Italian Greyhound Breeders In New England?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Italian Greyhound Breeders In New England?

    My family is interested in getting an Italian Greyhound but we're having trouble finding a good, reputable breeder in our area. Can someone help me find one or even give me a reference to one you know is good. The areas acceptable is all  New England (New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Mass only.)

    Thank you and feel free to PM me if thats easier.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I seem to remember there being a fairly large Iggy entry at the Springfield shows in November- I'd attend those and try and meet some folks there.

    Here's the closest club to you, Maryland-based has a breeder referral list for the national breed club, too. That's where I would start contacting people- you'll probably get some "Well, I don't have any puppies but X does, let me give her your info and haveher call you" type situations. Do be aware that a lot of folks in NE don't like to breed in the fall or winter since it means tehy'll be housebreaking puppies in the cold and that makes their lvies difficult. :P So you may be waiting till spring.