least favorite?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmmm...there are certain breeds I wouldn't choose because of different reasons. In regard to looks, I'm not a huge fan of Boston Terriers, Chis, Doxies (though I have to admit I love Zoey [or is it Zoe?] on this forum), Shih Tzus, Weimariners, Cresteds, Rat Terriers or Pugs. But I know there's plenty of people that think these dogs are the cutest things on earth, and some who think Irish Setters are really unappealing. For other reasons, breeds I'd prefer not to own are Akitas, Pit bulls (just because I couldn't handle the dog-dog aggression thing), Poms, and more. But hey, to each his (or her :P) own, right? Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Your post made me smile.SmileHehe, and Zoya thanks you for the compliment.

    I have always wanted an Irish Setter, how long have you had your's?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I cannot think of any breed that I detest, I am a large dog person, I love the giant breeds, the large breeds, the medium breeds and then the small breeds in that order. I do not like the looks of many small fluffy toy breeds but at the same time I have met and admired the personality and grit of many a small fluffy looking dog.

     In ability I like the working breeds, guardian breeds, hunting breeds, terriers (have always admired the terriers) and herding breeds.

     All dogs are great, I will most likely never own a toy dog unless it is to rescue one.

    • Bronze


    I'm not really sure how much breed has to do with a lot of these anwers. The way a dog behaves or acts is usually because of how they were trained or lack thereof. If a dog doesn't get enough excersise, has health or behavioral issues then of course they aren't going to be very pleasant. Any dog, german shepard, poodle, maltese, dalmation, lab etc. can have any of these traits that people are describing, it's not about the breed.

     Every breed has general characteristics, among them are behavioral ones.  You can be the best trainer anywhere, but to pick on my own breed, malamutes have a strong tendancy to be dog aggressive and if the genetic tendancy is there, you can train around it only just so much.  Certain breeds are higher energy on the whole and have a greater chance of being a bit crazy than a more sedentary breed.  It has to do with what they were bred for and while environment certainly does a lot to influence a dog's behavior, there will be some fairly consistent instincts for lack of a better term. 

    • Gold Top Dog

         I can't say I'm too fond of toy/mini poodles based on bad experiences with them and some of their owners that spoil them ROTTEN! I'm also leery of some spainels - American Cockers & Springers. Now, I've only met one Springer, but it was the NASTIEST dog that ever set paw on this earth. Would pick a fight with anything that moved.
         Won't win me any brownie points but I don't care for pit bulls anymore, either.
         And oddly enough, one of my favorite breeds is also a breed that I've had the most bad experiences with and for that reason, will never own a purebred or mixed GSD again.

    • Puppy

    I happen to absolutly hate cockers    well this is becuase my auntie has one and she thinks he is the best dog ever even though he pees everywhere!!!  and i hate bull dogs and pugs they are so ugly  in my opinion LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am an avid animal lover.  I would, and have bent over backwards to help any animal (dog, cat, turtle, geese, duck, you name it.)  It's all in the personality.  And, they ALL have one.

    Now, if I were to go searching for a particular breed, I would probably steer clear of the toy breeds.  I enjoy peace and quiet too much to have a dog that yaps all the time.

    Plus, I like my ankles.Wink


    • Gold Top Dog

    I used to dislike Chihuahuas - didn't like their looks and didn't really like any I ever came in contact with.

     Now, well, I couldn't live without mine.  They are NOTHING like I thought!  Cuddly, cute, lovebugs they are!

     I have to say, I am not wild about Jack Russell Terriers.  Not a breed for me.  And hate that they are in the small dog park.  The ones I have encountered are WAY to aggressive and HUNT other dogs (especially mine)!  I used to live next door to one and he would try to come through the fence every time I set foot in my garden barking his head off and trying to eat the fence.  Sad, though because he never got any excercise.  Another family who thought Jacks were "cute" and got one without researching.  I am sure they aren't all that way - but the ones I have met are.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love large dogs, but there are plenty of small dogs I love, too. There are several small dogs I'd love to have. The determining factor for me, I hate to say, is the face. My least favorite breeds are the smush-face breeds.  Pugs, Bulldogs, Pekingese, etc. It's my own failing, I know. I just can't like them, for some reason. I'm glad there are so many people that do love them.

    • Puppy

    Well mostly its the personality that decides wether i love a dog or not:)


    The first time i saw a bichon i said OMG what an uglt dog  but now my heart and my life are owned by the sweetest little Bichon frise female   BELLA BUTTON     and since my last post i    met my neighbors bull dog and i absolutly loved her   she was so sweet  even if she was ugly id still adopt her LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    BEAGLES! Esp the one that JUST chewed up the crayons my kids left on the floor...LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know the breed of the dog, but I'm sure I can give a good enough description that someone will know.  Those hairless dogs with just enough hair around their heads that kind of make them look like a malnutritioned lion.  They're just ugly.  It's a pet!  Shouldn't it have hair to "pet". LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    Chinese Cresteds?  They remind me of punk rockers.  lol

     I think it's funny. 

    • Puppy

     I don't think I'll own anything but a Pit, with the exception of Boxers.  I just love how goofy and clownish they are, they make me laugh.  Also I love how energetic they are, fits in with my life.  Also while I love my Akita, my Pit Bull always has to be with me, touching me, cuddling me, following me wherever I go, while I know my Akita loves me he doesn't show it like my Pit does.

    • Silver

    My least favorite are Bulldogs and Mastiffs. I think bulldogs are just plain ugly when they are adults ( I love American Bulldogs though ).

    I don't like Mastiffs because they're huge and slobbery. One sat on my once and I almost died (haha, not really).

    I like almost every other breed of dog other than those two.