least favorite?

    • Silver
    Hello everyone!

    I just hate small dogs, especially Chihuahuas (is it correct spelling?) anyways.. they are soo useless! I love big doggies like: Doberman, Labs, Rottweilers (ofcorse!) Sheepherds & etc..
    • Gold Top Dog
    Again, I would remind everyone to please temper your comments.  The title of this thread is LEAST favorite, not dogs that I hate because *I* think that they are useless.
    Please keep in mind that the dog you like the least, is someones cherished pet.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Honestly I think this is a silly thread. most of the reasons given have nothing to do wityh the breed but rather their owners, socializing and training.
    This is very hard for me, so These are just a few breeds I won't own. Akitas, chinese cresteds, basset hounds, english bull dog, nepoleon mastiff, Dogo argentino, curly coated retriever. I personally won't own any of these breeds and doubt i'd own a mix of any.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Subjective answers to a subjective question.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'll be obnoxiously honest- I don't like any big dogs.  I am not afraid of them at all- I worked as a groomer, as a vet tech and at a shelter.  I even owned a rottie for years.  They shed, eat, pee,poop and smell too much.  They can pull harder on a leash, do more damage, bark louder, it takes more work to exercise them and they put my tiny dogs in harm because many of them are goofy and want to play and can paw a chihuahua's eye out. I would be happy in a world full of chihuahuas, maltese, shih tzu, toy poodles, and norwich terriers...Ah, one can dream :)



    • Gold Top Dog

    Ha ha, Rottweiler for life, it's funny how people can have such totally different opinions.  I guess that's why there are over 100 breeds- there's something for everyone!  I tried the rottweiler breed- for 7 years.  I found her to be quite useless (unless I wanted to scare people away-she was good for that, but I like people).  My chihuahuas, on the other hand cuddle with me at night, sit on my lap, go places with me and make people smile and feel warm and fuzzy.  THAT's my kind of dog- that's plenty useful to me. 

    • Bronze

    Interesting question...I'm not sure there's a single breed that I like the least but to pick some: Weimaraners, Labs, Chihuahuas, small terriers, shih tzus/lhasas. And Poodles, don't like poodles of any size. That's not to say I wouldn't like individual members of those breeds (because I do) if they were great dogs but I have yet to meet a good Weim.  A lot of biters in that breed!  Most labs I've dealt with are just out of their minds crazy and many have been quick to bite in a veterinary situation.  When they're nuts and trying to bite they're a pain in the *** to restrain.  They also don't respond to drugs, we can throw everything we have at them (within safe margins of course) and it still doesn't affect some of them--we're only doing that to keep them still to recover from surgery, some just flip out and that's really hard on the dog and the staff.  This is also true of the Weims.  The craziness people could work on by giving them appropriate exercise and training but I think they read that labs are just phenomenal dogs and jump in unprepared to do anything for the dog.  The little breeds mentioned I don't like because they have a tendancy to be biters.  The so-called designer breeds I don't like because the principal is bad plus they're being bred for so-called hybrid vigor.  Well, if I see another labradoodle/goldendoodle with seizures or allergies--both are a result of breeding--I may vomit.  Hmm, hybrid vigor my butt, you gotta start with healthy dogs.  I'll take my heathy heavily linebred purebreds any day, they have no health issues.  And I don't consider these even a dog per se, but wolf hybrids are something I have absolutely no use for at all.  Ok, stopping, blood pressure is rising! Angry

    • Gold Top Dog

    "I'll take my heathy heavily linebred purebreds any day, they have no health issues."

     I agree!!  You can't get hybrid vigor by breeding two different breeds together if those two breeds are from backyard breeders and/or puppymills.  (And what ethical breeders do you know that are producing mutts?!) That's just distorted logic, but people buy it.  I'd rather have a heavily inbred dog from health tested stock anyday...

