What are the popular breeds in your area?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs and border collies. Labs because they're popular everywhere and border collies because it's a rural area and practically every farm dog is a border collie. Plus, those farm dogs have puppies a lot and sell the pups for $50... so... yeah, lots of people own them!
    • Bronze
    There's a lot of the nordic breeds used for hunting where I live. Norwegian elkhound, finnsh hound and finnish spitz are the most common, along with some siberian huskies. But we do still have a lot of labs, goldens, german shepherds, toy breeds (bichon frisé, yorkshire, chis) and mixes of all types.
    • Silver
    In my town:
    Labs, Labs, Goldens, Labs, Labs

    And as far as the Labs go, I'd say 75% of them are black.
    • Silver
    There is a ton of Shih Tzu's here and Pyr mixes
    • Gold Top Dog
    There are *alot* of Border Collies & Border Collie mixes where I live, Labs would be the next highest.
    • Silver
    Well around here I see the majority of dogs are pitt bulls and labs.  And thats what you can expect to see when you go to the humane society too.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    In my neighborhood, in order -  Labs, Bichon Frise, Pugs, Shih Tzus and Dachshunds.  Almost all of the dogs in my neighborhood are purebred as well.  Very rarely do I see a mix, and if I do, it is purchased from a designer dog "breeder".
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs, pits, Yorkies, and terrier mixes.  I know GSDs are supposedly one of the most popular dogs, but I'm always watching for them on the street and I only know of two that I've seen in my area.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs, Boxers, Yorkies, Chis, Schnauzers, and Shih Tzus are probably the most popular around here.  I almost always have at least one Boxer in my training classes and have had many Schnauzers, a couple of Yorkies, a couple of Chis, no Shih Tzus.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    In my area (which is a up and coming area of chicago) you see tons of pits, second would be mixed breed dogs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Labs, Goldens, Beagles, Mutts.  We have a lot of Pit mixes that have been "mis-labeled", too.  GSD's, Rotts, herding & hound breeds from the south, etc.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Here, a lot of labs, but also kelpie crosses are very common, and ACDs and ACD crosses. When it comes to small dogs, lots of JRTs and Maltese mixes. Shelters are full of kelpie mixes, JRT mixes, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. You see a lot of ACD mixes as well, but you can always tell when a dog has cattle dog in it because of the speckles.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Over here, mostly Labs and Lab mixes, JRTs, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Border Collies and BC mixes and Huntaway mixes.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: SisMorphine

    In my town:
    Labs, Labs, Goldens, Labs, Labs

    Thats my town too.  Labs in every color.  There is actually a surprising number of other bird dogs (considering this is the burbs and most people are generations removed from actual hunters).  There arent many small dogs (judging only from the number of houses we walk past that have hysterical yapping coming from inside).  They seem to mostly be yorkies and schnauzers.
    • Silver
    Well... in my are wich is Uzbekistan, Tashkent right now (we moved here from Russia) so in Tashkent there are looooooooooooooooooooots of dogs but the bad side is that there are even more cats! So if you come to Tashkent (very wonderful city, only i you have money) you meet many un-breeded dogs (dogs wich don't have a breed) you find many Rottweilers, Dobermans, Staffords, Pit Bulls, CentreAsian sheepherds I'm 100% sure that you haven't heard of this breed, Neopolitain Mastiffs, German sheepherds, EasternEuropean sheepherds and more... and it's very hard to find: Labradors, Retrievers, Dolmations, Huskeys (snow dogs), Collies, Akita Inu and others...

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