Your Favourite Breed

    • Silver

    Your Favourite Breed

    Hello here you can tell us all about your favourite breed and why you love that breed!!

    I'll start, I love Terriers because I like smaller dogs like mediumish and my terrier toffee is just a darling
    I think terriers have the cutest hair!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is the first time I've owned an aussie but I'm quickly falling in love with the breed. I will probably forever be an aussie owner from now on.
    They are:
    High energy - able to go all day and then some
    sturdy, all weather dog - (although my pup is a bit of a drama queen if he gets hurt)
    friendly - loves everyone of all shapes, colors and sizes
    easily trainable
    will work out problems on their own
    incredibly loyal
    funny - my pup makes me laugh constantly
    Bonus - they come in all sizes and colors.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hello here you can tell us all about your favourite breed and why you love that breed!!

    It used to be Belgian Malinois with German Shepherd a very close second, but I think the German Shepherd has taken over first place because that's the breed I'm getting, so I've been doing a lot more research focused on GSDs.

    Why do I love them?  Basically, there's nothing I don't love about them.  I love dogs with big prick ears, the bigger the better.  I love shorter coats in dark varieties (I love blanket black and really dark sable GSDs).  I love their shape and their gait.  I prefer the East German or Czech styles, but really I love them all.  They are the perfect height and size for me.  I love their intelligence, loyalty, focus, versatility, and desire to be a velcro dog.

    This is everything I love and want in a dog!

    • Gold Top Dog
    My favorite breed is the Shetland Sheepdog, of course. Personality wise, I love that they are smart and easy to train, loyal, gentle and funny. Their size is perfect for me. I generally prefer smaller dogs, but Shelties are not so small that I have to worry about my children accidentally injuring them. Looks wise, I like long coated breeds, and sheltie coats are beautiful. I also love their sweet faces.
    Australian Shepherds are a close second. The main drawback for me is their larger size.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Jewlieee

    This is the first time I've owned an aussie but I'm quickly falling in love with the breed. I will probably forever be an aussie owner from now on.

    They are:
    High energy - able to go all day and then some
    sturdy, all weather dog - (although my pup is a bit of a drama queen if he gets hurt)
    friendly - loves everyone of all shapes, colors and sizes
    easily trainable
    will work out problems on their own
    incredibly loyal
    funny - my pup makes me laugh constantly

    Bonus - they come in all sizes and colors.

    Can I just copy your post Jewlieee?

    I also love pit bulls because they are such lovers. The nicest dogs on the planet with people, and the best smiles - they just radiate their happiness with that big bully grin!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Belgian Malinois and Dutch shepherds....I help protection train dogs, and they are BEAUTIFUL in ringsport!

    Ringsport and schutzund
    nice tempermant (for what I look for in a protection dog)

    BORDER COLLIES!!!! Considering I have one...
    Put 100 percent into you
    high trainablity
    love people and other dogs (of at least the well trained and socialized ones)
    love to cuddle after a long day

    same as the above.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Pharaoh Hounds, but I love all sighthounds.

    Why?  Because they are intelligent, independent, stubborn.  They are always trying to outsmart you, out-think you, and outdo you.  They have a very silly sense of humor and love to make you laugh.  (The bitches are a bit more serious but will still be silly-though you better not tell anyone because they'll deny it!)  I also love how they are very discerning with their approval of strangers.  They prefer to ignore most people which makes their love and affection even more special.

    I love how they move, how they can be so incredibly focused when hunting.  And to watch them run is see poetry in motion-it's one of the most beautiful events ever.

