Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please

    Hi.Im new at the forum.Im from Miami.I have a question.I went to a shelter today and they have this puppy that looks like a german shepherd to me but they have to put is a mix german shepherd because is a puppy and they can't tell if is mix or not.I dont know a lot about dogs.Can you tell me what you think?..Anything will be helpufull..Thanks you....


    • Gold Top Dog

     Hard to tell with just that little pic, but yes, it could be a purebred shepherd.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree, possible.

    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks to the two of you. I want more comments on the subject..The only problem is that If I addopt him and at the end its not a pure breed?I want a pure breed German Shepherd..What should I do?

    Sorry I only have one picture.I didn't take my camara and that is the only picture they have in the website..Sorry...



    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Liesje and Truley that it could be, but it's really hard to tell from that one small picture. Does it really matter if he's purebred if you like the dog? How old is he?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Its not that it matters or not.I have always wanted a pure breed german shepherd and if this is pure its a great chance.They think he is 3 months.I dont think so.He seems younger.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If he is around 3 months old then I would say no....simply by what the ears are doing......

    Please, consider giving this guy a chanceWink

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's not a bit unusual for the ears to be down at 3 months old. Some purebred shepherds never have erect ears, some go up early, some go up later, and some go up but then come back down during teething, only to go back up after teething is done. I've seen pics of GSDs with ears up as early as 5 or 6 weeks old, but that's not typical. We got Cassidy at 20 weeks old, and she had one ear up and one down. The second ear came up within a few weeks. Dena's second ear came up at 12 weeks old, and Keefer's were both up at 9 weeks old, but then went up and down for weeks after that.

    Usually if the ears aren't up by 6 or 7 months old people will tape them until the cartilege hardens, but 3 months is way to early to be concerned. Can you get some better pictures?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I will love to go and take some pictures but its far from my house.I been going for 4 days in a row trying to find a german shepherd.What should I do?there is another german shepherd for adoption.She is like 2 years.She is waiting to be seen by the Vet and if she passes all the test,they would put her on hold for me.I would say she is pure breed.When the dogs are young or adult I can tell better if they are pure or not.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is a cute puppy and deserves a chance. At that age without better pictures it would be very very hard to say for sure. As soon as I am done uploading my video I will post a few 3 to 4 month pictures of Kord.

    And I agree with Cassidy's Mom, I had to tape Kords ears just before Christmas last year because the little dickens hit his right ear on his crate and got a serious "kink" in it, the tape was on one week to stabilize the ear, but before that they were all over the place.

    If you unsure with the pup, at least consider the older girl.

    ETA: Pictures 3 to 4 months

    the ear with the kink

    day the tape came off and at almost exactly 4 months





    • Gold Top Dog

    of course I will consider the other girl.Another question.I have also a cocker spaniel in hold.It can be mine tomorrow.Its all black.2 years old,female.What do you guys think about these dogs?Thanks...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Either way, the choice is yours. Both breeds are wonderful, though I have never owned a cocker I know people that have.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nestor, I think it's fine you want a purebred, I did too and got one from a rescue, so I'm glad you are trying to adopt one.  It's so hard to tell with puppies though.  I do think the pup looks purebred shepherd, but not 3 month old purebred shepherd.  Looks more like 6-8 weeks old if it's a purebred shepherd.  Their ears often go up and down and up again.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know some Shepherds don't have perfectly standing ears at 3 months of age, but most show some weird way of standing and flopping....Tanner had the funniest looking ears........

    This was right after we got him....and the one after that was few weeks later.....not perfect by all means....



    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with the others that it's hard to tell with this picture. I also think if this IS a GSD, he's probably not 3 months old. I actually lean toward thinking he is a mix.

    Just a few words of unsolicited advice. Don't be in a hurry. When the right dog comes to you, it will happen and you'll be sure. If you want a GSD, do some research. Look at tons of pictures so that you know one when you see it. Meet people with GSD pups and talk with people. Are you aware of the potential health issues of a GSD with unknown parents? Are you ready and able (financially) to handle health issues that might come up? 

    My opinions may not be very popular, and I'm all for adopting from shelters and rescues, but if you've always wanted a GSD, and you don't know the parents at all, then you're taking a risk. I'd hate to see this pup end up back in the shelter because he turned out not to be a GSD or unable to get the vet care he might need because he turned out to be one. If you want this puppy, then by all means take it. But if you want a GSD, then find one that you can be sure is a GSD. Just my opinion.

    I can't speak about the cocker. People who love them, love them. My sister-in-law has 3. You should read about and research any breed you're interested in.

    Here's Jaia at 3 months:


    And at 2 months: