Doberman Discussions

    • Silver
    Good points all. Thanks for the input. I emailed the local DRG requesting information on volunteering. This way, I can get more exposure to these dogs. This would be helpful to me as well as the rescue group. I'll keep everyone posted. Gotta go, Animal Precinct is on. [;)]
    • Puppy
    I just got a 12 week old black/rust dobie.  Does anyone know a vet in Tulsa who does a good doberman ear crop? Thanks!
    • Bronze
    I have a 7 year old Red Doberman, Scarlette, and I just love her to pieces! I will definitely have another one in the future. She is one of the best mannered dogs I've ever opposite of my 2 white Bull Terriers (aka Bull Terrors!)
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow - what a combo!  I house-sat for a friend w/Bull Terriers while she was at a show w/one of them.  MAN, that BT was one tough cookie!  Smart and funny, but she would STOMP all over me if I sat on the couch - all 60-someodd pounds of her crammed into a foot tall body.  Left bruises for weeks.  And there was no way I could grab a toy faster than her - I was afraid I'd lose a finger.  All that power and energy and smarts crammed into that short athletic body!  Made me appreciate how much easier Gracie is to manage.
    I returned to my car last night and found Gracie all curled up ontop of some old prom dresses I'd put on the front seat for their trip to Goodwill.  She may have felt like a princess, but she had mud all over her, so I scowled at her and was visibly pissed.  She was soooo upset and "apologetic".  I rarely get mad at her.  I think the BT in the same scenario would have been wearing said dresses, shredded to pieces, and ignored any displeasure from me and reveled in her own happiness. Much more independent than my Dobe.
    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: miranadobe

    I returned to my car last night and found Gracie all curled up ontop of some old prom dresses I'd put on the front seat for their trip to Goodwill.  She may have felt like a princess, but she had mud all over her, so I scowled at her and was visibly pissed.  She was soooo upset and "apologetic".  I rarely get mad at her.  I think the BT in the same scenario would have been wearing said dresses, shredded to pieces, and ignored any displeasure from me and reveled in her own happiness. Much more independent than my Dobe.

    [sm=rotfl.gif]Yep, that sounds about right!
    • Bronze
    As far as for the socialization aspect, I couldn't agree more . I've got Duffy in beginner Obedience and we've been to 4 classes so far and the difference I already see is amazing!! Our last class was a real test because we had pretty much just been walking around the outside of the room and using the Heel,Sit commands Etc. But the other night we all teamed up and would walk towards our partner and have the dog sit and stay for a few seconds. He did really well and then we started walking the perimeter again and the trainor would call out left turn and no matter where you were you turned left and walked, weaving in between the dogs and giving way to others when necessary. I was realy impressed with how well he did.
    I know i will never own another breed, the Dobe is definitely the perfect fit for me. I'm going to be taking him to Michigan in August for his CGC test. I'm really anxious to see how he takes to this!
    Talk to you later: Scott
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: cherokeekitten

    Hi, I just joined as soon as I saw this great place to talk dobie-eze! Mine is a red dobie little lady named Sturgis. I bought her from a breeder; however I consider her actually a rescue because of the circumstance under which she became available. The first time I ever saw a dobie smile was when I opened the back door to let her into the house the day I brought her home...and man, oh, man! I have been hooked ever since! She certainly has the velcro gene!  I think they are the best breed in the whole world, she is so intelligent and so funny. She lights up the room as she gallops towards me with the wonderful smile. She loves to play in the water so much that she will dump out the water bowl unto the kitchen floor to play in it..then when I walk into the kitchen she will give me this big smile. My floor gets washed alot these

    My red male , Kyzer, loves the water also. I hope you have her a kiddie pool outside where she can just "swim" and play just like a kid. My Kyzer loves his swimming pool. My female, Kassie, only drinks from it.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Prince_Pride



    DH and I researched breeds like crazy looking for a dog that would fit our lives. This breed is definately everything we could have wanted. Easy to groom, easy to train, velcro-people oriented dog. Not to mention the 'guard' factor.

    We had a DPCA breeder contacted and were setup for a puppy but then decided to look at breed rescue. I am so glad we were able to adopt an older dog. Prince is such a great dog and I don't know if we will ever purchase a puppy when there are so many other Dobes in rescue. They are such goofs! And for being a 'big mean scary' dog breed...they are the most gentle creatures. Even slightly raising your voice to them is like you are digging their heart out with a spoon. So sensitive and they just want to please - any disappointment towards them makes them want to curl up in a little ball and cry. Well at least, thats how Prince is. He's such a big baby. I have also heard there are differences between the males and females. I hope to find out when we adopt a female dobe in the future.

