least favorite?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh, there are quite a few breeds I don't care for.  Doesn't mean I dislike an individual dog because of its breed.  I have friends with breeds I don't care for, and I love their puppers all the same.  When I'm face to face, I find dogs pretty lovable even if they aren't what I'd bring home.

    So with that disclaimer .....

    I don't care for labs and goldens.  Not enough going on with them.  Nice dogs, but not enough personality for me.  Personality probably means "pain in the @ss" but what can I say?  I like dogs with a bit of independence, and who keep you on your toes.

    I'm not a fan of smushed face toy breeds, or toy breeds in general.  Too delicate for my tastes.  Small terriers (like JRT) do not fall into this category.  I admire JRT's.  See "pain in the @ss" above. 

    I don't care for dogs with a ton of long hair.  Fluffy is fine, but long hanging hair is too cousin It.

    I have a downright aversion to dogs who get that discoloration on long hair around their mouths.  [:'(]

    I don't like the look of most terriers.  A shallow cosmetic thing.  

    My likes and dislikes are all very selfish - what appeals to me because of my own personailty.  If I've bashed your breed, don't be offended.  You probably have many fine personality traits that I lack. [:D] I myself am I bit of a pain, and I guess birds of a feather and all that!
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: jennie_c_d
    I'm a weirdo. I love, love, love all dogs, but I'm super picky about what I'll bring home.

    Then I'll be weird along side you!  That's me exactly. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    If I've bashed your breed, don't be offended. You probably have many fine personality traits that I lack. I myself am I bit of a pain, and I guess birds of a feather and all that!

    What're you doin in my head?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: ark3

    I used to really not care for toy breeds, and although they would still not be the right fit for me, I've found that being on this forum has really made me change a lot of my prior opinions. There are some really great toy breeds and hearing a lot of the conversations on the board from their owners has really influenced my appreciation for them. So thanks!

    Aww, that made me smile.  :)

    I'd take any dog over no dog, but there are certainly breeds that don't fit my lifestyle as much.    

    I have had some horrible experiences with quite a few American Eskimos.  They would probably be the least likely breed for me to own.  Though, last year I met a really lovely standard (all the others had been minis) and he did a lot to change my opinion on the breed.
    Likewise, I'd never go out looking for a terrier.  I'm also not a huge spaniel fan, though I have two toy spaniels.  (Paps don't seem like spaniels to me)  I'm not a retriever person and I feel confident saying this as I grew up with 1 1/2 retrievers!  lol   

    There's always the exception to the 'rule' or stereotype and you might find that the least likely breed is really the best dog for you.  Sometimes what you get isn't what you wanted, but might just be what you need.  *looks at the papillons*
    Basically my favorites are the herders and the sighthounds and for very different reasons lol.  Toy breeds are really growing on me.  So much personality!  But of course the papillon is always #1 in my heart. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I grew up w/ Lab mixes,  but I don't own one.  I need a dog that is not so needy and MUST retrieve until s/he drops from exhaustion (my arm isn't that strong! LOL). I am also not a huge Min Pin fan because every one I have met has been a dominant little snot with NO training whatsoever.
    • Bronze
    I hate to say I don't like any breed as to each their own. Which is why we have so many to choose from, It's picking what breed works for you. I know for sure I will never own another BRITTANY! Way to high strung and distructive for me but I owned one and can honestly speak from experiences. With that said, growing up as kids we always had labs, not interested in them now. I swore back then I'd never own a dog with long hair. Proved wrong now, I PROUDLY own cockers (with Wonderful Merry temperaments as Standard dictates). Anyhow, I also swore I'd never own a toy breed and have honestly fallen in love with Papillons. A good friend of mine in Harrisburg breeds them and I'd like to have one someday as a pet. Then to suit my hubbies desire to have a "Manly dog" (after the failure of the Brittany) We got a Swissy. I can honestly say this was one of the best things we ever did. I will own another one! Love Love Love those Swissy's!
    So, with that said I have always left my mind open to other breeds and sometimes I had great luck, other times I didn't. Nothing will ever dig in my Heart like my baby cockers have but that's just me!
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: Xerxes

    I am also ahamed of "teacup" dogs, or mini-aussies and the like.  Anyone that wants a dog that fits into a shirtpocket should have a rat instead-they're supposed to be that size.

