least favorite?

    • Gold Top Dog

    hmmmmm, it would have to be yappy and aggressive dogs, when I think of them the picture that comes to mind is my friend's border terrier, thank God I havn't introduced her to this site [Stick out tongue] hee hee. I enjoy bigger hounds obviously but  was onced owned by a tiny toy poodle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My chihuahuas, on the other hand cuddle with me at night, sit on my lap, go places with me and make people smile and feel warm and fuzzy.  THAT's my kind of dog- that's plenty useful to me. 

    Same with me. [and I don't think ANY dog is useless.]

    Pedro does bark only when strangers come to the house but once he gets to know you, he's okay. He just wants to "protect" us. Chico, on the other hand will sit there and will fall apart in your arms. He loves EVERYONE! Silly boy..

    I think for me, I don't really have any dogs I *dislike*. I just prefer small dogs because I myself am little, and my BF's dog (Zero) almost knocks me over when he paws at my legs or runs to me. I love him to death but he's almost as big as me and he's not even a year old!

    I think as far as looks go, I don't like Mexican Hairless, Chinese Crested, ect. They just seem bald!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I’ll echo many on here by saying that I have a definite fondness for larger dogs – though my best friend has a little white Pom who I think is the cutest thing of all time.  Ironically, looks-wise, I really, really dislike many of the heavier-type labs.  Something about the stockiness just doesn’t look right to me, for whatever reason.  I still love their personalities, though Smile!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I’ll echo many on here by saying that I have a definite fondness for larger dogs – though my best friend has a little white Pom who I think is the cutest thing of all time.  Ironically, looks-wise, I really, really dislike many of the heavier-type labs.  Something about the stockiness just doesn’t look right to me, for whatever reason.  I still love their personalities, though Smile!



    I totally get what you are saying.  I'm glad I'm not the only lab person to feel that way.  Some of these labs today look more like rotties.  Functional stockiness is good--overdoing it is bad, IMHO. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I’ll echo many on here by saying that I have a definite fondness for larger dogs – though my best friend has a little white Pom who I think is the cutest thing of all time.  Ironically, looks-wise, I really, really dislike many of the heavier-type labs.  Something about the stockiness just doesn’t look right to me, for whatever reason.  I still love their personalities, though Smile!



    I totally get what you are saying.  I'm glad I'm not the only lab person to feel that way.  Some of these labs today look more like rotties.  Functional stockiness is good--overdoing it is bad, IMHO. 



    in total agreement with you about the rotti look of a lab... i HATE that!! i would love to get a lab but it would have to be a field/working bloodline. the three American Bulldogs i have dont even have the stockiness of most show labs.... and these are 80lb bullies! i'm scared to ask how much the stocky labs weigh.. and i wonder if its mostly flab and fur?

    thats pretty much my only turn off for labs.... the bulky chubby look... i dont like that look in most breeds though... i like a good working lean figure... i dont want a dog that looks like a rectangle with legs... 

    • Gold Top Dog


     I can see this thread going downhill quickly too..but I'm proud of us...we are giving our opinion and no one is taking offense!

    Well,,,being that my favorite is the giant breeds..such as the Dane....I would have to say any of the toy breeds are not my favorite. I want a dog you can "hold on to!" Wink

    Really though...since the only dog that I ever got bit by was a Sheba Inu...I guess I would have to say that is my least favorite breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    sillysally you are definitely not the only lab person who feels that way! 


    Before I looked into getting a lab I admittedly hadn't paid that much attention to this whole show vs. field debate, but it is heated!  I've read articles that actually advocate officially spliltting the breed because there's such a huge, huge difference in looks between the two lines at this point.  And I agree, as you said - the ones that look as heavy as rotties - I personally just don't understand how that's (1) attractive or (2) functional.  Of course, that is just my opinion!  I know there are people out there (many of whom frequent my local dog park...) that think something must be wrong with my dog because he's on the lean side.


    p.s. sally I've seen pics of your Jack - he's beautiful Big Smile!


    p.p.s. to make this post a little more on topic... met a herd of Italian Greyhounds (seriously, there were at least 10 of them) at the dog park this morning.  Actually very cute and bouncy but drove home part of the reason I feel I could never have a little dog - they are teeny and look so fragile!  Those legs were the width of one of my fingers.  I know they're often tougher than they look, but, uncoordinated klutz that I am, I'd live in fear of stepping on or dropping something of that size!

