least favorite?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm the type of person that would try to cross the street when I see one of those breeds rather than walk past one. I'm sure they are great dogs in the right hands but big dogs that aren't either a retriever, spaniel or setter just plain scare me.

    Haha, at least you are honest!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My least favorite breeds are hounds and terriers (with the exception of mini schnauzers). Their personalities just aren't for me. I'm also not a fan of "foxy" looking dogs like Pomeranians and Shibas. Their personalities aren't right for me either. Pretty much every other breed I'm at least neutral to. [:)]
    • Bronze
    I don't care for Chihuahuas.  Any that I've known (we owned one when I was a kid) have always been snippy, nippy & yappy. [:'(]
    I'm also not crazy about Pekingese or pugs.  Must be the face.  Give me Doxies any day![:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    My least favorite breed used to be the Dachshund.  Now I own two doxies, & I can't remember how I lived without them!
    My current least favorite breed is those of which their owners choose to carry around in cute little purses.  Honestly, the purse may be cute, but I assure you that if the dog can walk on it's own accord. 
    • Bronze
    I think the breeds that I don't like are all due to overbreeding and backyard breedings.  They just don't produce quality pets IMO, and that's when you get the really annoying ones.  Whenever you meet that breed who is well bred, they're great.  For me, this includes, GSD, cockers, goldens, labs, poodles, shihs, lhasas, etc.  The most common breeds really. 
    On a side note, another set of breeds I can't stand are the designer breeds.  Not so much the actual breed I don't like, again it's the people behind it.  From a groomer's point of view, I can't STAND that all the "breeders" say that a goldendoodle, or whatever -oodle never has to be groomed!  Ggrrrr.  Then I'm the meanie who tells these people that their dog is going to be buck-naked when they come back to pick up cause it's matted solid to the bones!  Plus I get upset that people are selling them for exorbitant amounts of money when there's 1,000s of "designer breeds" in shelters waiting for homes.
    IMO, you can't beat a true mixed breed.  They're unique, healthy, and so much fun! 
    • Gold Top Dog
    My least favorite breed is the Bichon, mainly due to personal experiences even though I know that's not fair, but I don't care for curly coated dogs in general, looks wise. On the other end of the looks spectrum, I don't care for Boxers either.
    Funny that alot of you dislike Cockers. DH does too, mainly because an old girlfriend of his had one that he said "Howled any time she left the room and peed all over the apartment". They are one of my favorite breeds honestly, but I'll probably never own one b/c that one woman didn't properly housetrain hers. [&:]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Tamara, what I love about you is that we have the complete opposite taste in dogs, but I love your posts anyway. [:)] I lurve the foxy types, but am not so fond of small, fluffy things.

    I really dislike terriers because most terrier breeds are just downright naughty. I love a dog with a streak of mischief, and I don't mind a dog that doesn't do what it's told because it doesn't feel like it. What I hate about those terriers is that they flagrantly disregard any suggestion you make and do the exact opposite just for the hell of it! I know this lovely JRT with a sweet nature and all, but he's just so naughty. Sometimes he comes running out of nowhere to jump all over you, but then you hear someone calling his name in the distance, and his ears prick, and then he gives you this look that says "Gotta go, bye!" and runs at top speed in the opposite direction to his owners. So naughty! It gets me cranky just thinking about it. [:)]

    I like goofy dogs, but only for about 5 minutes. Then I get fed up with them.

    I'm not really into retreivers because they're all like "Hi, do you have any food? No? Well, seeya."

