rwbeagles-GSD from "I Am Legend"

    • Gold Top Dog
    I heard that Abby was actually a rescue...
    • Puppy

    Google that agian . The News articals never say where she is from , It says She was Plucked from a Kennel in California. That she hardly new her name, and like a true diva she refused to fetch the ball . She is an AKC registered, and OFAp Female out of a Champion Sire  and Humble Female.  I was not her breeder, just the lady there/worker durring the sale. I am totaly blown back that she even made it, I realy didnt think the people where serious . I only handled her in a large 1/4 play area with other GSDs , she played ball with them, and if you threw it she would take chase, but not realy bring it back . She was good at jumping and running.

    I have no clue where the other dog came from , so its possible that dog was a rescue, But I doubt it as I have heard thew the grapevine ( a previous buyer ) that at there Vets they seen 2 "I am Legend" puppies , that had Retained Testicals and those people paid big bucks. Abby was Fixed for some reason so it wasnt her.


    Here is the Entertainment Weeklys review

    In the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood, some aspiring starlets will do whatever it takes to get to the top. Then there's Abbey. The 3-year-old German shepherd, who plays Will Smith's best friend in the sci-fi epic I Am Legend, took an old-fashioned road to fame: She got discovered. Plucked from a California kennel by Steve Berens, a trainer with 28 years of industry experience, Abbey was exactly the kind of light-colored shepherd that Legend director Francis Lawrence had been looking for. The film, set five years in the future, tells the story of a scientist (Smith) who struggles to survive in a postapocalyptic New York City with only his four-legged pal, Sam (Abbey), for company. It was a demanding part, and Berens knew it would take more than a few Method classes to get his new protégé ready for the camera. ''We were pretty much starting from scratch,'' he recalls. ''She didn't even know her own name.''

    Three weeks of intensive coaching followed before Abbey was ready to meet her costar. Sparks flew instantly: ''Will came walking up, and Abbey barked at him,'' recalls Berens. But Smith patiently earned Abbey's respect, and the two headed to New York City for a grueling six-month shoot for the film, which is based on a 1954 vampire novel of the same name.

    A consummate professional on set (she declined fur and makeup and ate a strict diet of kibble and chicken), Abbey balked only when asked to perform a particularly degrading act for one scene. ''For whatever reason, she just had no interest in playing fetch,'' says Lawrence (Constantine). ''We had to use a backup dog.'' But even the occasional diva moment couldn't diminish the cast and crew's love for their leading lady. ''When we finished her last shot, it was like the whole crew had been dying for six months to pet her,'' recalls Lawrence. ''Everybody swarmed. She loved it.''

    • Gold Top Dog

    What happened to Abby's ear?  During the movie I noticed a little piece missing.  I assumed she was a rescue dog b/c that sort of thing happens with dogs who are neglected and flies literally chew on their ears. 

    • Puppy

    I have seen that before, Abby had an Ear tear from another dog niping her.  I have her 1/2 Sister , and Some cousins. One of my girls has a ear tear also , which is dissapointing to me , I wanted to show her.   The kennels they used to be in they where sharing a common wire fence.   Those Cattle Flys don't grow here .. Surprizing enough as we live in Dairy country.   They grow in abundance in Modesto, Ca .  I used to have to put Horse salve on my dogs ears all the time , they would get little bites and crusties .. I was always so sad. Now I use Bronco Horse spray for pests on my dogs , we have mosquitoes here the worse. They hang out inside of the dogs houses ! sick. save that for another post


    • Gold Top Dog


    What happened to Abby's ear?  During the movie I noticed a little piece missing.  I assumed she was a rescue dog b/c that sort of thing happens with dogs who are neglected and flies literally chew on their ears. 


     I have seen this sort of thing in GSDs at shows from time to time (other breeds too). Usually from a scuffle gone wrong or a dog in a neighhboring run grabbing the ear through the fence. A Sibe won BIS Westiminster in the 80s that had half of one ear missing, due to a fight I believe.

    • Puppy


    Realy ?? I Know having an Tipped ear is ok in GSDs as long as it is standing. We sold a beautiful Woodside male because I constantly had complaints that his ear was not up right. I hated doing that. We show our Doxie male , I cant wait to start with the GSDs.
    • Gold Top Dog

    It may be different depending on the show venue but I've heard of people showing GSDs that are missing teeth.  If asked, they provide a paper from the vet and an x-ray proving the teeth were at one time intact.  Sometimes they lose a tooth to a training accident.  Since that's not really a genetic problem they can show if they prove the tooth was there.  Maybe the same is true for an ear.

    • Gold Top Dog


    It may be different depending on the show venue but I've heard of people showing GSDs that are missing teeth.  If asked, they provide a paper from the vet and an x-ray proving the teeth were at one time intact.  Sometimes they lose a tooth to a training accident.  Since that's not really a genetic problem they can show if they prove the tooth was there.  Maybe the same is true for an ear.

     I have seen this for sure, a few years back the BOB GSD at Westminister was missing several teeth. I saw the dog being shown at Louisville and people said the handler had a vet statement saying the teeth had to be removed due to damage.

     The ear, I think it can be obvious that it was bitten off but if it was stitched back together, that may require a vet statement.

    • Puppy

     Well, I am the "horse's mouth". I generally don't have time to participate in any chats but because it has recently been brought to my attention that a dishonest company has been running around claiming credit for training Abbey in I Am Legend. There has been alot of misinformation going around so I thought I needed to spend some time setting the record straight. Hollywood Paws had absolutely nothing to do with Abbey or I Am Legend. Our company,Steve Berens' Animals of Distinction, more directly my husband, Steve Berens trained her for the film. She is a purebred akc papered GSD. She had two back-ups - one we got from the animal shelter. We used her for an aggressive scene that didn't make the final cut. We leased another dog,  Kona, from Rowehaus German Shepherds but we only used her in one scene. Abbey did %99.9 of the movie herself. All are females and Abbey is not spayed. We used two puppies - one was leased from Rowehaus GS but because she was so rambunctious we couldn't use her because Will Smith's little girl didn't like her. We used our own puppy whose name is Bunny and has grown into quite a beautiful dog. Since doing I Am Legend, Abbey was in a short lived series My Own Worst Enemy as Christian Slater's dog. She lives with us and is doing great. She plays all day with her best friends Troy, a golden and Sarge an English Bulldog. I could go on forever but I just wanted to set some of the facts straight.