His Breed?

    • Bronze

    His Breed?

    Hello dog lovers
    What breed do you think he is?  45-50 lbs and a wire coat...

    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks 100% American Mixed breed to me...probably alot of terrier in there.  I'm not sure what else.  He's a cute guy though.[:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    golden.....schnauzer? or airdale?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I see Wheaten in his coloring and face. Wheatens are a terrier. So I'd say Wheaten mix, but can't tell you what with. Does he have a tail? How big is he? Wheatens don't have long tails, they have(God, haven't seen one recently enough to remember correctly) but I believe no longer than a Pointer's. I'm not sure if they're docked or born that way. All the Wheatens I've seen have a smoother coat, but there could be some with coats like your dog has. You could research Wheatens a little to see.
    • Silver
    I have no idea what he is, but in that first picture, he looks so much like an Irish wolfhound puppy!!  What an adorable face he has!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought Wheaton Terrier mix, too.  He's a cutie!
    • Bronze
    Thanks everyone for your input...we believed him to be a wheaten...but not sure if his wire coat goes along with that breed..
    He has a tail...but as mentioned maybe it went un- docked?
    Will keep researching....anyone with wheaten experience...please let me know what you think...
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think Wheatens have some pretty strong personality traits that would be a dead giveaway if you knew what you were looking for. I can't remember what they were or I'd mention them, but I remember during my one interaction with one, that this was a point of discussion. Do some research focusing on that and see what you think.

    If he has a harsh coat he's not purebred almost for sure, from what I understand. The handle on a Wheaten's coat is quite soft compared to, say, a Kerry Blue, which is a close relative. Then again, puppy mill dogs can end up with all kinds of non standard traits so I'm probably better off keeping my breath to cool my porridge on that point!

    Wheatens are an accepted breed for herding! At least, in AHBA, don't know about AKC. I've seen some nice Kerry Blues and one cool little Wheaten that might have been a lot better if he hadn't been obedience trained with a shock collar to begin with, bleurgh.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: brookcove
    ...If he has a harsh coat he's not purebred almost for sure, from what I understand...

    I was going to mention that.  Thier "official" name is Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier for a reason.  [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Below is the description of the Wheatens coat from the akc website. Seeing as they say there are some faults, it seems like a wiry coat is a possibility. But not a purebred as they also say the max weight for a dog is 40 pounds.
    A distinguishing characteristic of the breed which sets the dog apart from all other terriers. An abundant single coat covering the entire body, legs and head; coat on the latter falls forward to shade the eyes. Texture soft and silky with a gentle wave. In both puppies and adolescents, the mature wavy coat is generally not yet evident. Major Faults--Woolly or harsh, crisp or cottony, curly or standaway coat; in the adult, a straight coat is also objectionable."
    • Bronze
    It appears from researching that he has some Wheaten in him...I found this picture of a soft-coated Wheaten, and seems to have some similarities [linkhttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images/softcoatwheatenterrierlay.jpg]http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images/softcoatwheatenterrierlay.jpg[/link]
    Maybe he got his coat from a german wirehaired pointer mix?
    He seems to be showing a lot of the Wheaten personality traits described in the breed..
    A side note..I've only been fostering him for 5 days, so I don't know him that well yet...but today he actually tried to bury his milkbone I gave him...lol..anyone have a dog that likes to do this also?  I had this funny image that only cartoon dogs did that!!
    Thanks for all your in put everyone...
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wheaten, or Wheaten Mix? Kinda looks like my friends Labradoodle!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think, given their current popularity, he might be more likely to be a lab x poodle or even a 'miniature labradoodle' as I've seen marketd locally recently (Lab x mini poodle *eyeroll*), which does seem to produce a wirey coat at least some fo the time. I'd love to see a photo of him wet down (side view, ideally) to get a good look at his head and body shape under all that hair. But he could also be a wheaten mix. I would doubt that he's wheaten x GWP just because one rare breed mix in a shelter dog, not TERRIBLY unusual (and wheatens aren't that rare anymore, unfortunately) but two strains credulity. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Shiva

    Below is the description of the Wheatens coat from the akc website. Seeing as they say there are some faults, it seems like a wiry coat is a possibility. But not a purebred as they also say the max weight for a dog is 40 pounds.
    A distinguishing characteristic of the breed which sets the dog apart from all other terriers. An abundant single coat covering the entire body, legs and head; coat on the latter falls forward to shade the eyes. Texture soft and silky with a gentle wave. In both puppies and adolescents, the mature wavy coat is generally not yet evident. Major Faults--Woolly or harsh, crisp or cottony, curly or standaway coat; in the adult, a straight coat is also objectionable."

    You are talking about a WELL BRED wheaten.  One of Belle's best buddies is a purebred wheaten terrier and his coat is curly.  Just because someone breeds dogs does not mean they breed CORRECT show quailty dogs.
    He might have some other breed mixed in there but my guess is Wheaten!
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: blueroom
    ...A side note..I've only been fostering him for 5 days, so I don't know him that well yet...but today he actually tried to bury his milkbone I gave him...lol..anyone have a dog that likes to do this also?  I had this funny image that only cartoon dogs did that!!...

    Yep, we had a Siberian/GSD mix that buried his milkbones all the time.  I loved watching him do that.