Any Flat-Coat Lovers Here?

    • Bronze

    Any Flat-Coat Lovers Here?

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to these forums and have a 7 1/2 year-old Golden and a 12 1/2 month-old Flat-Coat.  Gauge, my FCR is the first dog I've become involved in conformation with.  We also compete in obedience and will eventually compete in agility when Gauge is old enough.  We have already started introductory stuff but are taking a break over the winter.  I previously competed in agility with Kona, my GSD/Border Collie mix.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Actually, I have a very clear FCR memory.  Adelle Yonk and Treasure were going head to head for HIT from Utility with Al Breese and Sassy (another black coated dogs of the belgian persuasion).  To watch those two girls work their hearts out for their people was pretty impressive.  But, Treasure, she did it with a most pronounced and impish gleam in her eye.  What a joy to watch.  She was carrying off a stuffy with a decided strut  to her movement, of course on her way to compete in the group.

    • Bronze

    That sounds like a FCR!  Mine usually has a canvas frisbee in his mouth right before competing.  The last one we were at was a huge trade show that also had conformation, obedience, agility and disc dog competitions going on.  In between competing, I took Gauge for a walk around and he carried his "disc" with him the whole time.  He drew quite the attention from everyone we passed who seemed to all think it was neat how proudly he carried his disc through the crowd and how he kept it with him the whole time!

     At home, it's stuffies, kongs or balls, usually at least 2 in his mouth at a time.

    • Silver

    Flat Coat lover here! My girl Sasha is retired now with her CDX and RA. She's my Novice A dog (ILP'd FCR) and the love of my life.

    Bertshire, Wingmaster, Spectra and Glenwan FCR are local, so I don't have to go far for a Flat Coat fix.  I just adore these dogs.


    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't have a FCR, but love the breed and would love to have one some day. There pretty rare were I live. Not many breeders, and very few knowledgers. I've only seen one in my whole life and it was at a dog show a couple months ago. I would love to see some pictures of yours if you could post some.