least favorite?

    • Gold Top Dog

    least favorite?

    Here's a twist on a commonly asked question - what is your least favorite dog breed? 
    This is meant to be all in fun, not meant for anyone to take offense [;)]
    • Silver
    I would have to say the smaller flat faced breeds like Pugs. I don't have anything against them but I just don't like their flat face. I'm not sure why its just the smaller ones though, it might just be because they are toy dogs another group I am not a huge fan of.
    • Silver
    I can see this thread getting ugly. . .

    Well, after spending every single weekend with them for a year, as well as days on the road in an RV full of them, I'm going to say Boxers. I do have an appreciation for them and can understand why people would like them, but they are 100% not for me. After spending so much time with Beardies, Boxers look so naked! Plus they are a little too goofy and wild n crazy. I prefer a bit of a quieter personality.
    • Gold Top Dog
    My least favorite dogs are:  dogs that are untrained, and uncontrolled.  If they are in a rescue situation or a shelter, I will overlook that, but IMO there is no reason to have a dog that is unsocialized, ill-behaved and not in the owners control.

    As far as breeds go...breeds I wouldn't desire to own would be brachiocephalic breeds.  I am ashamed at what man has done to dogs like the Bulldog.  I am also ahamed of "teacup" dogs, or mini-aussies and the like.  Anyone that wants a dog that fits into a shirtpocket should have a rat instead-they're supposed to be that size.

    /end rant.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm not so into terriers. They just...overwhelm me. I'm a laid-back easy going kind of person and terriers tend to be just way too over the top for me.

    The needier/more velcro breeds also--it's not that I don't like them, I could just never own one, it would make me crazy.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I didn't used to care for poodles, but i met one that i really liked. There's not really a breed i can think of that i dislike...but i don't care for pekinese and i wouldn't want to own a dog with really long butt hair. I've seen longhaired dogs that had diarrhea and i'd like to avoid that.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Pekingese.  I don't like the smashed face and for some reason they always remind me of wooly bear caterpillars.


    • Gold Top Dog
    i dont much care for American Cockers..... if they arent total goobers then are just plain snotty.... rotten attitudes has been my personal experience.

    i also dont much care for dogs that dont have proper figures... that is to say.. "is that a dog under all that hair or did the shag carpet come to life?"
    i like to be able to tell which end the dog is pointed while its sleeping.

    and the Afghan hounds freak me about a bit.... bad childhood memories....
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm not a toy breed dog person at all but to each their own. Toy breeds just don't fit my lifestyle.
    I'm not a fan of cockers either based on experiences as a child. I found the ones I knew to dislike children and be very bratty dogs - no doubt owner issues rather than the dogs but...
    I don't care for small white dogs due to toy white poodles I knew as a kid as well...
    • Gold Top Dog
    I used to really not care for toy breeds, and although they would still not be the right fit for me, I've found that being on this forum has really made me change a lot of my prior opinions. There are some really great toy breeds and hearing a lot of the conversations on the board from their owners has really influenced my appreciation for them. So thanks!
    To be honest, the only two breeds I really struggle to warm up to are poodles and Cocker Spaniels. But obviously that's just my opinion. There is no doubt that there are great ones out there but they just really just breeds I don't prefer.
    The truth is, you could probably take a dog that you absoultely adore, but when you meet one that isn't well-trained it can really ruin it for you. ;-)  On the flip side, you can take a breed you think you can't stand, and when you meet a nice one, it can change your whole opinion. I think so much of it can depend on the personality and training of the specific dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't like pugs because I had a really, really obnoxious roommate who wouldn't shut up about how awesome they were. Great reason, huh? [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    lol! Courtney, I will comeforth and admit that the primary reason I don't like Cocker Spaniels is because my ex-boyfriend had one that his girlfriend in college had given him. And he was obsessed with this dog...
    so don't worry, my reason is just as petty and oh so typically female as yours! [sm=lol.gif] 
    • Gold Top Dog
    the way i see it is... yeah a dog's behaviour plays a big part in my dislike of a breed. Labs are spazzes.... well, no not really. but their owners allowed it. cockers arent really brats... but its been allowed.. its kinda like kids.
    i love kids, but i dont like bratty kids. but that isnt the kids fault. the kid is acting naturally.... so i REALLY should be disliking the parents who allowed it..... same applies with dogs for the most part.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I tend to treat dogs on a more individual basis, but there are some breeds I don't prefer the look of.  I guess my least favorites would be Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzus, Maltese, Bichon Frise, Havanese, Affenpinschers, Brussels Griffons, Cavalier King Charles, Pekingese, and Cocker Spaniels to name a few.  Granted I've met some nice Bichons, but I've just never really liked their looks as much.  Most of the cockers I've met have had not-so-great personalities (and their owners seemed to have the same qualities).  But it's mostly just the looks that turn me away from these breeds - if I meet them in the street I'll still pet them and love them of course because after all, they're still dogs and I love dogs. [:D]  There are plenty of small breeds I do love though...JRTs, Smooth Foxies, and some of the other smaller terrier breeds and I do like Chihuahuas and Pomeranians if they have good personalities.

    ETA:  I never really had much of an opinion on Chinese Cresteds for a while until I was at a dog show and a couple that were in a pen charged at me and lunged against the wire in major attack mode.  That gave me a negative impression of them for a while until I met a friend's powder puff variety who couldn't keep off of my lap because she was trying to lick me all over.  Her name was Friendly appropriately enough...and I do actually like Chinese Cresteds now [:)]
    • Bronze
    I suppose I would have to say I like rottweilers and dobermans the least. They are just not for me. I'm the type of person that would try to cross the street when I see one of those breeds rather than walk past one. I'm sure they are great dogs in the right hands but big dogs that aren't either a retriever, spaniel or setter just plain scare me.