Your Favourite Breed

    • Puppy
    My all time favorite breed is the poodle,I have had all three sizes. I also have and love a Powderpuff Chinese Crested. I tend to like small dogs best,,but that is just because I am getting older and the small dogs are easier for me. My favorite large dog is a Doberman, I had one that lived to be 14, she was wonderful and if I ever get a big dog again that is what it would be. My next dog will probably be a toy poodle ( I have a oversized Mini now) or another powderpuff. I am also getting very fond of Chihuahuas, I bathe several in the shop I work in and they are so cute and so easy to keep up.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh boy to pick one....well I think I would say my current dog is my breed favorite.  Shih Tzu, are the ultimate companion dog they love to be with their owners and they do not require a lot of exercise.  I love their temperment, how he acts royal...there is something about a Shih Tzu.
    Harley does get regular exercise to keep him in shape.
    Look below for a hard to resist face!  He is just to cute!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Mine is the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever:

    I seriously love absolutely everything about the breed, but if I had to choose some specifics, it would be the following:

    - Their zest for life
    - Trainability and intelligence
    - Overall appearance (size, colour, coat, etc.)
    - Sociability level (friendly, but not "I just met you and you're my best friend" friendly - they're more reserved)
    - Good problem solvers
    - Entertaining/funny
    - High energy/activity level
    - Enthusiastic
    - Their ability to do almost anything asked of them
    • Gold Top Dog
    i ABSOLUTLY love my beagle. she is hilarious, stubborn, super smart, the most expressive dogs ive ever seen. shes super lazy in the house, but get her out for a hike and she will go for hours on end. and man does she cuddle. i like a dog with a bit of spunk, one that gets into some trouble occassionally, and looks so cute doing it.
    other breeds i love are rottweilers ( im getting one soon actually!), bernese mountain dogs, newfoundlands, and english staffordshire terriers (unfortunatly they are banned where i live, so unless i move or the ban gets lifted i will not be owning one).
    • Gold Top Dog
    My favorite breed is Siberian Husky. Here's a pic from petfinder from a rescue org local to me.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Protective, alert, aloof, sweet, hunter, puller, couch potato, clean, well behaved and true blue.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Definitely Shih Tzu!! I love their laid back, calm, yet playful personalities. I like that they're slightly independent, but still very loving. Friendly to other animals and people, small but sturdy, ADORABLE little Ewok faces, they come in a rainbow of colors, they don't shed... I could go on for days about Tzus! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    German Shepherds, beauty, in my opinion the smartest dogs.....then Siberian Huskies, number one when it comes to beauty.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I LOVE PIT BULLS!!!!!! Neapolitan Mastiffs come in second, and Labs in third.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I adore American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers. I love the short, smooth, shiny fur. The goofy personalities. The unending love. The beautiful smiles. Their ability to lick even strangers to death. I don't see myself with any other breed any time soon. I do like Boxers but I don't find myself as drawn to them as much as pitties.
    my sons with Tyson

    • Gold Top Dog
    ^Tyson is adorable!! sooo cute! [:D]
    • Bronze
    My favourite breed is the Yorkshire Terrier.
    My Daisey is loving and loves cuddles and snuggles. I love the fact that she thinks she is a great dane and will bark at any dog including big GS police dogs! She will protect me no matter what, but then I do her. The picture on my profile is Daisey when she was a pup but she is still as cute and addorable today.
    • Gold Top Dog
    is this a list for breeds we'd like to own, have owned, or just dig the looks and/or personality?

    i like and love all breeds for different reasons, but of all the dogs i've owned my top three are dobies, american bulldogs, and terriers (pick one lol)  following that is german shepherds, collies, coon hounds (that is... those are the breeds i've owned and had experience with)

    some that i would LIKE to own are
    sight hounds - too many to name only one that i like...
    german short haired pointer, and maybe even the wire haired kind
    blood hound
    neapolitan mastiff
    and Boxer... i've always wanted a dark brindle boxer with white face and feet.....
    • Gold Top Dog
    Though I've loved each individual dog I own and have owned, my favorite breed as a whole is the papillon, hands down.  You just can't beat them.
    They're brilliant, they're affectionate, easy to train, beautiful, athletic, and I could go on and on and on.  They're high energy, very athletic... They excel in obedience, agility, among all sorts of other sports.  They're small and compact.  Easy to travel with.  They want to be with you all the time and their greatest desire is to please their owners.  They are dogs that love everyone, not just one person.  They are clowns as well, with really quirky senses of humor.  They have long hair, but it's pretty easy to maintain.  they are big dogs in little packages- the border collies of the toy group as they're always called.
    • Bronze
    Siberian Husky.