Toy/Small Dogs [What's Your Opinion?]

    • Bronze

    Toys are my kind fo dogs. I do enjoy some larger dogs IE standard poodles, Shelties, Aussies GSP, Saluki, Afghans...But I am currently owned by four paps and soon to be a fifth. The new little one will be a show pap and I am very excited! I have been tlaking with the breeder and will be meeting with her soon. I love the toy breeds. The only breed I can not stand is a Miniature Pinscher.  

    I suppose this is why I don't prefer small dogs.  Joking aside, that is usually the underlying feeling between owners and small dogs, which is why they so often are snappy and misbehaved.  Stereotype yeah, true yeah.  Now so I don't sound like a jerk (if not too late) We will soon have a Papilion that my wife wanted.  And my brother in law has a (forget the spelling) taco bell dog.  And it has it's charms.  Of course to each their own.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I love everyone responses so far! This is going to be a great resource for my article... :o)

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    • Gold Top Dog


    Toys are my kind fo dogs. I do enjoy some larger dogs IE standard poodles, Shelties, Aussies GSP, Saluki, Afghans...But I am currently owned by four paps and soon to be a fifth. The new little one will be a show pap and I am very excited! I have been tlaking with the breeder and will be meeting with her soon. I love the toy breeds. The only breed I can not stand is a Miniature Pinscher.  

    I suppose this is why I don't prefer small dogs.  Joking aside, that is usually the underlying feeling between owners and small dogs, which is why they so often are snappy and misbehaved.  Stereotype yeah, true yeah.  Now so I don't sound like a jerk (if not too late) We will soon have a Papilion that my wife wanted.  And my brother in law has a (forget the spelling) taco bell dog.  And it has it's charms.  Of course to each their own.

     Just a warning- papillons are notorious for winning over big dog/non toy dog people.  I'd know, I used to be one and look at me now- I've had 3 papillons, currently have 2, and I'm looking to add another.  They're a lot different than other toy breeds, though.  ;)

    • Gold Top Dog

    The only small dogs I knew when I was growing up were just awful. Both of them bit people, attacked other dogs and cats, weren't well housetrained etc. Their entitled owners felt it was perfectly appropriate to bring them over at any time. So..., it's no wonder I grew up believing small dog = bad dog.

    I've been steadily revising that opinion for the last few years and have met many small dogs I really like.

    Right now, I have no plans to own a small dog. There just always seems to be a lot of great large dogs that are passed up for adoption in favor of smaller dogs.  Hopefully my three large dogs have several healthy years left, and you never know how things may change in that time.

    • Silver

    As a first time new papillon mom I totally agree that there is something very special about them. I used to be large dog person, I've had 3 german shepards. Most recently (last 10 years) I've had a chi/jrt mix and a jrt - both small dogs but this little guy is amazing. He is so loving, smart, playful and engaging. I'm a little intimidated by his size but I know I will get over that.

    • Puppy
    I've got a toy fox terrier possibly a jack russell mix so i've been told, but i think she is pure toy fox, anyways, she is the best dog i think anyone could own. (of course I'm pretty bias) but she really is a sweetheart. All she wants to do is sleep in my arms on her back, and give kisses. She NEVER barks, NEVER growls, and for me works like a big dog. I've had a lot of knee surgery, and have broken back in the past, needless to say bending over and picking things up isnt easy. shell pick up and jump up to give me anything i drop, or ask her to get (a cell phone, keys, a remote) and she can jump up to turn on or off a light switch. toy can probably beat a lot of your big flossy dogs anyday. well, at least in my book. i have a 100lb dog and my 11lb works harder.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I guess I would be able to answer this question more fairly if all of the toy/small dogs I've ever come into contact with were trained properly and not spoiled rotten.  I'd love to meet a well trained toy dog that is treated the way any other dog is treated.  Then I'd probably be able to make a better decision.  My thoughts on them now are all the owners fault and not the breed. 

    That said, as far as me personally owning one-I  don't think they fit into my lifestyle and what I look for in a dog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love all dogs, tiny or big.  I hate the term "toy breed" more than anything.  It puts an image in my mind of people walking around with a small dog in a purse with no training that will nip at everyone and than have an accident anytime it's put down.   I have seen many toy breeds that have never been socialized or trained by the owners because they are not powerful dogs, but I've also seen the opposite... toy breeds who are wonderfully socialized, have great manners, and can get along well with other dogs just fine.  It's NEVER the dog I have a problem with, it's pretty much always the owner.  How many five pond dogs have owners that just giggle when it acts aggresively because it's so "cute" to see a little dog thinking it's so ferocious? 


