Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please

    • Gold Top Dog

    Then please don't get a dog.  No dog deserves to live their life outside, and certainly not in FL with the heat and the snakes.  GSD are double coated and really can't tolerate that high, humid heat.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I own a house,and he will not live inside the house.


    That might be a problem.  No shelter or rescue in my area will adopt an animal if it's going to live outdoors.  Where do you live?  I see your username says "Miami" but I don't know if that's part of your name or your location.  If it is your location, I would not let a GSD live outdoors.  WAAAAAY to hot for them in Miami to be outside all the time.  GSDs are a double-coated breed and while I do not support animals living outdoors, they would be better off living outdoors in a cold place than a place like Miami.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    You guys never asked where I was going to have her.I do live in Miami but I have a house for her in the back with A/C my dad used to have working tools  in that house and he is going to give it to me.Its bigggg!!!!!!!!also she will be with me when Im home.I dont work mondays,wednesdays,saturdays or sundays and I go to school at night.So yeah...

    • Gold Top Dog

    That should be good, but please remember a German Shepherd is typically a one person velcro dog.  They bond very strongly to one person and want to always be with that person, not in a kennel or dog house.  If you are home, you will probably want the dog to be near you or it might howl or become destructive.  If she gets enough exercise and mental stimulation, she should be tired and calm in the house. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    dont worry sweety..She will be in good hands..Im praying to have her...she is so cute...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Why are you against the dog being a housedog? From the German Shepherds I've met, they seem to do better as housedogs, in with the family all of the time

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to see how she is first..I have a 2 year old sister..depending on her behavior I will decide later..

    • Gold Top Dog

     GSDs typically make great family dogs as long as you are committed to training the "rules" of the house and supervising the kid and the dog at all times.  You might want to check on the shelter's adoption policies.  Our shelter will not adopt out a dog until ALL other household members and pets are present to meet the dog, so your sister would have to meet the dog first before we would release it.  Not sure how other shelters operate though.  In general, it's a good idea to make sure everyone gets along before taking the dog home.

    • Gold Top Dog

    here in Miami you dont have to do all that..I think everything will be fine...Probably what I will do for the first days is have her in the house with a muzzle when my sister is here and see how she reacts..what do you think?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have no experience introducing adult dogs to young children.  I only have cats and they can easily out-run dogs that chase them.  I would post a new thread in the Behavior section and get some suggestions from people there. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    i think shepherds can become pretty aggressive when left outside. Even my sweet boy has attacked a fence. My GSD is strictly indoors though, so i don't know for sure.

    • Gold Top Dog


    here in Miami you dont have to do all that..I think everything will be fine...Probably what I will do for the first days is have her in the house with a muzzle when my sister is here and see how she reacts..what do you think?


    Look,I am not tryting to scare you, but do you have any experience with any dogs?

    Bringing a dog from a shelter and worrying about your two year old sister getting in the way sounds a little dangerous to me....with any dog, let alone a GSD.....I am just wondering if there is any good dog experience in your parents household.....muzzling a dog for a day and hoping for the best is not really a good enough plan.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    well yeah..I have some experience...I had a GSD when I was about 8,I had a Doberman,and a Pitbull,this was when I used to live in Cuba...Is it bad to have the dog with the Muzzle untill I come back from work at 2?its only 5 hours..??The other option will be to have her in my room which is big...untill I come back from work..??thanks for all the help.Also when it comes to feeding her..I used to feed my dogs twice a day..Morning and night..Now some people tell me once other twice..and what food should I buy for her.??

    • Gold Top Dog


    I own a house,and he will not live inside the house.

    my dad used to have working tools  in that house and he is going to give it to me.

    You own the house and your 2 year old sister lives with you? ANd your dad gave you a building out back? 

    Is it bad to have the dog with the Muzzle untill I come back from work at 2?its only 5 hours..??


    Never leave a dog alone with a muzzle. Not for 5 minutes. 

    I'm sorry. Until you know more about dogs, and can have one in the house, I don't think you should have one, let alone a GSD.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    well yeah..I have some experience...I had a GSD when I was about 8,I had a Doberman,and a Pitbull,this was when I used to live in Cuba...Is it bad to have the dog with the Muzzle untill I come back from work at 2?its only 5 hours..??The other option will be to have her in my room which is big...untill I come back from work..??thanks for all the help.Also when it comes to feeding her..I used to feed my dogs twice a day..Morning and night..Now some people tell me once other twice..and what food should I buy for her.??


    See....things are making a left turn for me....I don't mean any offense, and I don't know how they do things in Cuba......but, just the idea of leaving the dog muzzled for 5 hours sounds insane.....and if you leave her without supervision she will chew on about crate training her....she would be ok for 5 hours in a crate, as long as you make sure she gets enough exercise and play time........please, take that into consideration......