    • Gold Top Dog

     For the "afraid of breaking them" argument against little dogs - well, my little dog is about 7 pounds. Most human newborns around in the 7 pound range. On the whole we humans seem to do fine keeping our babies from permanent damage - you'd be surprised how easy it is to keep a little dog from harm, too. Smile

    • Silver

    I've enjoyed reading this thread to see the different opinions. I have two Boston Terriers (my favorite breed) and I know many people think they are hyper bug- eyed ugly things, haha. Based on appearance, I dislike the Standard Poodle, Afgan Hound (completely creeps me out!), and Irish Water Spaniel. But based on personal experience my least favorite is Dachsunds. They are completely obnoxious yappers. One breed I think is adorable but I would never own is a Bulldog. They sure are cute, but too many health problems, they walk too slowly, and way too much drooling for me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My least favotite is the Bedlington terrier. Looks like a sheep.

    • Puppy

    Mine would be Terriers, not because of the breed they are just more energetic and active then I would want to keep up with

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree Cita.  You'd be really surprised at how sturdy those little dogs are.  And athletic! 

    • Bronze

    After reading all these posts it is so funny to see different peoples opinions on different breeds.  I have a golden and I think sometimes he has too much going on!  Plus he keeps me on my toes!!!  He definitely has tons of personlaity! I guess it depends on the Golden!!!

    • Silver

    well, people either love pugs or hate them, there's no in-between.  i have wanted one my whole life, even before frank the pug (men in black) became popular.  i think they're so cute & full of personality!  my lola is definately sassy and is very sweet to people and loves other dogs.  i tend to find that most people that like bigger dogs HATE pugs.  my father-in-law has a doberman, airdale and dalmation.  he hates my pug because she "has no purpose in life."  that's a pretty sorry excuse, in my opinion.  she was bred (as most toy breeds were) to be a companion...she's a great one!  chances are, you big dog people that have a dog with a specific purpose don't even USE the dog for that purpose.  i don't use my vizsla to hunt, even though he was bred for that reason.  most people have dogs for the companionship!

    i don't know why, but i don't like poodles.  standard or toy!  they look too fru-fru for me. 

    my parents have had 2 pekingese, and the 2nd one is hell on wheels.  he was bred from our first peke, which had snappy temper.  he never really bit anyone, he would just be tempermental & snap at you.  well, breeding tempermental with tempermental was a BAD idea.  (we didn't know at the time that the female was that way also, or we never would've bred them)  the puppy that they kept is extremely moody.  he doesn't snap, he attacks.  i mean, grab on, bite and attack and not let go.  he is really vicious. i don't trust him at all, because one minute he's really sweet and wants to sit on your lap, and the next he may want to bite your face off.  also, my vet obedience trainer & grooming supervisor says that 90% of the pekes that come in are biters. 

    my neighbor has a jack russell and that dog always tries to snap at my dogs when he sees them.  i had another friend who had one that was VERY hyper.  i can't take hyper!

    chihuahuas...oh where do i start.  i have friends & family that own them and think they're the cutest dogs ever.  NOPE!  they look like rats to me, and i'm always afraid i will step on one.  even worse than the ugly part, is that NONE of them are potty trained.  they use puppy pads, rugs, carpet...whatever is handy at the time.  that is the owner's fault for not teaching them properly...but one doesn't want her precious babies going outside because "it's too cold" so she leaves puppy pads all around her house.  well, i think that peeing & pooping in the house is absolutely nasty!!!  there's NO excuse for that.


    • Silver

    Yeah, this just shows how individual we all are, good choice of a thread by the way, OP. I have my own personal choice of breed that will match my personality (my neighbors are glad that it is NOT wolf hybrid) I love Labs. I love large breeds such as Great Danes & St. Bernards. I am not so fond of smaller dogs (except for Pugs & Jack Russels- they are cool). I have never met a Bassett or a Mastiff that I didn't like but, a bit too much drool for me. To each thier own & we are all thinking "Why the heck would my neighbor want a dog like THAT???" Your neighbor is thinking the same about you, so just enjoy your own dog & be friendly to your next door neighbor with their funky wierd looking passive/active big/small canine & wish them a Merry Christmas.