    I think if a toy breed fits ones lifestyle and they are prepared to train and socialize the dog the same as a big dog than that's great!   I never ever thought I'd want a small dog, but after dog sitting a large dog I've realized for our second dog I don't want a big dog. We fully intend to give our little dog the same exact training and socialization as we did Sophie.  I am really looking forward to it.  We are an active family and I do think smaller dogs can be more athletic than some people may think.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I've always owned big dogs(Dobermans, German Shepherd Dogs, Boxer, Rottweiler) and I decided to get a small dog due to maternal urges(in lieu of a baby as you don't have to put a dog through college Wink) so I got a Boston Terrier. Then I got another Boston Terrier. I love my Rottweiler but it is much easier to take care of smaller dogs. The thing is, I don't consider myself a "big dog person" or a "small dog person". I just consider myself a "dog person".

    I really agree here - just a dog person.  For me currently a big dog doesn't really fit my lifestyle.  A small dog works better.  I fostered my two Chihuahuas and fell in LOVE with them. 

    It makes me sad to hear that people think Chihuahuas are mean - so very far from the truth!  They are some of the most loving dogs I have ever encountered (and I have rescued and worked with all breeds!).  They are just usually loyal to their own family/person.  People also scare them - grabbing at them and picking them up when the dog isn't familiar with them.  You just wouldn't do that with the average Rottie, Pit or other more intimidating dog.  So the little dog defends itself and gets labeled mean or vicious. 

    Also, I am so not a fan of the "little dogs don't know their own size and that's why they take on bigger dogs" mentality.  I believe that my little dogs DO know their small and therefore will try to intimidate other dogs to gain dominance just to preserve their own lives!  I have worked with my dogs on proper socializing, etc. and they are so wonderful.  I can take them virtually everywhere and they are so silent and well-behaved no one usually even knows they are with me - which I prefer since so many people just try to grab them!

    Toy dogs - big dogs ... I love them all!

    I know one thing - if I ever move to a cool climate that is outdoorsy I am getting a husky-type breed - they are simply beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog

    jsmith - my mom has a toy fox terrier and she is the absolute best little dog!  She is practically a mind-reader!  She minds if you just think it - I swear.

    • Gold Top Dog


    It makes me sad to hear that people think Chihuahuas are mean - so very far from the truth!  They are some of the most loving dogs I have ever encountered (and I have rescued and worked with all breeds!).  They are just usually loyal to their own family/person.  People also scare them - grabbing at them and picking them up when the dog isn't familiar with them.  You just wouldn't do that with the average Rottie, Pit or other more intimidating dog.  So the little dog defends itself and gets labeled mean or vicious. 

    Also, I am so not a fan of the "little dogs don't know their own size and that's why they take on bigger dogs" mentality.  I believe that my little dogs DO know their small and therefore will try to intimidate other dogs to gain dominance just to preserve their own lives!  I have worked with my dogs on proper socializing, etc. and they are so wonderful.  I can take them virtually everywhere and they are so silent and well-behaved no one usually even knows they are with me - which I prefer since so many people just try to grab them!

    I sooo agree.  Small dogs are often misunderstood, IMO, and many people do not realize how intimidating their body language can be to them.  And I agree that small dogs definitely do realize their size.

    I don't know why people feel compelled to do this, but practically everyone (even at the vet) who meets Beau wants to pick him and and hold him right up to their face and make kissing noises...or if they don't try to pick him up, they lean over him instead, reach over his head to pet him, and/or put their face right up in his...Confused  When is that ever okay to do to ANY strange dog???  Some people...Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well we have 2 small dogs, 2 medium, and 1 large dog.  And my preference for when we get other dogs later in life is to always get bigger dogs.  I just like big dogs better.  Don't get me wrong, I love our small dogs and wouldn't trade them for the world.  As other's have said, seeing so many untrained small dogs is a turn off.  Our little ones do bark more than the big ones do, but they know when I tell them "enough" that it's time to stop.  And for me I have a harder time training little dogs, I found our medium/large dogs seemed to be easier for me.  And I'm sure the opposite is true for others.  I'm also more worried about hurting a little dog, like someone else said, I'm a klutz.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    my toy can probably beat a lot of your big flossy dogs anyday. well, at least in my book


    That attitude is precisely what irritates me about small/toy dogs and their owners.  Sorry I have a super powerful 105lb dog who could rip darn near anything to shreds - ie 'beat a lot of dogs' and could certainly kill a small dog easily.  Do I think that's a good thing - no.  I don't have any use for people who think aggressive dogs are "cute" and let's face it thats toy/small dog owners that think its cute when their tiny dog is aggressive.

