I'm a mixed breed, but which ones?

    • Silver

    I'm a mixed breed, but which ones?

    The vet says I definitely have some Blue Heeler in me, what could the other breed be?
    I weigh about 25 pounds, and I have short stocky legs! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hard to say.. maybe Corgi somewhere in there(hard to tell size with the angle). I'd guess that more than two breeds are in the mix[:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd guess Corgi, Cattle dog/Blue heeler(same breed) and Lab. The head looks Laby to me. But it could be just Corgi and Lab as the Cardigan Corgis can come in Blue merle. Your dog could have just gotten more Corgi genes. There were some Husky/Rott/Dachshund(sp?) mixes at the shelter I got Rio from. Some of them were more Dachsi looking(long bodies and short legs) and some were bigger like the Husky/Rott. So it's possible it's just lab and Corgi.
    Here's a link to a Cardigan Corgi breeder's site. The 2nd and 4th dog are blues.
    • Gold Top Dog
    looks like blue heeler/corgi mix to me.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Jewlieee

    looks like blue heeler/corgi mix to me.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm thinking Cardigan Welsh Corgi/JRT.  I'm curious, does the vet say Blue Heeler/Australian Cattle Dog because of the coloring, or is it definite one of the parents is an ACD/Heeler?  Like someone else mentione, Cardigan Welsh Corgis can be blue merle.  Those ears and body say Cardi to me.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say Corgi- and Cardigan IS a possibility (Cardis are so much less comon than Pems that I ususally am explaining why a mix probably ISN'T a Cardi mix) from those ears. 25 pounds is VERY small for a Cardigan, though, and it's pretty light even for a Pembroke. (The smallest Cardigan I know is 26 pounds and a VERY petite female- and that's with her at an agility weight- very lean.) I don't see any blue heeler at all though- heelers are ticked, not merle.

    I'd *almost* lean towards standard dachshund (since they come in dapple (which is merle) and don't generally carry for ticking or white Irish markings (feet, collar, chest, tailtip, like an Aussie or a BC). The vast majority of dapple dachshunds, though, are tan pointed, and tan is carried recessively even on the reds.) and something- heeler could be a possibility there, but heelers mostly have tan points as well, and two tan-pointed parents would produce all tan-pointed offspring. Cardigans *always* carry tan-points, there are no black/white or self black Cardigans. (What appears to be a black/white Cardigan is a Cardigan with black-brindle points which are so heavily brindled they aren't visible.) Pembrokes, however, do NOT all carry tan- most of the breed are non-carries for tan-point, and minimal white is somewhat more common in Pems. There could also be something smaller in there with a medium-szied parent- this dog looks a bit like some of the Corgi-chihuahua mixes we see fairly regularly in rescue, although most of them are NOT merle and most are smaller (~15-18 pounds)

    Not very helpful, am I! Cute dog though.
    • Gold Top Dog
    To be totally honest I see a LOT of my own dog in that mix.  That second picture is almost identical looking to Cairo (Lab/Basset) in pose/body shape.  Your pup is a good deal smaller than Cairo so I'd guess at Dachshund being in there.  I personally don't see a ton of Corgi in there..the fur length and thickness of the legs looks more Doxie to me, as well as the color.  Cardinans are quite rare so it would be unlikely to find a mix of one.  And as was mentioned above, Doxies can carry merle.  I would be willing to bet that there are half a million breeds in there - probably originally in the genes a generic 'brown-dog' body type that got bred down by smaller breeds like Dachshunds.

    She could even be something like a Dachshund/Chihuahua (with a few more breeds thrown in there).  That would explain the ears and size.

    I'm not sure I see a single ounce of Blue Heeler (am I right in thinking that's ACD?) in there.  ACD are ticked, not merle.  Her coloring, size, and shape is all wrong for an ACD.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say Corgi definetley. Judging by the large, erect ears and long structure. Corgis also come in that blue-merle color, so I'd definetley say Corgi. Maybe possibly a doxie too?

    He's a cutie!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Bkimura28, only the Cardiagan Corgi's come in Blue merle, those are the ones with the tails and larger ears. I agree though that this dog looks like a Corgi mix. Though someone else posted Cardigans aren't a common site, but you never know the stupidity of some people.  They could have gotten one intending for it to be a show dog and never got into it and the dog got away one day and viola, puppies.