least favorite?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I would remind everyone to temper their posts with the knowledge that just about ANY dog you list is going to be loved and adored by another member.

    So true! And a lot of breeds get a bad rap because of poor handling, poor breeding, or just plain prejudice. (And by "prejudice" I don't just mean against BSL targets!)
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: erica1989

    #1 on my list - the cocker spaniel. Now, I have met *few* nice ones, but most of them, I did not care for. Including my grandpa's who attacked me out of the blue when I was really little. I would not rec. them for anyone with children, even if socialized...as my grandpas was.

    I have three kids and my friends all have kids.. and Pyper lives to kiss them right on the lippee's
    • Silver
    ORIGINAL: willowchow

    It's not that I don't like them per se but I'm not a fan of smaller dogs that yip and yip like poms and chi's and shelties.  But, I know dogs of each of those breeds and I still love them very much.  It's just that trait that I wish they didn't have.

    I was attacked at 11 years old so a CHOW CHOW would be on the top of my will not own list!  

    The truth is most--of course, there are exceptions--chows are really not for kids.  I would never trust my chow with an 11 year old. 

    Yeah I know that now(hindsight right?).... but it was my friends dog.. I had been around him several times.. and was feeding him at the time of the attack... so guess it just wasn't my lucky day.. He out weighed for sure if I hadn't had good reaction time he may have killed me....
    • Gold Top Dog
    I dont care to own the short muzzled dogs, too scary with heat and breathing.

    I dont care to own companion dogs, I prefer dogs that can "do" stuff.  I realize that small dogs can do things, but I prefer more bone and substance over all.

    I dont care to own soft coated dogs cause I am lazy about grooming.

    I prefer prick ear, medium size (35-65 pounds) speed of light, reactive dogs with harsh coats and too many smarts for their own good.  Gee, that would be herding dogs wouldnt it.
    • Gold Top Dog

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd have to say that dalmations are my least favorite dog. My grandparents had several on their farm at one point (in the middle of a long lab-loving lifetime), but they were always more interested in exploring on their own than playing with us kids or being petted. We had one for about 2 yrs growing up & she was terrible. I realize they may not be the best kid-dog, which may have influenced my opinion as I was probably only 8 or 9 at the time.  I haven't met any dalmations since we gave ours away (bit my little brother & generally destructive/wild....just not good for our family), but I'm sure there are great ones out there.
    I also would never own a short-singled coated dog.  I've met tons of sweet, well-mannered ones, but something about the coat makes me break into a rash on contact. Doxies seem to be the worst for me. Biologically, it's just more comfortable for me to be around dogs with softer, longer hair.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have three kids and my friends all have kids.. and Pyper lives to kiss them right on the lippee's

    So did my grandpa's dog... we went everywhere together, napped together, ate together. Then one day he just snapped, and sent me to the ER for stiches...
    Not all are bad though, I have met some very nice ones! It just depends on the dog, I wouldn't own one, but that's just me =]
    One of my favorite cockers - Stich

    • Silver
    My least Favorite I'd say is Pom's as My mom had one and began to get mean, Bit the kids and myself if we even looked at him.  I have seen others do this as well, so I asume it is a trait? My outback neighbors have 3 and they bark at everything too.
    They are so Cute thou.
    • Gold Top Dog
    If I had to come up with a least favorite breed, it would be the Mexican Hairless.  I like a dog to have fur and they sort of look like little naugahyde sofas with heads & legs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow, I can't answer this thread without offending a current, former, or future client - I'm taking the Fifth on this one. [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow, I'm surprised by the number of people who named boxers as their least favorite. They are a high-energy breed, but if they get enough exercise, they're not hyper or wild. They're just puppy-like for most of their lives. And based on looks? How can anyone not love those faces??
    Okay, so I grew up with boxers, and while they're not my breed of choice, I still have a major soft spot for them. I think they're fantastic, adorable, personality-full dogs.
    I can't think of a "least favorite" breed. There are many, many that *I* wouldn't choose (as in go to a breeder or a breed rescue), but there are very few I would refuse if THEY chose ME (as in showed up on my doorstep, called out to me in a shelter, or something similar).
    The only breeds I can think of that I've actually had negative experiences with are akitas and chihuahuas. I don't hold it against either of those breeds (although chihuahuas might be one of the few I would actually refuse..). I actually like akitas a lot even though one terrorized me when I was little (okay, so that might be a bit exaggerated, but I was like 6 and he scared me half to death).
    Generally the medium-large-sized mutts call my name loudest, and little teeny poodly-types might be my least favorite, but by least favorite I don't mean "most-hated"!
    • Bronze
    I don't really have a least favourite, but as a tall gal (and uncoordinated) i do prefer a dog that i don't have to worry
    about tripping over / standing on etc!  
    • Gold Top Dog
    i used to dislike labs, because they are so boisterous, active and common. of course, then i end up with one who is lazy, smart and eager to please...so that shoots my theory!

    So i now have to say Goldens are difficult for me to love...they just dont make me feel special because they usually love EVERYONE!

    I also have issues with proportions...i like my dogs to look proportionate...so not a big fan of the "squatty breeds" (bassetts, corgis, doxies, etc...)

    now in light of all this, i once knew a Golden who had a birth defect or something and was on these squatty little bassett legs...my worst nightmare!!! but he was the lovliest sweetest smartes dog. won me and everyone i know over instantly. So just because they im not DRAWN to the breeds, doesnt mean they cant win me over...and really Im pretty easy!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm not a big fan of dogs that drool excessively.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow, I'm surprised by the number of people who named boxers as their least favorite. They are a high-energy breed, but if they get enough exercise, they're not hyper or wild. They're just puppy-like for most of their lives. And based on looks? How can anyone not love those faces??

    Haha, honestly, I think Boxers are really ugly! But my BF's family is a huuuuge "boxer family" and have had 5 or 6 boxers in succession. The 2 they have now are super sweet and have great personalities, but it's something about the jowls I just can't get past. Temperamentally they're awesome!