    /end rant.

    OMG! ROFL. See I didn't have to say a word, It was already said![sm=drinking47.gif]
    • Silver
    Okay where do I start? as my 3 fav breeds seemed to not be to well liked by most of you I LOVE LABS... (they fit my my personality well) I grew up with a house full of BOXERS and I cuurently own and adore my COCKER SPANIEL... she owns my heart(and HAS A WONDERFULL personality..and JUST LOVES CHILDREN) and may have laid out my path for my future as I am currenly in training I guess you would say learning everything I can from a wonderfull show breeder of american cocker spaniels.. and may or may not presue a future in breeding and showing myself.. now with that said..
    I was attacked at 11 years old so a CHOW CHOW would be on the top of my will not own list! Also even though I have positive experience with pit bulls I WOULD NEVER own one..... as now I am a parent and I must think of my babies 1st.... if I can't trust my dog with my babies then I wont have it... DESIGNER BREEDS are a huge no go for us... just an example of BYB at there finest!! 
    I will someday add another boxer to my family and my daughter so wants a golden ret..and many many more cockers...
    It seems that lots of you don't like cockers...  And alll there hair.. well dogs like cockers are not for the lazy owner... to keep any coat on a cocker is hard work... but it's so beautiful and well worth the work... it takes more care than a bath a month and an ocassional brushing.. weekly trims and baths 2 hours blow drying are a must!!!! 
    IMO the personality of a cocker is like no other... Pyper is my love and my velcro dog!!
    I will say like everyone else no ofense intended... Just my honest opinion!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is a very hard question...and one I honestly can't answer...cause I love love ALL of them..
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't like Labradors.  Very very plain to look at and much too "HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!" I can't stand all that happiness....I like a more serious dog (Hence the Shepherds).
    I tolerate Goldens...still too happy for me, but I love all the hair on a well bred showline.
    • Gold Top Dog
    #1 on my list - the cocker spaniel. Now, I have met *few* nice ones, but most of them, I did not care for. Including my grandpa#%92s who attacked me out of the blue when I was really little. I would not rec. them for anyone with children, even if socialized...as my grandpas was.
    #2 little fluffy monsters that I could easily step on without even knowing they are there - this includes the yappy little things that never seem to stop barking!
    that said - I would never make a decision about a dog without knowing his personality. Looks are not everything, but if it's my dog, I would want it to at least be somewhat cute! Haha. I didn#%92t pick Casey because of his looks, but it keeps him out of so much trouble!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My least favorite breed is the Doberman Pinscher.  I have never had a good experience with them.  I was attacked by my uncle's doberman and had to have stitches when I was 6.  When I was 12 I was walking down the street and two dobermans got out of their fence and chased me.  When I worked at Petsmart as a bather there were a few dobermans that came in pretty regularly, they weren't vicious or anything...but they were very aloof. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    It's not that I don't like them per se but I'm not a fan of smaller dogs that yip and yip.  But, I know dogs like this and I still love them very much.  It's just that trait that I wish they didn't have.

    I was attacked at 11 years old so a CHOW CHOW would be on the top of my will not own list!  

    The truth is most--of course, there are exceptions--chows are really not for kids.  I would never trust my chow with an 11 year old. 
    • Puppy
    THe one breed i truly DESPISE are Miniature Pinschers. They are just awful. I have yet to meet a friendly one.
    I love Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, however Papillons are my absolute FAVORITE breed. I also LOVE dachshunds, but not the back problems. Paps have good personality, minus the typical toy dog persona.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I would remind everyone to temper their posts with the knowledge that just about ANY dog you list is going to be loved and adored by another member. 
    Nice matters.