelly, dirty house.  My sister has 5 dogs in her house, all but one of them are large, and she keeps a very clean house.  You would never know they were there judging by the smell and appearance.  Likewise, my larger dog is very clean inside the house and does not smell "doggie" or shed much.  I just keep both of them brushed and clean.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm a klutz and I'd always be afraid I'd break a little dog.


    That's my issue with small dogs as wellEmbarrassed. I always thought I was being overly paranoid to worry about rolling over in bed and hurting a small dog...and then I saw it on an episode of The Osmonds. Jack rolled over and killed one of Sharon's little dogs.

    I also like being able to give and get a good solid hug/snuggle from a dog, but I don't want something so big it won't fit comfortably in the bed I tend to gravitate towards the medium sized "doggy dogs".

     I do secretly have a crush on the hairless Chinese Cresteds with the big mohawks.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like dogs of pretty much every size, provided they're well behaved. I have two small dogs (11 and 8 lbs respectively) and one larger dog (in the 60 lb range). All fit my lifestyle nicely. My small (nor my large) dogs are not yappy or out of control.

     I hate when people don't train their small dogs and they run all over, but I equally dislike large dogs who pull their owners everywhere on the leash.

    I plan to always have a dog of each size

    • Puppy

    Another pomeranian lover here.....I have 5......I also use to have a sheltie, but poms are more suited to me....

    • Gold Top Dog
    To me, it depends on the dog, really. I have met more spoiled small dogs then large so I just naturally tend to shy away from them in public. However I hae also met many sweet and lovable small dogs but still I think I will sick with my medium breeds for a few years now. :D

    I think my all time faveriot small breed is either JRT's or Peke's. ^-^