    In my opinion, watching a sighthound coursing or chasing prey is the epitome of life, embracing the moment.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love pit bulls!  They are so lovable and they are great with children!  I also love that pitty smile!  These dogs are the best dogs.  My two LOVE my daughter.  She can do anything she wants to them and they are cool with it!  They are also great gaurd dogs, they let me know if someone approaches my house!  They love to snuggle and give kisses, even when you don't want them to kiss you!  You couldn't ask for a better companion!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love sighthounds too. All of them. But I think my true love is italian greyhounds. They have such quirky personalities and are total love-aholics and are extremely intelligent even though they have a 'what's-in-it-for-me' attitude. I've read that they are one of the most loyal breeds of dogs. Mine won't let anyone else take him for a walk without putting up a bit of a spectacle first, and he's not insecure, he just doesn't like to leave me alone. I adore that he sleeps under the covers curled up next to me all night, another iggy trait. I could gush forever about him, but I already do that enough on another forum so I will spare all of you all the anguish of a rambling post!
    So iggies first. Then deerhounds, but I've never owned one so I'm not sure if I would like them beyond asthetics.
    • Bronze
    Im biased towards boxers because I have one now and I had one before this one. However, I really like all the large powerful breeds such as the Doberman, Rottweiler, GSD, and most Mastifts such as the Brazilian, African Bourbel, Cane Corso, BullMastiff, etc.

    For some reason I dont like the way Pitbulls look... its not that I'm scared of them or think they are bad dogs (thats just bogus) but I just dont like them as much as the other breeds I mentioned.

    One thing I took in mind when choosing to get a boxer was that my dog would be an inside dog so I didnt want a big hairy companion such as a GSD or Rottweiler. I might be getting another Dog and I'm torn between getting another Boxer a Doberman or a Rottweiler. I just love them all LOL.
    • Gold Top Dog

    For some reason I dont like the way Pitbulls look... its not that I'm scared of them or think they are bad dogs (thats just bogus) but I just dont like them as much as the other breeds I mentioned.

    Awwww come one now!  How can you not like the look of a pitty?!?!?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I am digging my border collie, but some of the things I like about her are definitely not breed standard, she is shockingly calm and laid back for a BC.  She is happy with one or two decent walk/hikes a day and a little playtime.  And she pretty much falls over dead tired at the end of the day.   So I just dont know if I want to take a risk and get one of those souped up models closer to the breed standard.  What I do like about her is how much she likes to work with me and is my companion.  My last dog was much more independant  (loving but didnt listen worth a darn). 
    So my next dog I think about all the time and range from wanting a great pyrannese to a corgi to greyhound.  I guess I dont really have a favorite breed.  lol
    • Gold Top Dog
    Aussies are definately my breed of choice (though my 1st is only 9 months old, I admit). He's brilliant & wants to be right next to me everywhere I go at all times. He's uber-enthusiastic about everything from ;passing butterflies to trips to the vet to rainy days. (Even the day he came home from getting fixed, he wanted to play!--We had to make him lay down!) You can just see the intelligence in his eyes the way he watches you so intently when you talk to him. I also like that Aussies tend to be wary of strangers & somewhat protective, but they don't look as intimidating as some of the other breeds. & just being petty, I love longer haired dogs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a couple favorite breeds, it's hard to pick just one.  The only little dog I really like is the Papillon.  They're animated and fun.  Plus, they seem to act more like big dogs than little one.  Mine can go all day, and isn't at all afraid of  facing the elements.
    I also really like Golden Retrievers.  To me they are the world's perfect family dog.  I grew up with them and look forward to getting my own in the future.  They're so good natured.  Kids can crawl all over them and that tail is still going crazy.
    German Shepherds are another breed I like.  I've never had one, but I've interacted with quite a few and done a lot of reading on them.  They are so smart and seem to be a dog you could do just about anything with.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well of course my favorite breed is the Irish Setter. Often times I read articles which say that IS have highstrung temperaments but the ones I've had and have now are not like that at all. They do require lots of exercise and have energy to burn but they are dogs after all. Temperament is great! They are generally very friendly, playful, yet well-mannered dogs when trained. One thing that is not so great is they are so stubborn so it is a bit more difficult training the "come" command and in general working with them can be a little more frustrating than working with other breeds. Most of the IS I have had are good watch dogs as well. Cadie will bark and growl at strangers especially during the night time and knows the word "protect". Well I better stop going on and on but Irish Setters are fantastic dogs who are friendly, very loyal, loving, protective (of the family), and obedient if given the time and patience.
    Other breeds I like are Golden Retrievers, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Newfoundlands, Border Terriers (I'm not a big one for terriers but I like these), German Shepherds, Irish Wolfhounds, Austrlian Shepherds, and more.