Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, I'm sorry!  I'm not sorry for the dog since that is probably best for her, but I know how it feels.  I've bonded with shelter dogs before and almost been in tears seeing them leave.

    You should join the German Shepherd forum.  There is a large section for rescue and shelter dogs that people post from all over the country.  I know I've seen dogs from Florida.  Often there are rescue dogs that people are willing to transport to good homes in another state.  Check it out.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, hon, I'm so sorry! They're probably really happy to have her back. She's simply someone else's dog. I thought that might happen.

    Get in touch with some rescue organizations in your area and see if they have a dog for you.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I went last week like to 4 diferent the one where I was going to adopt this one they have two more GSD but one is 5 yeard and the other one 3...I want a young GSD...I will keep looking..I know mine is somewhere for me..

    • Gold Top Dog
    sorry to hear the bad news. You'll find your dog, and what's even better is now you don't have to rush into things. I'm sure you've already picked up on a lot of stuff since you've been here and now you have time to locate the food you want to feed and stock up on toys and dog supplies. You know though, 3 years old isn't that old. Have you thought about getting the 3yr old at all? I completely understand wanting a young dog, I think everyone wants a young one when they get their first dogs. I know I did! But now I think I would happily take a dog that is a few years old and past all the puppy craziness! Have you looked at You can search for local GSDs in your area without having to go all the way to the shelters.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I went last week like to 4 diferent the one where I was going to adopt this one they have two more GSD but one is 5 yeard and the other one 3...I want a young GSD...I will keep looking..I know mine is somewhere for me..



    Nestor, I adopted my GSD when she was 3.5 years old and she is nothing but work, drive, and energy!!!  She does agility and rally and now we are starting pet therapy.  We have our first rally show tomorrow night.  I think 3 is the PERFECT age.  They are done being a puppy, fully grown and fully developed, ready to listen and learn.  3 years old is still young!  Most GSDs I hear of dying are 12-15 years old. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    yes I have looked in petfinder..I dont see any in Miami

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well darn! But at least she is back with her family.

    There is dog out there for you, fate is a wonderful thing. The right dog for you will come along when the time is right for both of you.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nestor, here is someone in Miami looking to re-home a young GSD.  She will be 1 in December (needs to be spayed).  Take a look:


    PS.  I don't think that person knows much about GSDs.  The dog looks purebred and looks to be the correct size.  Many non-GSD people think they are a lot bigger than the standard says they should be. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Tampa Bay GSD Rescue has several available.  Many rescues will help transport a dog to a good home.

    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks for everything to all of you..I will keep looking and when I have something I will let you know...Thanks again..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sorry to hear your news.... but pleased that the dog at least had a loving home and the family got her back... they must have been so worried Sad

    Get in touch with the breed rescue!!

    Is this any help to you?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sorry to hear.......but,I am sure you will find the perfect dog for youWink

    • Gold Top Dog

     How old would think he is?this one just arrived today..They dont have his age yet..He looks nice..I hope he is not too old..Probably I will go tomorrow after work to put him on hold..He is not available yet for adoption until the vet sees him...but I can put him on hold..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Really can't tell without seeing his teeth, but he does look nice from what I can see. Nice big head!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have reallyyyyyy good NEWSSSS..My Dad was talking today to one of his friends..and he told him that I wanted a GSD ...guess what?He told him that he had a GSD and that she had a litter ..and he still had a male and a female..He is going to give me the female on saturday..IM SO HAPPYYYYY!!! I think she is like 10 weeks soon as I bring her I will post pictures..Now I need advices on puppies..What foods..anything you know that can help me it will be appreciated.....Thanks...