Doberman Discussions

    • Gold Top Dog
    Dobermans may be excellent guard dogs but they are NOT outside dogs!! They need to be inside dogs, close to their people. They are not equipped to handle the outside elements. They have extremely short coats and cannot handle temperature extremes. They are too dependent on human companionship to live a fullfilling life as a "guard" dog. An undersocialized Doberman who does not have alot of experience with people could turn into an untrained nightmare. They need OVER socialization as a puppy to make sure that they are not too overprotective and/or vicious. If raised from puppyhood they are great with kids inside the home. They are a great family dog if given the propper socialization, training, and exercise. This is not a good breed to just leave outside in the yard or wherever.
    Please have your friend do some research on this breed before she goes out to get a dog. These are not dogs you can just leave to their own devices. This is NOT a breed for a first time owner who just expects it to live outside with minimal interaction. They are called "velcro" dogs for a reason. They NEED human companionship and guidance. They are big overprotective babies....not the fierce independent dogs you see them portrayed as.
    [link][/link]  (lots of links and information on the breed)
    And please please please please research breeders!! Do not buy from a petstore or from ads in the newspapers. There are so many health problems in this breed a good, responsible, reputable breeder is necessary! Or try Dobe rescue.
    • Gold Top Dog
    We live in a very moderate climate (Last winter I think the lowest it got was just above freezing, lol. And they home school, so they are home all the time, but I guess if they do like to be with their humans all the time then it wouldn't be good. (Though with that many kids, one is bound to be outside at any given time, lol)
    They had raised German shepherds, for a while, so they do have experience but they don't want a dog with a lot af hair for quite a few reasons.
    I am absolutely sure they will research whatever dog they get a lot, and the breeder.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Dobes are high maintainance dogs during puppy and teenage years.  They are NOT good outside dogs.  Left alone outside they will get into more trouble than you can possiblly imagine.  Now if you want to change that around and have a dog that is where family is, whole 'nuther story.  Dobes do take considerable time and effort in training and socialization; that means taking them lots of places for new experiences and situations 2-3 times per week as puppies and at least a couple of times a month once they are adults.  Dobes need that experience to help build discretion. 
    Also, dobes have HIGH prey drive which means running and chasing playing kids is a HUGE temptation for a young dog.  Now they may have no ill intent what so ever, but dobes love to body slam.  Kids are gonna end up on the ground. 
    Spent 25+ years in dobes, great dogs but they need really dedicated people.  GSD experience does not really prepare you for a dobe.  GSDs typically say "yes and what else would you like me to do"  Dobes are just as likely to say, "yeah in a minute", or "no, not right now thank you". 
    • Bronze
    Just found this forum!  I love seeing everyone's pictures! 
    Here are my 2 Dobes:


    And here is Gunner:


    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks guys :) That is what I needed to know.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Awww!  I love seeing beautiful pics of well-loved Dobes!  Will have to get more on my computer... I'm so behind the times!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Some may believe that Dobermans only need to live indoors. I happen to disagree. My 2 live outside and absolutely LOVE being free to run and play rough (and they do that alot) any time they feel like it. Body slamming is something my red male does alot...he's very active and very strong. Both of mine are almost 2 years old so they have unlimited energy to burn all day every day. To keep them cooped up inside would be cruel for my 2. They have interaction with humans every single day and for hours at a time. Mine swim every day in their kiddie pool and not just when I want to let them out to do it (if they lived indoors) but when and if they want to. They have a nice big dog mansion to get out of the elements. Kyzer and Kassie are absolutely beautiful with shiney coats and huge strong bones. I feed Innova dry and canned. They are well behaved, very smart and most importantly, very happy dogs. I can't imagine them having to live inside my house. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Duffy

    I agree that a puppy may not be what you are looking for and also agree that a rescue could be a great consideration. As stated above the good rescues know their dogs and the ones that will best suit your lifestyle and experience. I have a great rescue dobe and he's got natural ears, Do I have a preference? I guess when you interact with a certain dog the personality usually shines through, in this case he had natural ears but if he would've had cropped ears he still would've been the one I brought home to be part of my family.
    Here's a pic. of Duffy.


    That dog is GORGEOUS.
    We will own a dobe one day, just not now.  I'm thinking after I get my first dog and we have it for a year or so, and my children get a little older.  We'll most likely rescue.  But we will get a dobe, my fiance grew up having dobes all his life and our first dog is my pick and the second dog is his pick and I think he'd like a dobe.
    But I like that coloring.  That's beautiful.   Is that a red dobe?  Is that what it's called?
    • Bronze
    Thanks so much, Very nice comments!
    Yes he's a Red Dobe, he's 13 Months old and he's just an all around great dog. I too grew up around dobes and to me they are the perfect fit for us and I know I'll never have any other breed.
    Talk to you later: Scott
    • Puppy
    Nope, you are not the only Doberman enthusiast!!!  I love my girl.  She can be a handful but she keeps me laughing!  Here is a picture of her.  She is 15 months old and her name is Keyra.  I also have an Amstaffy who is 11 months old and her name is Abby.  Nice to meet you all.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Aww!  A couple of cuties!!! 
    Has anyone else noticed that this thread has made it to 5 pages?!  I guess there are many Doberman enthusiasts!!  Love those Doberkids!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow...5 pages...there are alot of people who love their Dobes!!! [:D]
    I'm hoping to double my pleasure in the next 6months.....[;)]
    • Puppy
    Prince_Pride:  Where at in SE Michigan are you located?  I live in the Flint area of Michigan. 
    For all:  I stumbled across another forum once that is doberman related.  It is on and you have to do a search for doberman and it brings up all of these links for dobe conversation.  Some of the forums you have to apply for membership but it is easy.   Maybe I will see some of you in there also.[:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am actually about 25min east of Flint. I am also on the Network54 Doberman board as well. I haven't posted their in awhile though, and I think I use a different username, magikal_dragon
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    I just got a pic of Gracie's littermate brother, Cobalt, so named because he was the only blue dog in the litter.  I thought I'd share with all our Dobe friends...[:)]