    I'm also not really into the hardcore herding dogs like BCs. I just get frustrated with that degree of intensity. It irritates me that all they ever want to do is drop a goopy stick or tennis ball on your foot or in your lap. I saw one the other day in the dog park that sat for 10 minutes straight staring at a bird on the other side of the canal. When it finally flew off, the dog raced after it for about 4m barking, then the bird was gone and the dog went looking for another one to stare at *yawn*.
    • Gold Top Dog
    For me it would have to be boxers, and my opinion is based mostly on looks.  I also don't care for breeds with a curly coat (although I love the poodle's personality) or dogs that have a lot of hair on their face such as maltese and old english sheepdogs, or dogs that drool and have long jowls such as neapolotin mastiffs.
    I'm also not into retriever breeds.  I've almost been knocked over by rambunctious labs while dropping my dog off at the doggy daycare more times than I want to remember.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I tend to shy away from anything "toy" or too fluffy.  The further away from an "original" dog breed the look is, the less I tend to like them. 
    However, my own dog looks nothng like a wolf and yet I love him to death!!  Jowls and all!! [:)]  
    • Gold Top Dog
    All though I love them!  I wouldn't want to own a slobbery dog.  I almost got a Saint and then changed my mind![8|]
    ETA:  Sorry Mastiff cause you are so...  beautiful!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I guess I'll have to say anything small enough to fit in a pocket or be lost in it's own little purse.......
    For the record, my cockers were not bratty, nor did they have "attitudes".  Although Rusty would get offended if he was called a dog.....even if we spelled D  O  G.......
    • Silver
    Im really not a fan of Chihuahua's and Dauchunds, mainly because they are the only breed of dog I have ever been attacked/bitten by. I love big breeds like Pitts, Huskies, Boxers, and the like.
    I also am not a fan Shelties only because some people I dont like own them.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm not a fan of labs. They're splendid for an active person on the go, but that's just not me. I like my dogs asleep at my feet, it seems[;)] And it seems that many of the everyday dog owners don't train them, as inevitably I am dragged all over work by the labs.
    I'm also not into any of the spaniels.  Too many cocker skin issues at work, I think..it's a smell you don't soon forget[&:]
    This does not mean that they are BAD breeds, of course. Just not for me[:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I can't say as I really dislike any breed, but Boxers are definitely not my kind of dog. They're too bouncy, snuffly, exuberant, with uncontrolled energy, etc....well, most of the ones I've met have been this way anyhow. I like to visit them for short periods of time, but I could never be around a Boxer for more than a day.
    I also don't care for most toy breeds or any Brachiocephalic (squished face) breeds. Hound and Terrier temperaments aren't suited to me at all really either.
    Oh, and the only retriever I could ever live with is the Toller. I like the Chessie temperament too, in the right hands. The others are too in your face, needy and "pushy" for me, though I do like them - just couldn't own one. I used to think I wanted a Flat Coat, but even they are too in your face and needy for me.
    Basically, I like and could live with a few sporting breeds, most herding breeds, and quite a few of the working breeds.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I never really had much of an opinion on Chinese Cresteds for a while until I was at a dog show and a couple that were in a pen charged at me and lunged against the wire in major attack mode. That gave me a negative impression of them for a while until I met a friend's powder puff variety who couldn't keep off of my lap because she was trying to lick me all over. Her name was Friendly appropriately enough...and I do actually like Chinese Cresteds now

    Cresteds are.... different. Hahaha! That's why I love them, though. They're very oddly behaved little things, if you ask me. They really, really need heavy socialization.

    I don't like short-legged dogs. Pekingese, Dachshunds, Bassetts, Westies, Scotties, Bulldogs, any of them. In my experience, they're hard headed and they bite! Of course, I'm always picking up their feet, and I'm sure they're more prone to arthritis than more naturally shaped breeds.

    I also wouldn't own a double coated dog (with a true, blow-coat style double coat.... Emma has a double coat, but it isn't like that and I still shave it off), or a dog that drools. I can't handle drool. I don't like Labs, either, due to several really bad experiences with very ill-behaved dogs attacking me or my dogs.

    I'm a weirdo. I love, love, love all dogs, but I'm super picky about what I'll bring home. I *did* learn something from the Failed Foster Fiasco[:D]