Purebred sheltie or not?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Purebred sheltie or not?

    This guy is at a local humane society, and I put in an application for him. They say he is a purebred sheltie, but he looks like a mix to me. He is a color headed white, so it is not the color that is wrong, the coat length and tail look wrong to me. He is 2, so he should have more coat I think, unless he was shaved. It doesn't make a difference to me, just curious.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like to me he could be papillion mix.  He's cute though.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Your right, that just isn't a sheltie tail.  Also the dog is kind of leggy to be all sheltie.  Pap or pom with be my guesses as to the mix but it looks kind of tall.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What a pretty dog.. I don't know.. could there be something like Shiba or Basenji in there ?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a mini collie to me. Maybe collie, sheltie, something else? Otherwise, how about American Eskimo, that could be where the white is from.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks sheltie x pap to me.
    Otherwise, how about American Eskimo, that could be where the white is from.

    Shelties, like collies, can come in a pattern called Color Headed White (There's actually a blue CHW in my open obedience class :-) ) so the coloration is "normal" for a sheltie.
    Cute little bugger either way :D
    • Bronze
    He looks to me to be a color headed white, with a thin coat, and a 'gay' tail that is set too high.  Does the tail curl at all - a 'gay' tail does not curl, but it is set differently.  I have had a sheltie with the high set, 'gay' tail and another with a very thin short coat that never thickened.  He looks to be purebred to me, but I can't be certain without knowing for sure if the tail curls over his back or if it is just set high.  Either way he is really cute.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He could also be a collie x sheltie cross. The coat wouldn't entirely surprise me- I've seen rough collies with that little coat at two (if you find any of my photos of Wings on here? She was almost 2 when she died, and he looks like he has about the coat she did.) Extreme gay tail could be a mix thing, or it could just be a really bad tail. He DOES remind me a litle of a sheltie  x pap that I know. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    It looks in the picture like that tail is curled up over his back like a papillon's. Plus the long-leggedness, and not quite as bushy coat-wise as I'd expect a full on Sheltie or a Sheltie/Collie to be. From the side he looks a lot like my Rascal, only with Sheltie ears.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Definitely not all Sheltie. He kind of has an American Eskimo look to me, but I'm awful at breed guessing. I'd doubt the Collie X Sheltie idea. Looks like he has something entirely different in there.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What a pretty boy!  His face looks more Collie to me than Sheltie.  At first, I was thinking Collie/Sheltie mix, but American Eskimo came to mind, too. 
    edited to correct typos.
    • Gold Top Dog
    How big is he, by the way? And good luck with your application [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I haven't actually seen him in person yet, just on petfinder, but I am hopefully going to see him tomorrow. His page gives very little info, it just says 2y/o male sheltie, purebred, neutered, housebroken. It looks, from the second picture, like he comes up to the persons knee, I'd guess 17-18 inches, big for a sheltie, but big shelties are pretty common. I plan to ask them if they are for sure that at least one parent was sheltie - it is really, really unusual to have a sheltie or mix in a shelter. Anyway, his face looks totally sheltie to me, the body/coat looks kinda border collie, and his tail looks eskie. Pretty though, huh?

    Here's a pic of a purebred color headed white I got off the internet, and the boy I'm interested in below him:


    • Gold Top Dog
    how about American Eskimo
      That was my first thought, although he certainly could just be an ill bred Sheltie.  It wasn't the color that made me think mix, it was the tail and the hindquarters.  But, whatever he is, he looks like a happy guy that would make someone a great dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought eskie x sheltie too, though I'd think he'd have more coat...
    He could just be a BYB sheltie- those can vary a lot in appearance and coat length (believe me, I have one).  My girl holds her tail all wrong too, I think it's just one of the first things that goes off.  I've seen poorly bred shelties with little to no coat, gay tails, varying from 15- 45+ lbs.  And all of them are all sheltie. 
    And just for my 2 cents, I don't think there's any papillon, but that's just me.