Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow!  Those are some funky ears!

    From that shot, honestly I can't tell if the pup is purebred or not.  Just to play devils can't show or breed a purebred unless you have papers, which you won't be able to get from the shelter, even if this one is purebred.  Had to get that out of the way as my public service announcement.....just in case.

    OK, cocker vs shepherd.  I've owned both and both are wonderful breeds.  Poorly bred, either breed is not so great.  A poorly bred cocker tends to be nervous and nippy, particularly around little kids.  They can have some pretty serious health issues as well.  Ditto a poorly bred gsd, as far as health issues go, but the biggie with gsds to me, is temperment.  This is a LOT of dog and if they don't have a great temperment, they can be one heck of a lot for a newbie owner to handle.  I'm not a newbie owner, but gosh, I might as well have been when we got the first two shepherd pups.  My cockers never ate recliners, sofas, big, expensive stuff......they might have teethed a bit on chairs, but SOFA's??  I was NOT prepared for the amount of damage a bored gsd can do in very short order, and I didn't really know, then, how to keep them mentally active.

    So, for someone who doesn't know a lot about dogs, I'd strongly suggest the cocker as a starter dog.  But, do keep in my that the smaller the dog, the more nervous they tend to be in scarey situations.  Your job becomes to make them comfy in all situations by taking them as many places as possible and exposing them to new and different things in a calm and confident manner.

    Good luck with this....we'd love to see some pictures of whoever you bring home!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Carla, if you have doubts, don't take the dog.  It is not fair to the dog.  Right now that puppy has a very good chance at being adopted by someone who won't care if it is a purebred dog.  If you return an older dog, it is more difficult to adopt out adult dogs, than puppies.  But, if you don't have any doubts about the fact that you will love this dog no matter what, purebred looking or not, then by all means adopt.  Seriously concider the old female.  She does have advantages, she is older, so you are not going to be dealing with all the puppy issues!  Plus, as I stated before, adult dogs are harder to adopt out.  You would be giving her a wonderful chance in life.

     As far as the Cocker goes, I'm not sure if you are asking whether or not you should get the Cocker instead or both.  If both, please make sure the 2 dogs are compatible with each other!  You don't want to have to keep them separated all the time.

    Best of luck!


    • Gold Top Dog

    If it's that important to you, I think you should pass.  You'll never know.  Buy one from a breeder - that's the only way to be sure.  Even then ......... 

    Personally, I'd go with the older girl regardless.  But that's just me.

    As for breeds, dogs have their differences, but they are all dogs.  It's a huge committment. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    WOWWWW Great advices from all of you.I still undecided but I think I will go with the female GSD who is around two years old.I took her out of the kennel yesterday and she seems so nice,she was playing,and she seems really sweet.I will keep all of you alert of what happens..thanks...

    here is a bad picture of her..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Fuzzy picture and all I think she is beautiful!

    Good luck and let us know what you decide.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, I love this 2-year-old female! I didn't read the whole thread so I missed your post on her. If you connected with her, and her temperament is good and you're determined to get a GSD, I'd love to see you take this girl. Did you happen to ask how they got her? Was she resigned to them for any particular reason?  That might give a clue to her temperament and so on.

    I'm just curious, are you planning anything in particular with a GSD or is it just for companionship? I ask because if you want to take her lots of places with you, it might  be a good idea to see how she is with other dogs.

    But, fuzzy picture and all, she looks like a doll! Beautiful!

    All right, now I'm excited! LOL  

    • Gold Top Dog

    haha yeahh she is..She is a stray dog.If their owners dont find her in two days,on wednesday she will be mine..LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think that if you have doubts about the little puppy, you should just go with the older one.  You really would be doing a good thing by adopting her, considering that people don't always like to adopt the adult dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    she is only a year old..They found her microship...If the owner does not go to get her I can go to pick her up friday..Im praying!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, hon. If she has a chip, it's likely she is owned  by someone who cares about her. They'll have to contact the owners and see if they want her back. It's possible they aren't the ones who chipped her but I'd hate to see you disappointed. I'm rooting for you, but I also know that if this isn't the girl for you, you will find the perfect one. Be patient... Be sure to keep us updated.

    • Gold Top Dog

    yeahh..Its true..I really like her and she is only a year old..I hope her owner never goes to pick her up...I want her so bad......Sad

    • Gold Top Dog

    Also, please be patient. Don't grab just any dog now just for the sake of getting one. You want a dog that will match your situation, not one that you're going to be unhappy with. And dogs shouldn't just be returned on a whim.

     I wouldn't get the puppy if it's that important to you that it be a purebred. Yes, there are purebred puppies to be found in shelters, but you just can't say for sure.  Someone will want that adorable pup, no matter what it's background.

    Is it the look of the purebred shepherd that attracts you, or the temperament? I only ask, as there can be wildly different temperaments in GSDs, especially with their being so popular with BYBs. (same with labs and goldens, it seems)

     Are you wanting a Cocker AND a GSD? Or either or? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I could had adopted a black 2 years old cocker today but I didn't.My favorite dog since I was a little kid are the german shepherd.I like everything about them.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I could had adopted a black 2 years old cocker today but I didn't.My favorite dog since I was a little kid are the german shepherd.I like everything about them.

    I hope you live in your own place, if you rent that could be a problem, as GSDs have the tendency to be extreme chew machines and can literally chew up a place in no time at all....

    • Gold Top Dog

    I own a house,and he will not live inside the house.