    I have a male and female. They are only 2 months apart in age (almost 2) My female (black and gold) is laid back and a real snuggler. She loves her cot on the back patio and most of the time sleeps on her back with her feet up in the air (anyone else's do this ??) My red male is hyper, strong  as a bull but also very loving. He loves to have his back scratched. He's always aware of just who and what is happening around him while my female could care less. She's content with a chewie. Although they are both big babies (both weigh about 85lbs.) strangers are scared to death to even come to my door. I live on a golf course and my Dobies are outside dogs, with a very fine dog mansion to live in, when I get a golf ball in the yard right at the fence no golfer wants to reach thru to get it [:)] I wonder why ? I live alone and I feel very safe with my 2 sweeties protecting me.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    My landlord and I take the dogs for walks at night and she agreed she feels totally safe out at night if my Dobe is with her.  [;)]
    • Bronze
    hey, so I have a quick question. I am thinking about getting a dog next year after I graduate. I've had a lab (wonderful) and a cocker spaniel (wouldn't do it again) in the past, and I am looking for a dog I can get to go running with me pretty much daily, play fetch, take to dog parks, etc. I will be working and away from home 8ish hours a day. I don't know much about dobermans, or whether they'd be a good fit, but I just started looking into dogs, tell me if you think it could be a good fit?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: maddie puppy

    hey, so I have a quick question. I am thinking about getting a dog next year after I graduate. I've had a lab (wonderful) and a cocker spaniel (wouldn't do it again) in the past, and I am looking for a dog I can get to go running with me pretty much daily, play fetch, take to dog parks, etc. I will be working and away from home 8ish hours a day. I don't know much about dobermans, or whether they'd be a good fit, but I just started looking into dogs, tell me if you think it could be a good fit?

    If you have a yard for your Dobie I would highly recommend a Doberman. Keep in mind that they are usually fairly large, VERY strong, smart and some (like my red male) are very active. If you are going to leave him/her in a house or an apartment all day I wouldn't recommend this breed.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say wait before getting a Dobe.  You need to see what your schedule is really going to be like after you graduate (from college, I presume).  You may find that perfect job is actually a 40 minute commute from home, you're dead tired by the time you get home, and that poking Dobe nose insisting you get up every 5 minutes to DO something with him/her may not fit.  At the very least, don't get a puppy - they require much more time at home than folks expect.
    For anyone looking at Dobes for the first time, I think it's best to start by asking yourself what you want and expect from your dog.  Ask yourself what would work, and what would be a deal-breaker.  (Ok, you want a running, playtime ;partner, but what DON'T you want.)  How much time do you have for grooming, exercise, etc and factor in the expenses (some breeds really do end up costing more over their lifetime with propensities toward certain diseases and conditions.)  How willing are you to deal with behavior issues - and they crop up pretty easily in this breed?  If you decide you're up to the challenge, do you have easy access to a good trainer/behaviorists in your area?  How permanent is your living situation?  Would a dog need to adjust to possible changes in home, family members (ie, new husband/wife, new baby (or 2) during his/her lifetime?  Once you've really looked at it from that perspective, you may discover there are some things you really NEED to have out of your new dog relationship, whatever the breed choices.  If a Dobe is one you're considering and you have no experience with them, I highly recommend volunteering at a reputable Dobe rescue (as mentioned earlier) that will spend time answering your questions about the breed and may allow hands-on experience.  If you do your part to earnestly research the breed, the adoption coordinator may become a good counselor to help you determine if the Dobe is right for you.  Once you determine that it is, you couldn't ask for a more amazing bond and relationship!!  [:D][:D]
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Fellow Doberman owners might appreciate this poem that appeared in the Doberman Rescue Unlimited Summer '06 newsletter, credit/author unknown. 
    Lend me a Pup
    I will lend to you for a while a Doberman pup, God said
    For you to love him while he lives and mourn him when he's dead.
    Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three
    But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me?
    He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,
    You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief.
    I cannot promise he will stay, since all from Earth return,
    But there are lessons taught below I want this pup to learn.
    I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true,
    And from the folk that crowds life's land, I have chosen you.
    Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain,
    Nor hate me when I come to take my Dobie back again?
    I fancied that I heard them say "Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done,"
    For all the joys this Dobe will bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
    We'll shelter him with tenderness; we'll love him while we may,
    And for the happiness we have known, forever grateful stay.
    But should you call him back much sooner than we've planned,
    We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.
    If, by our love, we've managed your wishes to achieve,
    The memory of him and his love will help us while we grieve.
    When our faithful bundle departs this world of strife
    We'll have yet another Doberman and love him all his life.
    • Gold Top Dog
    [:(] I'm starting to tear up at work....that poem totally pulls at my heartstrings and makes me wonder how our lives will be once Prince is gone. I really hope it is not for awhile but knowing nothing of his pedigree it could be cardio tomorrow or wobblers in a few years.....[:(][:(][:(]
    The whole health issues of Dobermans really puts in perspective why people should breed for health and not for money. Every thread I am reading about doodles or responsible breeding or designer mutts....just makes me sick. I think about how many purebred Dobermans are being brought into this world by Joe Schmo who cares nothing about irradicating certain diseases and only about money in his pocketbook. I can't even imagine the type of people who purposely breed 'designer mutts' with no regards to health!!!!! [:@]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Heya. I have a friend who is looking for a good dog to be an outside dog to gaurd her 20 or so acres and to go with her oldest daugter when she wants to go on walks. From what I've heard of this breed it seems good, except that my friend has 6 children from 3 to 14 and one on the way so I'm not sure how a doberman would do with the kids since I have only had expirance with one or two (they were good with kids.) Can you please give you opinion on whether or not this would be a good breed for someone in her situaton. Thanks :)