    Just this morning the 5 little terriers/mixes came charging at myself and my dog this morning (mentioned in an earlier post - one nipping his feet, all 5 barking and growling.  He's on a leash and thinking what the h** is this all about.  I have had enough of this as it happens regular and I pushed the nipping open away.   Personally anyone who thinks this is 'cute' is an idiot.  Because it wouldn't be cute if my "big flossy dog" reacted to their aggression and bit them would it?

    Yes I am peeved about this today more than most - and your statement just lit a fire under the already smoldering cinders. 

    Another example of isn't it amusing when my small dog attacks a large dog happened last summer.  My sister has a virtually untrained westie who attacks any dog that walks passed the house.  This summer she attacked a GSD at one point latching onto one of the GSD's ears.  I wonder how funny sis would have found it if the GSD latched on to her westie.

    Yes there are responsible small/toy dog owners but man oh man I've not met the large dog owner that thinks aggression is "cute"

    I hope your toy fox terrier doesn't take on the wrong "big flossy dog" - don't complain if your dog doesn't "beat' it. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     This also happens to be one of my biggest pet peeves though it is the same for large or small dogs.  I can't stand dogs that are allowed to run out of their property and bark/attack people and dogs walking by.  Sure, your dog can bark all it likes at me from its own yard, but the second it steps in the street than I have a problem.  There used to be a little terrier mix on the street over that would always run out and follow/bark/try to challenge Kirby and follow us down 5 houses from his own.  I don't know how the people's neighbors didn't report the dog.  Several times we would go down the street and hear the little thing yapping, only to see it standing in someone elses yard standing a foot away from the people yapping while they were trying to do stuff in their own yard!

     On several occasions we tried to talk to the owners, warning them that if they didn't contain their dog we were going to call animal control on them.  There dog wasn't just charging other dogs, but people and cars down the road.  Then the dog nearly resulted in my father being badly injured or worse.  He rides his bike for exercise around the neighborhood, and that dog had always been prone to chasing him partway down the road when he went by.  This time however when he was riding, the thing shot out right in front of him and he hit it dead on.  He was thrown from his bike, and at 58 years old, it is a miracle he didn't flip over the handle bars and break his spine/or worse.  Thankfully he only ended up with a few bruises and scrapes, and miraculously the dog also wasn't injured.  It didn't even change its ways, after about a week of barking from the safety of its own yard, it started to hound the street again. 

     Needless to say I won't deal with dogs of any size charging the street and will just call animal control at this point.  It's dangerous to people and to the dogs and not cute.  I have to admit the small loose dogs I run across are far worse than the large dogs.  All the large dogs I've run across will stay back when I tell them go home or use other corrective gestures/commands.  The small ones however never seem phased and just lunge right in yapping.

    • Gold Top Dog

    kpwlee if you read jsmithcoop's post again I am sure you will see that he/she was not speaking of his/her little dog attacking or being aggressive toward another dog, rather jsmith was discussing how hard her little toy fox terrier will work for her.  Jsmith said nothing of her dog being aggressive and even mentioned how the dog is in no way aggessive and doesn't bark.  I take the post to mean that the little dog will work extra hard over what his/her other bigger dog would do.

    Here is the exact quote (bolds are mine):

    I've got a toy fox terrier possibly a jack russell mix so i've been told, but i think she is pure toy fox, anyways, she is the best dog i think anyone could own. (of course I'm pretty bias) but she really is a sweetheart. All she wants to do is sleep in my arms on her back, and give kisses. She NEVER barks, NEVER growls, and for me works like a big dog. I've had a lot of knee surgery, and have broken back in the past, needless to say bending over and picking things up isnt easy. shell pick up and jump up to give me anything i drop, or ask her to get (a cell phone, keys, a remote) and she can jump up to turn on or off a light switch. toy can probably beat a lot of your big flossy dogs anyday. well, at least in my book. i have a 100lb dog and my 11lb works harder.

    I'm sorry you have trouble with some little dogs charging you, but believe me those of us with little dogs (or big dogs or no dogs) encounter the same problem with big dogs - only it can be far scarier.

    I find it a little sad that so many big dog owners are rather hateful to little dogs.  You don't often see little dog owners being hateful to big dogs simply due to their size.  Let's face it - no one likes an untrained, unmanageable dog regardless of it's size.