    And although chihuahuas are my life, I agree with you that most chihuahuas vets and groomers see are nasty little things.  Those same nasty little dogs also happen to have long muzzles, roached toplines, long legs and look similar to the Taco Bell Dog in head type.  Those are from BYBs and puppymils!  Show chihuahuas look and act nothing like that! 

    It's so sad when people recognize my PET quality chihuahua from a mile away (he's completely opposite of the breed standard- Taco Bell chi all the way) but when I bring my show dogs to a pet store people don't recognise the breed!  They have a compact body, short muzzle, level topline, and true apple dome head...And then when they find out it's a chihuahua they cannot believe how normal and friendly and UNyappy they are!! 

    Poor temperament is a part of breeding.  Unfortunately, the general public will always see more bad examples of most any breed than good ones.  There are just more puppies produced by mills and bybs- ethical breeders will never match their numbers.  I don't think it's fair to judge a breed by the garbage that comes out of the millers/bybs that unfortunately bear the name of their respective breeds.  In my grooming career and as a vet tech, I never met a cocker I liked- nasty, smelly and horrible temperaments.  When I go to the shows every weekend, the cockers are friendly, happy, well trained and they smell wonderful!  See what I mean?...

    And labs!!  What can I say- yes, they are very hyper and irritating- but those qualities make them excellent for being out in the field all day, tirelessly retrieving for their owner. I can't for the life of me understand how they became so popular as house pets for people who work all day and leave them at home!!

    • Bronze

    "And although chihuahuas are my life, I agree with you that most chihuahuas vets and groomers see are nasty little things.  Those same nasty little dogs also happen to have long muzzles, roached toplines, long legs and look similar to the Taco Bell Dog in head type.  Those are from BYBs and puppymils!  Show chihuahuas look and act nothing like that!  "

     Exactly.  We had a nice one last week who appeared to me to be a bit more the show type Chi--perhaps a pet quality from show lines--she was attacked by another dog.  Great dog, wagged the whole time and gave kisses.  I really wish that were the norm for what we see but I get to field the questions at night from the BYBs whose girl is literally on her 7th litter and has at least 4 pups confirmed on x-ray and for some reason she's having trouble having them and has rigid limbs!  Grr....A lot of damage is done to breeds by BYBs--show lines aren't perfect but there's at least more thought put into it--and it's really a shame.

    • Silver

    Anything thats small...it's not that I don't like them I do like most of them, but I'm very uncoordinated anything thats small and can get under my feet is a no go.  

    • Puppy

    I am not a fan of the tiny toy dogs.. I have met some of course that I like...Just not my thing. 

    • Silver

    I am not a huge fan of poodles because they tend to be mean and I am not too fond of the way they look, but that's just my personal opinion.  Also Chows scare me a little, got bit by one when I was little...I like big playful dogs: labs, goldens, etc.  I really have always wanted a Sheltie too, but haven't gotten one yet.  My lab Conner has taken a disliking to boxers.  He got a little aggressive with one at the dog park, who got aggressive back, etc. Now all boxers just irritate him. We had to take a break from the park for a few days because he was trying to fight all boxers at the park, which were all bigger than him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My chihuahuas, on the other hand cuddle with me at night, sit on my lap, go places with me and make people smile and feel warm and fuzzy.  THAT's my kind of dog- that's plenty useful to me.


    sounds like my german shepherd and rhodesian ridgeback!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Basically, any dog below my knees, or should I say any dog smaller than a Husky.....I don't care for the "Yippy, whiney, yappy" kind of dog......I require a tough and outdoors type of dog.....really, one for protection....ooops.....that is why I love GSDs........and for a lot of exercise....a few Huskies are goodBig Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not really sure how much breed has to do with a lot of these anwers. The way a dog behaves or acts is usually because of how they were trained or lack thereof. If a dog doesn't get enough excersise, has health or behavioral issues then of course they aren't going to be very pleasant. Any dog, german shepard, poodle, maltese, dalmation, lab etc. can have any of these traits that people are describing, it's not about the breed.